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First Grade
You are getting confused with the POTENTIAL breach in 1991.... which did not eventuate as corrective action was taken and players took salary cuts, so it was not breached at all in 1991.


Red and Blue Knight said:
All i know is that Paul Harragon marched our team onto our bus, drove them 2 hours to ARL headquarters, and proceeded to pledge Newcastle's loyalty to the ARL. :clap:

And I know for a fact that Newcastle thought at the time the Broncos were stay ARL. :lol:

Harrigan only did it for the money he got.

All the non Sydney teams got into the ARL as they could make money for the ARL.

Not win their mighty Premiership.

Sir Clifford GC

So let's talk about the Raiders salary cap breach in 1990. You know the $500,000 breach the year you won the Premiership.

The Bulldogs were stripped of all their points in 2002 for breaching the cap by what something like $1,000,000.

And the Raiders breach was 12 years prior and they won the damn Premiership.

Don't sit there and tell me you deserve that 1990 trophy!

Anyone have the inflation rate since 1990? I got my calculator ready.
hey diehard lets look at it like this
in 1990 the raiders breached a cap of 1.3mil by .5 mil.
in 2002 the dogs breached a cap of 3.25ml by 1mil
the dogs were 130% of the cap in 2002 while the raiders wait for it
were 139% of the cap in 1990

Gee Greeneyed your club was lucky arko was incharged
Gallop would have booted u out there and then.

Sir Clifford GC

Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Balmain_Boy said:
:clap: :clap: :clap:

To diehard and cliffy. The rest of you haven't even put forward an argument?
thanks mate
blokes like peewee cant have a debate their not intellgent enough so they throw in some sexual inuendo and act smug and hope it gets them by

I can debate, I choose not to with you.
i know because you undoubtly lack the intelect to do so.

But its ok peewee im sure mr potter will make u feel better about ureself, hes the king of properganda just look at his adds.

No I choose not too because of the way you behave, do I need to post the conversation as a reminder of your "intellect"?
Tsk Tsk Kiwi that would be against the members guidelines of this forum

Posting another member's private information without permission is forbidden. This includes photographs, private conversations or private details about another member's circumstances.
There may be exceptions but this is at the discretion of management and depends on the nature of the complaint.


how about this.

ANYONE who wants a copy of CliffyGC's antics feel free to pm me
meh kiwi you have nothing

I still have your dummy spit, never got around to deleting it.
well arent you lucky
do u want a medal or a chest to pin it on.


Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Balmain_Boy said:
:clap: :clap: :clap:

To diehard and cliffy. The rest of you haven't even put forward an argument?
thanks mate
blokes like peewee cant have a debate their not intellgent enough so they throw in some sexual inuendo and act smug and hope it gets them by

I can debate, I choose not to with you.
i know because you undoubtly lack the intelect to do so.

But its ok peewee im sure mr potter will make u feel better about ureself, hes the king of properganda just look at his adds.

No I choose not too because of the way you behave, do I need to post the conversation as a reminder of your "intellect"?
Tsk Tsk Kiwi that would be against the members guidelines of this forum

Posting another member's private information without permission is forbidden. This includes photographs, private conversations or private details about another member's circumstances.
There may be exceptions but this is at the discretion of management and depends on the nature of the complaint.


how about this.

ANYONE who wants a copy of CliffyGC's antics feel free to pm me

And you said
to Cliffy? Have a look at yourself mate.


Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kiwi said:
Cliffy GC said:
Balmain_Boy said:
:clap: :clap: :clap:

To diehard and cliffy. The rest of you haven't even put forward an argument?
thanks mate
blokes like peewee cant have a debate their not intellgent enough so they throw in some sexual inuendo and act smug and hope it gets them by

I can debate, I choose not to with you.
i know because you undoubtly lack the intelect to do so.

But its ok peewee im sure mr potter will make u feel better about ureself, hes the king of properganda just look at his adds.

No I choose not too because of the way you behave, do I need to post the conversation as a reminder of your "intellect"?
Tsk Tsk Kiwi that would be against the members guidelines of this forum

Posting another member's private information without permission is forbidden. This includes photographs, private conversations or private details about another member's circumstances.
There may be exceptions but this is at the discretion of management and depends on the nature of the complaint.


how about this.

ANYONE who wants a copy of CliffyGC's antics feel free to pm me
meh kiwi you have nothing

I still have your dummy spit, never got around to deleting it.

You wouldn't be thinking of using the pm function to show other members what happened in a private conversation with cliff would you peewee? That would be a miss use of that function and if reported to admin could land you in trouble. ;-)

Sir Clifford GC

Kaz said:
Red and Blue Knight said:
All i know is that Paul Harragon marched our team onto our bus, drove them 2 hours to ARL headquarters, and proceeded to pledge Newcastle's loyalty to the ARL. :clap:

And I know for a fact that Newcastle thought at the time the Broncos were stay ARL. :lol:

Harrigan only did it for the money he got.
ure source or are u fishing again :p


Cliffy GC said:
Kaz said:
Red and Blue Knight said:
All i know is that Paul Harragon marched our team onto our bus, drove them 2 hours to ARL headquarters, and proceeded to pledge Newcastle's loyalty to the ARL. :clap:

And I know for a fact that Newcastle thought at the time the Broncos were stay ARL. :lol:

Harrigan only did it for the money he got.
ure source or are u fishing again :p

No not fishing this time. :lol:

Harrigan got a piece of the pie.

Read all the books about the ARL/SL & see how much he got.


greeneyed said:
Cliffy GC said:
ARKO - Ken Athurson Biography said:
Back home by then, other factors were emerging. Canberra were later to defend the Super League path they took with the claim that they had reached a final point of frustration with Phillip St over a claimed lack of support in their attempts to hang on to star players Ricky Stuart and Bradley Clyde in the wake of rumoured huge bids from the Kerry Packer - Supported Easts. Les McIntyre and Kevin Neil came to Sydney to see me about it, and express their concerns. They told me of the dilemma they believed they faced - of Easts luring the two players away with offers that were just too huge to refuse. I told them that I wasn't happy about such a situation if it was the case, but there was nothing I could do. It had been ever thus in rugby league, clubs now and then signed players from other clubs, sometimes paying far more money than they should have.

At that meeting something happened which neither Neil or McIntyre could ever deny - they swore they would never participate in a competition which wasn't under the control of the ARL. I'll be frank - I shared their concerns about Stuart and Clyde. Of course, they didn't want to lose two such players. But under the League's rules, what could be done? Our game ran on a free market basis. Neil told me subsequently that he had rung Ken Cowley and Cowley had said to him "Don't worry about it - we'll buy them for you." And that was how News Ltd got the Raiders into the net.
hahahah where is greeneyed

Arthurson knew that these offers could not have been made while Easts complied with NRL rules. He clearly took delight in the Raiders team being dismantled, as he could not stand non Sydney teams being so strong. His public statements made it clear that he wanted to see the Raiders go the way of Souths... a team with a strong playing roster that was raped by Manly.... He didn't care. He wanted the likes of Manly and Easts to prosper at the expense of "upstart" teams.

I cannot believe you people cannot see through him. He was simply pushing the interests of the club he came from. This was the great drawback of the Arthurson/Quale dictatorship... they were running the league in the interests of Manly and Easts... the Packer clubs. And this is why it all came unstiched.

That's it! You're right! After attempting to, and in fact successfully expanding the competition, Arko and Quayle wanted they clubs they had accepted to die. You're a genious mate. Bloody Canberrans and their siege mentalities. :roll:


Laurie and Clyde - Brad Clyde said:
And there was the matter of the $500,000 by which Canberra was said to have exceeded the salary cap, which resulted in a $185,000 fine from the League. It was a great mess, and at times Fraser must have cursed himself for volunteering to help us out. While locals knew the Reserve Bank governor has nothing to do with the Raiders' problems, international financial markets might not be so discerning in their judgement.

Laurie and Clyde - Laurie Daley said:
When the extent of Canberra's financial problems and the half million dollars by which the committee had breached the cap was exposed to the media, I'll never forget the humiliation I felt as a member of the club. We were labelled as cheats by the press and I can still recall the abuse we copped at away games from our opponent's supporters. The entire rugby league community loathed us and there was stuff all we could say in our defence...our old administration had done the wrong thing and we had to cop it all on the chin.

The consequences of their management, a 15 per cent pay cut and the threat the Raiders would be rendered backrupt, forced me to look around for another club and after a lot of negotiating I almost joined St George!

I had heard plenty of the talk about the Raiders' cash problems in the lead up to the crisis in 1991, but I was ignorant of the back ground drama which overwhelmed all of us. And when the extent of our situation was revealed I was left dumbfounded as Canberra was 6 million bucks in the red through terrible investments and poor management.

Seems to me even Clyde and Daley admit to the Raiders crimes. So who should we believe the very words of Laurie Daley or this piss ant GreenEyed?

Even Laurie wanted out and the story ended happily. He found his place, at home with St George. :lol:


First Grade
well arent you lucky
do u want a medal or a chest to pin it on.

Narh don't need either, just like I don't need to debate with the likes of you, i'll just stick to treating you like the vermin you and the rabble you call a team ( bring back memories? ) deserve to be treated.


Kaz said:
Red and Blue Knight said:
All i know is that Paul Harragon marched our team onto our bus, drove them 2 hours to ARL headquarters, and proceeded to pledge Newcastle's loyalty to the ARL. :clap:

And I know for a fact that Newcastle thought at the time the Broncos were stay ARL. :lol:

Harrigan only did it for the money he got.

All the non Sydney teams got into the ARL as they could make money for the ARL.

Not win their mighty Premiership/

How do you know that for a fact? What extra money did harragon get? Certainly not as much as what he could have recieved if he signed with sl.


Kaz said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kaz said:
Red and Blue Knight said:
All i know is that Paul Harragon marched our team onto our bus, drove them 2 hours to ARL headquarters, and proceeded to pledge Newcastle's loyalty to the ARL. :clap:

And I know for a fact that Newcastle thought at the time the Broncos were stay ARL. :lol:

Harrigan only did it for the money he got.
ure source or are u fishing again :p

No not fishing this time. :lol:

Harrigan got a piece of the pie.

Read all the books about the ARL/SL & see how much he got.

His share would have been a lot larger if he betrayed the ARL. But he, unlike many involved in the was is a REAL man.


Kaz said:
Harrigan only did it for the money he got.

All the non Sydney teams got into the ARL as they could make money for the ARL.

Not win their mighty Premiership/

So sad to live in a world where you believe everyone is motivated by $ signs.

No...no one could possibly be motivated by anything other than money.

Loyalty....shit that isn't even in your dictionary.

Sir Clifford GC

Laurie and Clyde - Brad Clyde said:
And there was the matter of the $500,000 by which Canberra was said to have exceeded the salary cap, which resulted in a $185,000 fine from the League. It was a great mess, and at times Fraser must have cursed himself for volunteering to help us out. While locals knew the Reserve Bank governor has nothing to do with the Raiders' problems, international financial markets might not be so discerning in their judgement.

Laurie and Clyde - Laurie Daley said:
When the extent of Canberra's financial problems and the half million dollars by which the committee had breached the cap was exposed to the media, I'll never forget the humiliation I felt as a member of the club. We were labelled as cheats by the press and I can still recall the abuse we copped at away games from our opponent's supporters. The entire rugby league community loathed us and there was stuff all we could say in our defence...our old administration had done the wrong thing and we had to cop it all on the chin.

The consequences of their management, a 15 per cent pay cut and the threat the Raiders would be rendered backrupt, forced me to look around for another club and after a lot of negotiating I almost joined St George!

I had heard plenty of the talk about the Raiders' cash problems in the lead up to the crisis in 1991, but I was ignorant of the back ground drama which overwhelmed all of us. And when the extent of our situation was revealed I was left dumbfounded as Canberra was 6 million bucks in the red through terrible investments and poor management.

Seems to me even Clyde and Daley admit to the Raiders crimes. So who should we believe the very words of Laurie Daley or this piss ant GreenEyed?

Even Laurie wanted out and the story ended happily. He found his place, at home with St George. :lol:
wheres greeneyed now



First Grade
Laurie and Clyde - Brad Clyde said:
And there was the matter of the $500,000 by which Canberra was said to have exceeded the salary cap, which resulted in a $185,000 fine from the League. It was a great mess, and at times Fraser must have cursed himself for volunteering to help us out. While locals knew the Reserve Bank governor has nothing to do with the Raiders' problems, international financial markets might not be so discerning in their judgement.

Laurie and Clyde - Laurie Daley said:
When the extent of Canberra's financial problems and the half million dollars by which the committee had breached the cap was exposed to the media, I'll never forget the humiliation I felt as a member of the club. We were labelled as cheats by the press and I can still recall the abuse we copped at away games from our opponent's supporters. The entire rugby league community loathed us and there was stuff all we could say in our defence...our old administration had done the wrong thing and we had to cop it all on the chin.

The consequences of their management, a 15 per cent pay cut and the threat the Raiders would be rendered backrupt, forced me to look around for another club and after a lot of negotiating I almost joined St George!

I had heard plenty of the talk about the Raiders' cash problems in the lead up to the crisis in 1991, but I was ignorant of the back ground drama which overwhelmed all of us. And when the extent of our situation was revealed I was left dumbfounded as Canberra was 6 million bucks in the red through terrible investments and poor management.

Seems to me even Clyde and Daley admit to the Raiders crimes. So who should we believe the very words of Laurie Daley or this piss ant GreenEyed?

Even Laurie wanted out and the story ended happily. He found his place, at home with St George. :lol:

It was 1991!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not 1990. Get it through your head.


First Grade
And you said Quote:
to Cliffy? Have a look at yourself mate.

Thats tame compared to abuse I copped from him after his rabble got flogged by 50 or 60 odd I think it was.


Balmain_Boy said:
Kaz said:
Cliffy GC said:
Kaz said:
Red and Blue Knight said:
All i know is that Paul Harragon marched our team onto our bus, drove them 2 hours to ARL headquarters, and proceeded to pledge Newcastle's loyalty to the ARL. :clap:

And I know for a fact that Newcastle thought at the time the Broncos were stay ARL. :lol:

Harrigan only did it for the money he got.
ure source or are u fishing again :p

No not fishing this time. :lol:

Harrigan got a piece of the pie.

Read all the books about the ARL/SL & see how much he got.

His share would have been a lot larger if he betrayed the ARL. But he, unlike many involved in the was is a REAL man.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Exactly right.

Sir Clifford GC

Kiwi said:
well arent you lucky
do u want a medal or a chest to pin it on.

Narh don't need either, just like I don't need to debate with the likes of you, i'll just stick to treating you like the vermin you and the rabble you call a team ( bring back memories? ) deserve to be treated.
Translated means
"I have nothing, i lack the witt or the intellegence to debate this with someone as smart as you"

its ok kiwi run along and play with ure finger paints son