To say he (Hook) put Carty there when he could have put Moylan instead ignores the reality at the time. We didn't have a viable replacement fullback. Edwards was not ready (I'm glad he left Edwards out, the extra years physical development has helped him no end) and DWZ is not a fullback. Smith was not a good replacement. Once the injuries occurred and it was obvious Soward was on one leg, it was better for the balance of the team to use Cartwright there then put in a dodgy fullback. History shows it got us two games away from a GF, so he is not a complete muppet as some would believe. I think the tactic for Moylan to step up as a virtual 5/8th when it was needed worked well. Not the best outcome, a better fullback would have been, but it helped unleash Moylan's ball playing.
I'm no Hook apologist but stop rewriting history like he could have put Slater at the back and Moylan at 5/8th, Smith and DWZ were his options. Cartwright delivered 11 line break assists, 77 offloads, 10 try assists, 60 tackle busts and 10 line breaks. Oh and he scored 8 tries. Incidentally, 4 more than Moylan. And before somebody lists all the errors and missed tackles Cartwright makes, I will do it for you. He made 33 errors. He also missed 77 tackles. Mind you since he made 679 tackles, the third highest in the team, his defence was better than every other 5/8th in the NRL.
Honestly the way people talk in this forum, you would think Cartwright was an imbecile who delivered nothing as a 5/8th and Hook should coach under 11's.