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Radlinski goes...


...Across the tryline often.But he'llbejoining Robinson,Rogers,Sailor,Harris & maybe Cunningham by doing it for a union team if league doesn't wake up & wake up soon.Normally I just surf the message boards of both League & union to get a feel of whats happaning but I've decided to post because it seems to me unless league as a whole realises where it's heading it's not going to do anything .You have to acknowledge problems before they can be fixed ,but over & over again I read on here & other boards that these players leaving is no big deal-huh?One guy even reckons it's good cause it'll make union bankrupt -huh?Union is awash with $$$ -just today I read that the u.k unions are collecting 120 million aussie $ for the u.k TV rights to the next 2 world cups.$120 million!thats not counting the 6 nations or anything else.Leaister (spelt wrong)Tigers union club announce with 3 weeks to go before kickoff that they've sold 10,000 season tickets already with the cheapest adult ticket been 139 pounds ($400 aussie)-thats 4 million just there!The T.V $ given to the Zurich clubs is three times that of superleague.Sure some of their clubs are struggling but so are many SLE clubs.Back home I read in leagueAustralia.com the new NRL crowd figures which show average crowds of 13000 ,down from 14500 last year.Minus 12% .So I looked up the union equivilent -super 12 - & see their average crowd was 24000 this year up from 21000 in 2000.plus 15%.
So not only are they doing fine at that level but they have all the cream from their internationals.And thats what we need to work on -internationals.Sure this is old,old hat- if there was a button we could push to give us an international presence we would.There isn't yet .What must be done first is for league to go;'oops we're in shit' like any business thats got hard times we've got to see & accept ,then be ready & able to make the hard decisions that need to be made & carried out.In Australia our problem is we've over saturated the Sydney market .What with the internet etc we're been exposed to more & more ,bigger & better sporting events via T.V.Competition that 10 years ago wasn't there.So Sydney suburbs playing each other has very limited appeal beyond those 2 suburbs.Therefore the amount of teams within Sydney need to be reduced-again this is basic business & the big wigs have known this for years which is why thye've tried to cut back the Sydney teams.But this is important for the whole of rugby league;-the first thing is to have a vibrant successful National competitionthen we can expand & create the international game that you need to turn people on these days.
But the point of this thread is ; it irritates me to hear people pretend a disaster is good.Cause then nothing gets done & everyone continues to pull their seperate ways .Fact of life -- unless we get a vibrant international competition bringing in the crowds & $ union will cherry pick our stars.And who will say;'no thanks I'd rather stay here flogging myself week in ,week out, in front of 13000 ,for half the $ ,rather thantravel 1st class around the world ,play a less physically demanding sport in packed out stadiums" then of coursein Unionas they slow ,they can still earn big bucks in the U.K or france or Italy or Japan.Then when they're older they've got the perfect CV for a top coaching job.Ex League ,top Union perfect ! how much Mr Rogers to come coach us ?
But to get the vibrant internationals we need a successful NRL....
On the subjects of internationals,it has to be said we're bloody unlucky! if the Kangos weren't so far in front of the other 2 contenders we'd get by but as it is..
So my point is that whilst make believe can make some of us feel better it actually stops the right actions been taken .Hell it's maybe too late now anyway -but losemore superstars & guess what league people will start watching ,THEN try & stop it!



what you said is so true. I kept of saying to people on this forum about some of the facts that you have just mentioned. But they all are turning a blind eye. It probably could be too late.



There's no doubt that RU has more $$$$£££££ than League, but even Union couldn't sustain the spiralling wage demands which are on the horizons. Don't believe me? Ask London Wasps RU owner, Chris Wright; he's concerned enough!

There is some very silly money being mentioned for just a handfull of League stars, how will players like Johnny Wilkinson react when their next pay negotiations come up?