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Phil Gould's ramblings last night


Did anyone see Phil Gould's blasting of everyone and anyone at the NRL during last night's telecast?

Clearly flustered by what he construed from referee Tim Mander's interpretations of the play-the-ball, Gould launched a tempestuous invective against referees, the referees boss, the NRL and anyone else who dared to get in his way. Andrew Voss and Sterling were quite surprised at how fired up Gould got - but the question is...why?

Gould decided that the three penalties given for holding the Raiders for too long last night by the Storm were because of a head-lock. Yet replays indicate that Mander's consistent attitude to them were that they were in fact penalties for holding down the player too long. If Gould cared to listen to the tape he would realise that even when asked by Storm captain, Kearney what the difference was between holding a player down and a headlock - Mander's response was: nothing, there is no difference.

If Mander decided that they were holding on too long then he is quite justified in giving a penalty. What Phil Gould has done is seen a patch of play, decided to apply his own interpretation on the reasons for the penalties, and flown off the metaphorical handle at anyone who dared to listen.

What Phil Gould represents is an outspoken, often arrogant individual who refuses to believe his opinions are wrong. While reasoned criticism of referees is justified, what Gould did and said last night was inappropriate - especially given he was on television.

Gould must learn to keep his anger and uncontrolled opinions in check if he wants to keep his television spot. His role on the Ch 9 post-match broadcast should be to provide insightful comment from a former player/coach perspective - he should be able to control himself - last night, like he often does, he let his emotions get the better of him.

We will see Gould come out and bag everyone associated with referees this week - he has columns, airtime etc, and will continue to expectorate this nonsense. Meanwhile he loses more and more people to his cause - he isn't promoting the game, he is killing it in my humble opinion.


I think you are being too kind to old mud guts gould!

His performance last night was down right embaressing and made me wonder if he infact is a great knowledge of the game afterall.

Mander said... twice, that the penalties were for holding in the play the ball... nothing more.

I dont even think that Gould saw the replays because it was so obvious.

Did you see Sterlo whilst the new raging bull was going on? He was downright embarressed by the situation. I think Voss pissed his pants too!

I was horrible television thats for sure, and i hope it isnt repeated. I just sat there dumbfounded.

Your a dead set goose Gould. Pull your head in.


Horrible Television - absolutely correct.

Even harsh post-match callers on radio are often more reasoned and knowledgable than Phil Gould was last night.

You're right about the other two - they looked very uncomfortable sitting next to Gould as he made a clown of himself. The thing is that just seconds before they had showed the replay of the penalties and Mander is heard each time saying it was for holding the player down.

Mander's logic is (and quite correctly) that it doesn't matter if you're holding onto their head, chest, legs, toes - you could be holding anything (use your imagination) and still be penalised if it was slowing the play-the-ball.

Gould must have had his ears blocked or something - even my three-year-old niece has the decency to listen to logic and not block her ears and pretend that she didn't hear what was said.

It made for poor television - I wonder what Mr Packer will think, especially when people who don't understand the game are watching the match and thinking "who is this fruitcake".

You could almost see the spots of spit landing on the camera lens.


Untill that petulant broadside last night I actually didnt mind Gould.
From what I heard he was the only one who used the term "headlock".
You were very diplomatic in your appraisal Chook, in truth he behaved like right f-ing tosser and embarressed the crap out of his colleagues who would be in their rights to refuse to work with him again.
I thought Mander went well overall last night. I dont mind him at all.


I totally agree with everything you guys have said.

I was going to come on here and put a topic up about it myself.

Gould was a joke last night and is half the time when he commentates, he just loses the plot and forgets what he is talking about. It sh!ts me to tears :evil: :evil:


Get off yourself Gould.

I for one think that the penalties were fair, I mean is it good, fair football to put people in a headlock to prevent them from playing the ball?

My opinion is offcourse it isn’t, it is wrong to do it.

I know Gould's point was that it hadn’t been penalised all year but I find that very hard to believe.

Good on Matt Elliot for having enough brains to request the league to do something about it.......

A tip to the referees, if you think Melbourne are bad at it, wait until you watch the Canterbury v Warriors game tonight. It will be more like reco-roman wrestling. I hope both sides get blasted for it.

On the flip sides, I hate this crackdown nonsense the NRL goes on with. How about refereeing the rulebook, week in and week out. And if you change the way referees are going to view an incident, then document it and place it in the rulebook. I do agree with Gould in one respect, the Administration and enforcement of rules in the NRL needs a new breed of Administrators to run it. I mean Annesly and Finch are they qualified to write, present and control NRL policies and rules? I don’t think they are, so why have they got them doing it.

Go and download the rulebook from NRL.com. You wont find anything about dominant tackles, but you will find a rule that deals with voluntary tackles. It is a stupid adhoc system that requires a complete review and repair.

I was quite pleased earlier this year to have the official NRL rules until I read them and realised that a year 4 Student could have written it on the basis of some brief observations made about the game.

I threw it in the garbage where it belongs.

I just wish Gould would pick his moments better. He has a history of nasty temper tantrums.


His comments in last nights game were unbearable to say the least, it's been said before he shouldn't commentate Roosters games, and last nights efforts only served to strengthen that theory, he was bloody sickening, I've heard people complain about Sterlo favouring us during games but Potato Head leaves him for dead when it comes to Rooster games..


mrford61 said:
You were very diplomatic in your appraisal Chook, in truth he behaved like right f-ing tosser and embarressed the crap out of his colleagues who would be in their rights to refuse to work with him again.

Diplomacy is my middle name - but don't let that hide how frustrated I am about Phil Gould's antics, and his commentary for that matter. He may be knowledgable in coaching, but his commentary and temperament leaves a lot to be desired - this is the same man that tipped the Panthers as wooden-spooners this year - great call Phil :!:

On the flip sides, I hate this crackdown nonsense the NRL goes on with. How about refereeing the rulebook, week in and week out. And if you change the way referees are going to view an incident, then document it and place it in the rulebook. I do agree with Gould in one respect, the Administration and enforcement of rules in the NRL needs a new breed of Administrators to run it. I mean Annesly and Finch are they qualified to write, present and control NRL policies and rules? I don’t think they are, so why have they got them doing it.

Go and download the rulebook from NRL.com. You wont find anything about dominant tackles, but you will find a rule that deals with voluntary tackles. It is a stupid adhoc system that requires a complete review and repair.

Well crackdowns are actually begun at the start of the season - but often don't take into account new tactics formed during the season. I've mentioned it elsewhere, but the referees boss/association issues a video each season before any games are played. It shows incorrect and correct ways to play - i.e. a double movement, and an acceptable try etc.

This video is changed each year based on the information and guidance that is set down from whoevers in charge - if they decide that they'll invent a concept of 'dominant tackles' then it is all in the video apparently. Coaches get this video, and if a debatable decision or interpretation is encountered during the year, the referees boss will refer the coaches back to the video for the standard interpretation being used for the season.

The fact it isn't in the NRL rulebook does not mean the new interpretation doesn't exist - these things change on a season-by-season basis I believe, but if there are crackdowns then they wouldn't be contrary to any new interpretations announced at the beginning of the year. The media tend to jump onto anything they don't understand and label it a 'new interpretation' or a 'crackdown' - anyone can throw these terms around willy-nilly. The fact is that they don't know what they're talking about.

Voice of Reason

That was nothing more than a self-centred, contrived and calculated act by Gould to address the ever-growing opinion throughout the league that he is a puppet and highly influential policy driver at the NRL. It is a very widely held belief ( and I for one believe it to be true), that Gould and his money men (the P's) control policy of the league. Goulds outburst was nothing more than him trying to "show" us that he is a critic of the league (NOT). ANY negative comment he makes about the league is a complete fallacy and just a diversionary tactic. You don't fool me, or anyone else who knows the "Gould story" beesting-head. He won't go away so my advice to all is to simply give hime the time, respect and credence he deserves- NONE!!

Alan Shore

First Grade
Goose Gould is a disgrace to RL and should be executed. He can't coach either. THe only thing he's good at is grabbing headlines.


Tamazoid said:
Goose Gould is a disgrace to RL and should be executed. He can't coach either. THe only thing he's good at is grabbing headlines.

You forgot breaking signed contracts. He has never completed a contract he has signed. :?

Big Tim

First Grade
antonius said:
His comments in last nights game were unbearable to say the least, it's been said before he shouldn't commentate Roosters games, and last nights efforts only served to strengthen that theory, he was bloody sickening, I've heard people complain about Sterlo favouring us during games but Potato Head leaves him for dead when it comes to Rooster games..

He should hang out with Eddie Maguire. It was said that he shouldnt be allowed to commentate for Collingwood games. U can tell he is a big part of the club, but will, as a commentator should, rap and criticise players from both teams. I dont really like the man personally, but I have to admit he is very professional when it comes to his commentating.

Big Tim

First Grade
antonius said:
His comments in last nights game were unbearable to say the least, it's been said before he shouldn't commentate Roosters games, and last nights efforts only served to strengthen that theory, he was bloody sickening, I've heard people complain about Sterlo favouring us during games but Potato Head leaves him for dead when it comes to Rooster games..

He should hang out with Eddie Maguire. It was said that he shouldnt be allowed to commentate for Collingwood games. U can tell he is a big part of the club, but will, as a commentator should, rap and criticise players from both teams. I dont really like the man personally, but I have to admit he is very professional when it comes to his commentating.

Alan Shore

First Grade
Kaz said:
Tamazoid said:
Goose Gould is a disgrace to RL and should be executed. He can't coach either. THe only thing he's good at is grabbing headlines.

You forgot breaking signed contracts. He has never completed a contract he has signed. :?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Gould is nothing but a goose!!! n head goose at that! Unfortunately his media profile gives him a very dangerous power - which he abuses something shocking!! He's convinced every idiot that will listen how great the roostrs r - n look where it's got them!!! :x I bet if he talked the bunnies up as much as he does the goostrs - they too could b a force!!! :!: