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(SARS) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

**Sorry to drag a non league or sporting topic into the boards.**
(SARS) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

This stuff scare the beejeesus out of me!
Especially considering it's originated fromSoutheast Asiawhere many Australians visit and many tourists come into Australia from. Let's face it, without trying to sound racist for one second, we have many Asians who now call Australia home (and that's fine), so I think it's only a matter of time before the "killer" hits our shores. The government is trying its darnest by securing our immigaration and customs, as well as checking everything that comes into the country, but I'm thinking it's peeing in the wind. It can't monitor everything that comes and goes into this Great Southern Land.I know that scientists previously said the virus was spread by droplets, through coughing and sneezing but now, nobody seems to know where, when, how or from whoit originated from. What's even scarier is that nobody seems to know how to avoid it. That scares me the most.
They say that t<span>he best protection is avoiding contact with people who are known to have SARS and/or who are experiencing symptoms of SARS but my question ishow can I differentiate between SARS and the common cold/flu?</span>
It's become so frightening in Hong Kong that reports now say that well over 200 people have been "infected" and that the majority of the folkes in the city are walking around wearing those painters type masks. Businesses, schools, hospitals and just about every other joint in in panic.
With winter just around the corner here in Australia, it's going to be tough as hellto tell the difference between an ordinary "cold" cough and a "SARS" cough. Correct?
Am I being over-cautious, dramatic or maybe evenpedantic, or do others share my view? With a young family, my health is the most important thing for my family...and myself of course.
Is this the next deadly epedemic to hit the world? One can only pray that it's not. But...
Please post any further incomming information on this thread that others may gather over time. I hope I'm not the only one here who feels this way.
A worried Aaron C
Cheers nevertheless.

El Duque

I really am not at all worried about it. My immune system kicks some serious butt.

I've never even had the flu or any of the other numerous sicknesses peope get..


Assistant Moderator
**Sorry to drag a non league or sporting topic into the boards.**

No problem at all Aaron C. Discuss anything you you like.:)

However, for future reference, we have Controversy Corner (linked in the left side nav bar) as the section set aside for current affairs type stuff. SARS certainly fits into that category.

Thats only so its easierto find later on should you or anyone want to revisit the topic at a later date.

Thanks for bringing it up.


You and all of us should be concerned Aaron. This shit has a realfoul smell and it's getting stronger. Too bloody strong for my liking. It's a waiting game at present though. Still too early to make judgements, but never the less should be very cautious.
This link seems to have some good detailed info.


With a young family, my health is the most important thing <u>for my family</u>...and myself of course.
Well said mate. I know where you're coming from. :)


Our current world population , first world that is the other poor buggers cannot afford it, has relied very heavily and in many cases abused antibiotics and other medicines for ailments that did not require such medication. These nasty viruses have a natural tendency to adapt to antibiotics and other cures which makes people very vunerable and paranoid.

It was the simple influenza virus that killed millions back in 1915 or thereabouts..may have been Spanish in origin.

The various terrorist networks around the world have noted the panic and apparent helplessness of various govts in this region and are probably cooking up a nice batch of small pox to go with the SARS..if one do not get you the other one will.

So the answer is yes Aaron you should be worried, and the death is a slow and painful one from all accounts!

El Duque

I would wager that more people will die of the flu this year than they will of SARS.

It won't have much effect on your average joe. Just the elderly and people with respiratory problems.

This thing has more hype than the millenniumbug.


Assistant Moderator
Spam merchants and other con artists are already promisng solutions and ways to 'strengthen your immune system'.
All you have to do is send some money...

We live in a rich country with access to all sorts of research... the eggheads are onto this as we speakso she'll be right.
The real battle is in long term prevention and working out a way to overcome the short comings of third world health systems.


its like chicken pox but much more stronger

so eventually everyone will come in contact with it, but the question is who will survive and become immune to it and who will die
SARS looks to be a disease that has adapted from a disease found in animals to a disease that now affects humans.
Apparently this sort of thing has been happening throughout history. The Black Plague that wiped out half of europe was originally a disease in rats for instance.
The most recent example is aids, which was a disease in monkies. Just a few years ago we had an example in australia when a disease broke out in horses in qld which also killed one of the trainers who was looking after the horse. That disease was eventually traced back to flying foxes of all things.
The thing about these 'changeover' diseases is thatpeople have zero immunity to them. It is like measles was to the aboriginal population in australia - it will go through the population and kill 3% on current estimates ifit is not isolated soon.
Unless the World Health Organisation can get on top of it in the next few months we are in for what is called a world pandemic - which is what the 1918 flu was.


I actually tend to agree with El Duque, I can't see this thing causing the huge amount of deaths people fear.

From what I've read whilst it does spread quickly it seems to have a very low mortality rate, a lot of people may catch it but I would be suprised if great numbers actually die from it.



Assistant Moderator
Same here. More will die from a whole range of ailments over the next year.

I'm more concerned about my kids walking across the road then some disease which I have no control over.
Well, i dont think its as straight forward as that. It wouldn't take a lot for SARS to flare up and spread on a much wider scale than it already has

Anyways, i got this report yesterday and i thought interested folk may want to take a look at the effects of the disease already. I can't seem to attach it, although im pretty sure that if you go to the WHO website that you will find it
