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Team versus the Eagles


Some people would have you reward mediocrity.

Lets all stand and salute to the ordinary & mundane.

Its a race for the bottom is it?

Yeah its all noble and politically correct to kiss the backside of a losing side thats trying, but Ive had my fair share of that fruitless caper.

And whats the point of having less than 16 points scored against you if you are going to get beat. FFS, Id rather have had 50 points scored against us and still won those matches.

The bunnies were frigging hopeless against the dogs, we were only lucky that the dogs, or was it that little feisty mongrel Ennis, didnt put 100 on us.

As for explaining why Manly are a selfish club, well that is self-evident to even the most spineless and stupid amongst leagues mighty fandom.

There will be no fairy-floss, homecoming love-fest demi-god parade for Stewart this weekend.

He will not be made to feel very welcome at ANZ.

Evidently not as I had to ask. Could you spell it out for me, spineless and stupid as I am?

big country

i think we need to take a calm approach - fact (unfortunately) is we were never going to go through the season undefeated - we will (hopefully) win more games than we lose and that will hopefully get us into the semis and we can build from there - if we can achieve this we have had a good season, anything less and we should then ask questions


Lets put some perspective into this conversation, when Souths were losing 5 straight last year we were bemoaning the loss of wing and our inability to defend. Now that they have won 3 out of 5 some are complaining that we did not play well in one game. The good news is that our perspective has changed from an expectation of losing to an expectation of winning. Yes our expectations have now been hightened to a point where we expect much more from our team i.e. winning every week or at least playing consistant football week in week out.

That is great from my perspective and I hate it when Souths lose even by a small margine. Give me a Souths win every week. Having said that, I do expect some loses during the year, but I also expect a lot more wins. Go the mighty SOUTHS.

Dave Q

You've gotta admit that Dave makes some very good points there.

Thanks A.M.

You know I remember the days when we would all get excited when a Souths player made a tackle or threw a pass that stuck.

On paper and on form, the dogs offered very little to shoot ones load over, but there they were, giving us a lesson in how to play rugby league.

Its these types of nuffie teams that we should be smashing into oblivion.

Instead we got a meek and cowardly mistake-a-thon until a few players noticed the clock, about 10 to 20 minutes late.

Sandow didnt have his best game, but the game was lost by the time he was dragged off kicking and screaming. Why he had to pay the price for the demise of the whole team is beyond me.

This side has to man up and accept some responsibility and it has to do so asap.

As a club member, the loss against the dogs was entirely unnacceptable.

We couldnt tackle, we couldnt kick, the execution of many plays was just apalling. Whatever game plan JT and Langy devised went through one ear and out the other.

I look forward to "welcoming" Manly to ANZ.

African Monkey

First Grade
Thanks A.M.

You know I remember the days when we would all get excited when a Souths player made a tackle or threw a pass that stuck.

On paper and on form, the dogs offered very little to shoot ones load over, but there they were, giving us a lesson in how to play rugby league.

Its these types of nuffie teams that we should be smashing into oblivion.

Instead we got a meek and cowardly mistake-a-thon until a few players noticed the clock, about 10 to 20 minutes late.

Sandow didnt have his best game, but the game was lost by the time he was dragged off kicking and screaming. Why he had to pay the price for the demise of the whole team is beyond me.

This side has to man up and accept some responsibility and it has to do so asap.

As a club member, the loss against the dogs was entirely unnacceptable.

We couldnt tackle, we couldnt kick, the execution of many plays was just apalling. Whatever game plan JT and Langy devised went through one ear and out the other.

I look forward to "welcoming" Manly to ANZ.
That's right dave. We're a better team than what we showed on Monday and it's time we started adjusting to the winter conditions. I expect a comfortable win against Manly.

big country

i agree it was a bit of a mistake-a-thon by both sides , i was there and it was frustrating to watch and the loss hurt me and kept me up well into the wee hours because we really could have/should have won. however, you'll get games like that but with the talent we have i'm sure you'll see a vastly improved souths team on saturday against manly - i would hate to be manly on saturday that's for sure

Dave Q

Its nice to read some balance creeping into this thread.

Sugar once taught me that its OK to criticise and even to be less constuctive insodoing so long as the heart is in the right place.

And the club told me that a ticketed membership is the highest level of support I can achieve. I heard and I obeyed.

Newcastlerabbit said : Ask not what the club can do for you, but for what you can do for the club. A motto he swears by.

JT backed the boys up 100% after the match to the media. It was a excrutiating. I thought we needed a blast.

And rest assured, the rank and file and the insiders were left somewhat unsatisfied with a number of things we did and didnt do in that match.

We used to be complacent, we used to think that love of the club conquers all. That we could close our eyes and make a wish and that wish would come true.

Not these days. Now we know that dreams only come true by lots of hard work, actual performance and tough, no-mercy self-assessment.

We used to be romantic and fluffy, now we know that you have to be cruel to be kind.

We are a tough club underneath. We have shown that we will kill our own for success.

We must see this through or our lifes work will be wasted.

No mercy Souths.

We must kill or be killed.

big country

Dave you are more than entitled to publish you thoughts/assessment - however I am prepared to hold fire on my tirade for a couple of weeks - I trust (and hope) it will not be necessary because it will be a rocket!!

Dave Q

Dave you are more than entitled to publish you thoughts/assessment - however I am prepared to hold fire on my tirade for a couple of weeks - I trust (and hope) it will not be necessary because it will be a rocket!!

Cheers BC.

For want of less vulgar expression, I hope I am shooting blanks atm.

Kill or be killed Souths.

Unleash the hell bunnies... let an understandable hatred of all things Manly (and what they stand for) consume you.

Vile obnoxious waxheaded woofters, we must put them to the sword.

Set the torch alight, burn the seagulls, burn them all!!

Purge the Manly club of their evilness and wrongdoing and bring the shining light of the rabbitohs to them ....in all its wonderous glory.

We will not rest in the shadows and watch this game disintegrate before our eyes any longer.

Its up to us.

No mercy.

For we are the only club that can make dreams come true.
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Do you two guys tie each other up at night or something?

I've never seen two guys who are so accommodating to eachother

Dave Q

I find this quote from you nothing more than inspirational. We should be heading into every game with this quote in mind. Love your work dave.

Thanks a lot A.M, I know that I can always count on your awesome support in these troubled times.

That and Hegs playing a pretty good game.

You know the time has come for the players to stop pussyfooting around the ruck like its some kind of weird high school science experiment going wrong.

Why do they stand about with their hands behind their backs wearing sheepish grins?

Why are our players looking up at the sky whistling along, waiting for somebody else to make the tackle?

"Oh was it my tackle was it? Oh I didnt quite understand!"

As that legendary game analyst Gus Gould says; No no no no no no no no no!

Footy is all about fugging ripping in.

If you dont nail that sick twisted ball-bearing boofhead now, when you get the ball, that mongrel is going to snap your neck and crack your spine. What are you going to say your family and friends then? Whats your excuse going to be?

So you go in there and you make sure that you administer severe pain and punishment with the intention of making sure this coward thinks twice about hurting you later.

Like one of my mighty heroes, Frog.

When Anasta decided to choke him for fun and to hold up our attack, Frog forgot he was in game of footy, he just got up and belted him in the mouth as hard as he could.

Anyone of us here would have done the same.

It was primeval footy instinct.

Neanderthal man in spandex pants.

And Manly present as the most horrid and vile creatures ever to play the game. Football and residing near the sea dont mix at all. Its unnatural and wrong. They should all be saving what few crustaceans are left on the beach after the hordes of tourists have poked a million sticks into their little spiny, slimy torsos.

back to Manly-These cretinous sub-human effluent-eating mercenaries have no place in polite league society, except for Des and Max Delmege.

Remember that Des played real footy for the Panthers and Wests. These are two tremendous clubs jam packed full of excellent people who understand the game.

Max is a success story. He has worked hard to become a multi-millionaire. He sells and leases magnificent properties at rents that are very fair and reasonable. Max is known internationally as being a pretty honest guy and nice to deal with.

But the rest of the swill that make up the Manly joint well.................

Back to Souths: no more excuses and no more apologies.

No complex game plan to confuse the boys A.M one simple maxim-thats all the boys have to remember........to take us to 21.

Kill or be killed.

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African Monkey

First Grade
That quote should really be placed around the changing rooms and ANZ stadium. During my time here at LU I have never seen a more inspirational quote. Dave you are a genius.

Dave Q

Thanks AM.

I know that Hegs had that attitude to the game.

Something thats missing from our game atm.

Tallis should be thrashing our forwards with a stick at training if they dont man up.

And if you can stumble about and breathe, well you fugging well play.

African Monkey

First Grade
Thanks AM.

I know that Hegs had that attitude to the game.

Something thats missing from our game atm.

Tallis should be thrashing our forwards with a stick at training if they dont man up.

And if you can stumble about and breathe, well you fugging well play.
I agree dave. Now is the time for Gordie to stamp his authority on our forward pack.

Kill or be killed.

Dave Q

I agree dave. Now is the time for Gordie to stamp his authority on our forward pack.

Kill or be killed.

Thats right A.M

No more little white lies about the ferocity and animal prescence of our forwards.

No more high fives like weve won a grand final when we push a startled 8 stone winger into touch.

I want to see nothing but a stoic concrete grimness on the boys faces.

Footy is not about fun, its about pulevrising the other team into submission. Smashing their will and reason for existence.

Bringing them down, trampling them underfoot and putting the extra boot into them for good measure.

Its about desperateness, being all alone, coming to the bitter realisation that there is no tommorrow.

You spark now or you never light up. You either make league history or fall by the wayside like countless thousands who play this brutal and unforgiving sport.

Its all about making manifest that desire to win.

And those who wear the red and the green must be prepared to die for that honour.

They must kill or be killed!


we dont we just cut their hands off and make them play footy?
obviously the better teams learn from those mistakes and hopefully this year souths can be one of those teams who dont make repeated mistakes game after game.
PS i dont agree with "kill or be killed"
why not "try your f**king heart out and the fans will respect your performance"
thats what i expect when i watch my team play. to try their utmost hardest to win and grind it out to the last second, of course winning is an added bonus but i feel inspired when i see the souths play with heart and reckless abandon, even if they dont win i walk away inspired.

Dave Q

we dont we just cut their hands off and make them play footy?
obviously the better teams learn from those mistakes and hopefully this year souths can be one of those teams who dont make repeated mistakes game after game.
PS i dont agree with "kill or be killed"
why not "try your f**king heart out and the fans will respect your performance"
thats what i expect when i watch my team play. to try their utmost hardest to win and grind it out to the last second, of course winning is an added bonus but i feel inspired when i see the souths play with heart and reckless abandon, even if they dont win i walk away inspired.

They are not human, they are NRL players.

Actually, if we tied their hands up during training, they may find it easier to catch a ball when they play.

No more free love for the South Sydney Rabbitohs.

No more messages of warmth and kindness until they start earning it.

Dropping from first place to fouth is unnacceptable.

We must teach them how to kill, its for their own good.