Tigers V Raiders(home team first)
Penalties 7-3
Scrums 6-7
Completions 32/45 -24/38
Hit ups 187 - 173
Line Breaks 8-4
Tackles 308-311
Missed Tackles 17-27
Offloads 16-17
Errors 13-17
All in all a performance we'll call good, some room for improvement, especially in the errors count, i dont remember seeing that many?? The line break tally looks its best it has all season too.
Penalties 7-3
Scrums 6-7
Completions 32/45 -24/38
Hit ups 187 - 173
Line Breaks 8-4
Tackles 308-311
Missed Tackles 17-27
Offloads 16-17
Errors 13-17
All in all a performance we'll call good, some room for improvement, especially in the errors count, i dont remember seeing that many?? The line break tally looks its best it has all season too.