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Our songs and chants are getting shorter each year


Bretty morris, bretty morris repeat (to tune of dragon army, dragon army) would be sweet to sing after every time he scores a try.

I agree with all of DR's post, but how much would it suck to be the guys standing there facing the cove the whole time.


P.S: My last comment on this discussion

The way forward doesn't require a leader or a general, or anything too different from what is done today. The issue is the gaps that are left between pockets of people, and those gaps get infiltrated by people who are not commited to the cause. Even if it starts out with 30 of the most committed singers, those 30 need to be shoulder to shoulder, and sing as one. The other key to the best groups out there is that they are not so much of a family thing - now this is the difference about the dragon army, however those with small children or the ones that enjoy being apart of the army but not always the most involved with the singing and carry on need to take spots in front or to the edges, and leave the standing group to be togther, and focus on the chants, rather than those who can't see because they sat behind them.

If you choose to sit or associate with the army, you need to be fully involved, or take a spot outside of the main crowd and enjoy being a part of it that way.

Once the core group consistenly get it right, it will spread like wildfire, and the more that get in with the core group, the easier it will be to get everyone singing the same chant as the volume will cover more ground.

It's not rocket science, but a small shift in the setting up would make a huge difference, and hills are even more unforgiving for spreading out.

I'm in the stands for the Kogarah games, but I will be at the away games with you all, and I hope everything keeps going good for the remainder of this season.


Yeh, both times I went down to WIN I asked people did they wanna move down to sit infront of me, because I would be standing up.

Get a lot of people sitting where we stand, and then get random people in the army who don't want to be there.


Im sure we can strive to become like the cove in the future, however i just dont think the numbers we currently have would work. We need to strive to grow in permanent numbers. Not people that show up when we are winning or people who only go to Kogarah or people who only go to the gong. We need a group of people who come to every game for something like that to work.

Like macca said. If the core people all stand together and start the chants, everyone will follow suit.


My take on the whole cove thing is as follows: Mrs SerbDragon is an A League nut, im a league tragic. i go to her games to keep her happy, imo the reason they are able to sing the whole game is A League is boring as sh*t, and it fills the void. League is a suspenseful game, and its hard to sing when one is in suspense. This is strictly my opinion of course.

Steel Dragon

League is a suspenseful game, and its hard to sing when one is in suspense. This is strictly my opinion of course.


I must admit that if theres a break made and we're in the middle of a chant, I tend to get distracted and trail off.

I'll have a think about some new chants though. We could use something fresh

The Major

Plus dont forget that for both our home grounds we sit on a hill and the acoustics are sh*thouse. More often then not when the feedback comes in from what has been labelled a "great army and heaps of chanting" etc tends to be at grounds where we are inside a seated stadium, deep in a bay with plenty of surrounds to amplify the sound of the chanting/singing. People who are a few rows away from the initial section starting the chant hear it at a stadium, it sounds like hundreds are into it and they get amongst it as the sound practically envelopes them. However at the hills where we stand, you could be 2m away and the sound dissapates before it even gets to you and people tend to think, why bother.

The Major

Im sure we can strive to become like the cove in the future, however i just dont think the numbers we currently have would work. We need to strive to grow in permanent numbers. Not people that show up when we are winning or people who only go to Kogarah or people who only go to the gong. We need a group of people who come to every game for something like that to work.

Like macca said. If the core people all stand together and start the chants, everyone will follow suit.

We keep our Armys momentum going the way it is and for sure we can get things to that magnitude.


P.S- The guys who have been in the army longer need to stand up and lead by example.

If we want everyone to follow suit we need to lead the chant and KEEP IT GOING.

You might have someone to help with this returning shortly on a permanent basis.



The Major

Thought i'd bring this link across from the main forum with the players singing Oh When the Saints"....

I think in reference to the issues with this thread, i think we could take a page out of the players book and incorporate the two extra verses into the chant we do as supporters.

Verse 1. Oh When the Saints Go Marching In.......

Verse 2. Oh When the Saints Begin to Play......

Verse 3. Oh When the Saints Begin to Shine....

With this probably being our signature chant, adding these extra parts would for the least part, see that we keep the singing going for an extended period of time instead of the one or two repeats which tends to happen a bit and fizzle out before it gets a real chance to fire up.

Would you agree?