Dan, you did the right thing locking it. Any thread with a posters name in the title tends to go grey after a post or two.
Halfman and Parramatt, lets give Robster a chance to see how things pan out. As willow said, until we hear otherwise, he has been put foward as captain and therefore entitled to post in the management section.
Guys - everyone - this is a game. Only a game and we seem to have people getting upset by it. When it starts to mean more to you than what it should, it might be time to get some fresh air and reflect a little.
We all have a common bond, which is rugby league and this game is a perfect outlet for us. Lets not ruin it by taking it so seriously.
Oh, and Matt - be afraid. My darling daughter may well be trying to hunt you down with the sister comments. ;-) :lol: Women her age start to get a bit edgey when people start assuming they're their fathers' sister. She's a pretty good wee poster though, huh.