Personally I wasn't impressed at all. One nice kick for Stewart's try, but I noticed him slacking off in defense several times and wasn't at all impressed by that - especially considering Monas's consistent effort in defense.
Other than that, he kicked out on the full once (twice?), his goal kicking was attrocious and noone read his hard inside balls (Choc lost the plot and a heap of possession).
Bottom line is Orford had a very average game, and it looks like it is going to take a while for him to gel with the rest of the team, but on top of that his forwards didnt dominate either which didnt help him at all. I find it hard to believe that BK, Beaver and Choc will all play that badly every week, so I expect Orford to lift as well.
Bell on the otherhand was insanely good with the ball in hand - there is no possible way he deserved to break the line for his second try, cannot stress enough how good it was to see a manly centre with line-breaking ability! He and Hicks let in a few tries, so they'll have to work on their communication, but Ball in hand - wow! Now if he can play a game that isn't being played in near darkness then he can get the ball to his winger as well...