Slugs said:
ozzie said:
- SLUS he's on the market you guys should get five years time :lol: :lol: :lol:
Geeze Ozzie
You are living in denial !!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Didn't you see Fittlers left arm dangling in the wind. He was tackling Alfie Langer style to compensate. It was even commented on by the broadcasters on Foxtel.
He is in all sorts of trouble..believe me.
All it is going to take is a good shot from an opposition player on the injured shoulder and he wil be gooooooooorne and so will your aspirations of a Grand Final win !!!
If you saw NRL on FOX last week you would have seen Sheens commenting about Daley who carried a shoulder thru the 1990 finals, tackling with 1 shoulder. Canberra still won that year, and Daley even went on the Roo tour with it.
Also if you saw Freddy on FOX sport news last nite he said playing Canberra showed him how far he could push the shoulder. He said he had never hurt his shoulder before and until last week didnt think he could push it much further. He realised during that game it cant get any worse and he feels over the mental battle now.
If you watched the WHOLE game and saw him put Davico on his ass, you wouldnt have opened your mouth at all.
What qualifies your salggish slur anyway??
When were Sloths last in a finals campaign??
Who was Sloths last playmaker??
Your footy knowledge is astounding.
Believe Slaggit, you were joking, right?????
BTW its "your aspirations of ANOTHER Grand Final win !!!"
:lol: :lol: