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Southern Team?


I wish Rugby League wasn't just a northern Sport, i mean why can't there be a southern team, like down Portsmouth or Brighton? The nearest team to me is the London Broncos and that costs me about £70 to go see a game and takes me two hours to get there. I think before the ESL and rugby league in this country starts increasing its popularity, it needs to add several southern teams. What does everyone else think?

Also, when i was at school, i always wanted to play rugby league, but we always played union, which is completely un-skillful and very boring to play (in my oppinion). If i, or any other persons wanted to play rugby league in this area then it would impossible. Maybe i should try and start a Southern league?

A bit of a moan, sorry. :(


they should add a team in wales and maybe in the midlands area i reckon
but france do need a pro team


Robbo said:
I think before the ESL and rugby league in this country starts increasing its popularity, it needs to add several southern teams. What does everyone else think?

It does. At least the Summer Conference is a massive step in that direction. who knows how that will eventually develop?


My first ever post here:

Robbo, I completely agree with you. I used to watch the scraps of rugby that the bbc showed when I was a little younger, and I have always found League to be far more entertaining than Union, because it is a much faster flowing game.

It wasn't until I got Sky a few years ago though that I really started to follow the Super League. Last season I watched every live televised game, and a substantial amount of the NRL matches too. Man, thinking about it, I watched a ridiculous number of games. I know that a lot of people don't seem to like Eddie and Stevo as the commentators, but I find them very entertaining to listen to, and Sky's general coverage is superb.

Anyway, I don't specifically support any of the teams (although, I do favour St Helens), so I just watch game for the entertainment.

I live down on the South Coast, so I don't get to go to matches either, and again Broncos would be my nearest side. The only game I go to each year though is certainly one well worth going to, and that is the Grand Final itself. Its a damn long way to go, but it is well worth it, especially the season before last with that amazing finish in the Saints v Bradford match.


Jon, i agree with you on the subject of Eddie and Stevo, they are very entertaining and i love their enthusiasm. I'm just a little confused why the game hasn't progressed in this country! i don't know whether money has anything to do with it or the lack of support from influential people, but it doesn't seem to get the backing it deserves. From an entertaining point of view, it's the best sport in the world (in my oppinion) and although, like yourself i don't support a team, if there was a southern ESL team i would definately support that one.

I know football is by far the biggest sport in Britain (and probably always will be) but rugby league should definately surpass the likes of rugby union and Cricket.


being from Bradford, I dont have a problem seeing RL, but there are a lot of lower league teams around London. This might not stretch to the Sussex coast, but if you contact the RFL or Barla they might be able to get you some details of RL in your locality.


Robbo, It's not strange Rl is in the position it is. Being located in the North and hemmed in there by the restrictions prior to 1995 it's remarkable it's as strong as it is.

The way many Ozzies suggest, and I don't intend to put words in your mouth, is to place a franchise in the South. This isn't practical. The media backing isn't there adn nor are the finances to support a fledgling club. Indeed teams out of the heartlands have also suffered from being subject to the whims of their lanlords.

The only way forward is through organic growth, slowly building clubs up. There are dozens of clubs in the South where before there were only a handful of clubs without grounds. This has been massive progress. There are still many significant towns without any rugby league presence, but it's progress nonetheless.


I'm just a little confused why the game hasn't progressed in this country! i don't know whether money has anything to do with it or the lack of support from influential people, but it doesn't seem to get the backing it deserves.

It's mainly due to the RFU putting a ban on any Union player that wanted to chance his arm at real Rugby.

RL throughout the U.K. is approaching a new dawn i feel with the new division 3 and the constant expansion throughout the confrence, it's only a matter of time before we will see more clubss joing the semi pro ranks in the sport.

IMO it's far to risky to just place a SL team in a new area and hope for the best, the way things are going now are beneficial to more people in the long run.


In Goal is right. It is all to do with the Union banning any player professional or amatuer who stepped foot in a Rugby League game, be it professionally or as an amatuer.

So imagine your favourite sport was Union, but you also fancied league but had never played it. Would you risk giving up your favourite sport to try a game you thought you may like, but hadn't tried before. I wouldn't, and that is why League has never been allowed to spread throughout the UK. Being banned in the armed forces until the mid 90's didn't help either, as that is one way many sports have expanded.

Guys you should get together and start a conference team. Or atleast register with BARLA your location for their database, so that you can get together with like minded fans to maybe organise trips away to the games, and eventually start a conference team. Just now a team is being started in Plymouth, so I am sure it wont be long until the likes of Portsmouth or Southapton are represented in the ever expanding conference.


Just looking at the BARLA website, there is a Navy Rl club and Uni RL club in Portsmouth already and a Uni club in Southampton.


First Grade
Two hours to get there? With respect, that's nothing. I drive 400km in 4 hours each way several times a season to watch the Cowboys.

deluded pom?

nqboy said:
Two hours to get there? With respect, that's nothing. I drive 400km in 4 hours each way several times a season to watch the Cowboys.

You deserve our deepest sympathy . Not for driving that distance but for supporting the Cowboys . ;-)


remeber nqboy that driving those distances in England is a little different as there population is considerably bigger the FNQ.