You're pretty ignorant on the subject for a guy claiming to have a degree in biology. Not to mention that the "argument from authority" is a sign of failure.
Are you telling me that I'm wrong? That the optimum carbon dioxide level for plants is not above 1000ppm.
It's a simple question - am I wrong or am I right?
I have no idea. Nor do I overly care, as I'm not a botanist. I haven't refuted that figure nor will I.
But what you've done is claim one piece of information, without context, as the basis for your whole emotive little tanty.
Let's accept your figure. How is it affected by, say, tree numbers? You yourself I believe mentioned deforestation earlier... If there is more carbon and fewer trees, how does that affect the equation?
What about grasses and whatnot? Does severely reduced acreage affect the ideal figure?
What about everything that
isn't a tree? How does excess carbon affect them? What's the ideal number for a hummingbird, or a bell frog, or a human?
Is it carbon pollution if it, theoretically of course, reaches a level where mammals can't breathe? Is it only not pollution when it suits your little love affair with the plants?
You will note I haven't alleged you are wrong or right on the subject of climate change, BTW. But your assertions so far have been as ludicrous as suggesting there are 64 trillion genders or whatever.
Let go of the plant obsession and actually look at the systems
as a whole