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Tigers Dragons Photo's/Report

St. Brett

Hello merged Tiges Pies Wests Leichhardt Campbelltown what not Tigers.

Went to the game yesterday.

Today I'm here to do my report and post some pictures.


Ok, that's my attempt at some teeth.

The Magpie also came over to me and I shook its hand and you know what it is? Like a stick broom handle.
He doesn't have fingers or hands but a stick for a hand.

I'll get the other photo's and do my report as I go along.

Any Dragon's fans tell Santa that I'm posting that photo of him here soon.


I'm so dis-organized right now.


St. Brett


Wrote this at the ground yesterday.

Here I am at the SFS.

Gasnier is a short 10 yards from me practising goals.

Saw all the old legends come out and were awarded some goody bag.
(They came my way ripe for photo ops but veered off unfortunately.)

The players are all here in front of me - J. Morris, Woolford and Young.
Young's only 'bout 5ft is he?

(That's like seeing that Bulldogs player in person.....what's his name? Ryan? Should see how skinny his forearms are.)

I'm sitting in what feels like 32 degree heat.
Christ it's hot.
I'm also sitting near the main bulk of Dragons fans.
I ate a cheese burger and drank a $4:90 coke awhile ago near them in the shade too and contemplated going in front of them/amongst them and orchestrating a hand-waving tune of St. Helens but didn't have the balls.
They're all in full voice lyric's, horns and all.

It's a toss up between Farrah and Marshall who got the biggest pre-game introduction cheer.

"Oow arghh Gasnier" is a blatant rip-off to the Glen McGrath chant, Dragons fans!!!!!!!

There's a 20 minute heat break.
I'm not surprised.

St. George are feeling the heat more so than the Tiges in this 1st half.
They look buggered and not handling this heat at all.
They have the wind behind them too.

I wish there was more intercom commentary at the ground as you don't know who is who.
(I didn't even know Marshall was injured and off the field.)

Half time.
Tigers 18-4 up.
Not only are The Tigers hot but it's also 10x's hotter sitting out in this than when I first got here.
Half time entertainment isn't much.
2 minutes of little kids dancing.
Even they aren't stupid to stay out in this sun for too long either.
This is hotter than when I went to the Dogs Raiders game last year at Homebush. (ANZ my arse!)
Holy crap.
I really have to get a drink.

Second half.

It may sound strange but the camera keeps going on Brown and I believe the faithful Dragons supporters behind me are booing?
I over-heard 4 old men in the sh*tter say, "Our season's gone already!"

Tigers are hitting a brick wall with 20 to go.

There's also a second half 20 minute heat break too.
(This heat break broke The Dragon's momentum I believe! They were on a roll up until this break came and it stopped them in their tracks and broke their hold on the second half)
They were coming home strong until this heat break came.
14 point game 18 minutes to go.

24-10 now. The Tiges and that heat break just then killed any hope of a Dragons come-back.
The Tigers have scored virtually right after that heat break, just before the Dragons were coming good.

I hate to say this...but I'm still seeing Tigers Magpies fans divided! There's still bickering among the 2.
Two west/tiges fans debated this very issue over a drunken song.

I'm really lovin' this Dragons fan in the Penfolds jersey cursing Gasnier all game.
"All those F'n millions Gasnier and I'd do better on the field!"
"You're not in F'n Kings Cross now Gasnier!"
"Fire up Dragons! What the f**k is Gasnier doing out there? You're not worth the millions they're paying ya."

The Tigers appear to be shot here with 13 to go.
Cramps and fatigue are getting to 'em.

Number 5 for The Tiges has spent this entire second half on his hornchers.


St. Brett

I took this strange photo of Gaz and I can't make heads or tails out of it.
You decide what he's re-enacting.:lol:


What comes to mind is that state of Origin phone call about spraying special sauce on four toey Mc'Nuggets.
"Where the f**k are ya?"

Gasnier must be a real root rat.

We take this moment out to reflect and remember Ben Ross on Saturday night.
He fell down like a slab of dead meat, didn't 'e?:lol:

He was the guy Tallis belted right?:lol:

Ok......I wanna say that I'm taking my jersey straight to an alteration shop tomorrow and having a collar stitched onto it.
Hate the collarless shirt.
It can get knotted.
Made me feel awkward.
I was actually off-color yesterday and haven't been well for a couple of weeks now and that constant sun yesterday...I cannot emphasize how hot it was.

I'm sending off a few letters to the papers now. Here they are.

Here we are celebrating 100 years of Rugby League and what better way for Panther's supporters to do it with a coffin.
Are funerals gonna become like a fashion statement now?
I guess with global warming I wouldn't mind a central cooling system in my pine box.

You can’t go blaming Brown for Wing’s misfortunes!
He’s got his own problems with frustrated upset Dragons supporters already.
God almighty it was hot sitting out in the sun on Sunday!
Who witnessed the Zillman Gidley incident?
Remember Ben Kennedy one night playing for Manly against Newcastle anyone?
It’s a brown area in our game but I don’t think it does any good blaming Browny for everything I guess.

They better publish them or it's a knuckle sandwhich.
Because Brett Gaddes is synonymous with Rugby League....we should say His name right now! Brett Gaddes. An original good guy!
In fact our mantra today is, 'I cannot be Brett Gaddes although I would like to be!'
Go ahead and say it.

Overall I get the impression that Dragons fans are pretty much done with Coach Brown and they're disappointed already after only round one.
I cannot believe how hateful they are against Browny it was odd sitting there listening to it.
Vote no confidence in him them and get it over with.
But the guy busted his gut for The Dragons shouldn't you give him a go?
Why not replace him with Mary McGregor and have Brown as the assistant?
Dragon's fans are not gonna turn up to their home games if this continues. They're brinking on their teeter if there's such a thing.
I also wanna add that I didn't have one problem with any Dragons supporter and they were all well behaved and most important, I had fun.
It'll torment me though that I didn't get up in front of them all and start singing something.
Wonder what they would have done?
P.S. I would have loved to have been there that night when these 2 teams went around in that semi a few years back.
That game was one of the better ones and the atmosphere would have been electric.
I'm just sorry I wasn't there to feel it.
That's why I go, you know? To feel and see the crowd.


santa should change his gimmick to Gandalf the Melancholy.

nice write up though


You should have sat in the shade area then if your so senitive to the sun brett.

And don't get to close to that tiger mascot. I hear he is a QUEENSLANDER :doubt:

St. Brett

A Queenslander eh?

I guess it's not as bad as that Panfers mini mascot who turned out to be a umm, dirty old man a few years back, remember?
He used to ride one of those powered blade board scooters with 3D glasses and turned out to be a deviant remember?.:lol:

Me report wasn't much I know as I got my arse kicked by that bleating sun. And the train ride in was terrible as I was still in Liverpool at 1:30pm. The trains sucked major arsehole. I was gonna cancel yesterday altogether. Even today I'm sun struck and wobbly, dis-orginized and all over the shop.
Chopsy_05 if you can do better then be my guest.
I tried.
Good god was it just me that heat yesterday?


I know what it's like to be sensitive. That's why I was in the shade area untill just before the main game started. I was on the side where the sun wasn't hitting during maingame. It wasn't that hot if you were in the shade. You gotta make sure you have enough to drink brett. Imagine what it was like for the players.

The trains sucked with the trackwork. I had to go via south line from Campbelltown. Had to catch a bus to Livo then a train from there.


Another thing brett. One of my mates bought a flag at halftime. I was waving it in the second half but not to hard at all. But it got windy and when I waved it it broke off and it flew thru the air about 10 meters and all i was left with was a bit of the stick that I was holding. Alot of people thought that was amusing. Gone with the wind aye Brett

St. Brett

Alien I thought you were from Terrigal.

Your location says Terra.

What'd you think of the cheese burgers? It was ok until I bit into the over-cooked onion.
That spoilt it.
And they didn't put any Gerkin in it either. You gotta have gerkin.

That track work is a pain in the arse.
I avoided it though yesterday.

I also said no to the Bankstown line way too at Central.

Alien why didn't you get off at Glen Field and go the airport way? Take ya straight through.

I didn't see no out of control flag piece blowing as I may have been up the other end of the field.
As you can tell by my photo's I'm in sh*t seats up near the 20M line.

I always sit there. There used to be a drain there that smelt like wet crab once.

Hey Alien....don't be surprised to see Thurston stomp you guys next week.
I gotta go e-mail lady at Big League and tell her about the terrible ref preformance with the Knights Raiders game.
Alien....will alteration shop attatch a collar to my shirt?


"Look at me, I'm Ben Ross and I'm a Gummy Bear."
Perry's the frigin' Enforcer I'll call him.
Hard man of Rugby League my arse.
Ben Ross OWNED!


St. Brett said:
Alien I thought you were from Terrigal.

Your location says Terra.

What'd you think of the cheese burgers? It was ok until I bit into the over-cooked onion.
That spoilt it.
And they didn't put any Gerkin in it either. You gotta have gerkin.

That track work is a pain in the arse.
I avoided it though yesterday.

I also said no to the Bankstown line way too at Central.

Alien why didn't you get off at Glen Field and go the airport way? Take ya straight through.

No I live in the Campbelltown area. Terra = Earth

I didn't have any cheeseburgers and yeah I don't mind gerkin :lol:

The airport line I would have had to catch a bus to Sydenham and then a train to Central. Probably would have taken around same time

How did you avoid the trackwork?


You should sit in the fanatics bay when we play the Dogs. You can help me with my huge banner if we are allowed to bring our banners for that game.

And what do you mean don't be surprised to see Thurston stomp 'you guys' next week? Aren't you a wests tigers supporter too?

I dont know if they can attach a collar at the alteration shop.

Instead of complaining to Big League, why dont you ring the continuous call team. I am sure Rayyyyyyyyyyyyy and his bunch of cockatoos would love to hear from you.

By the way I didn't notice a wet carb smell lol

St. Brett


Well, that's the strange thing.....I'm not one of you guys.
I tried telling that to Peter Wynn the other day in his store when I purchased the jersey.
He was asking me all these questions and I remained mute as I'm not a West Tigers fan.

Even yesterday I struggled to explain sh*t speaking to you mob.

Ray Hadley can get knotted.

Speaking of Peter Wynn I was telling him the other day about the day the Tigers played Parra at Liechhardt bak in the '80's and when The Parra team were getting off the bus their hooker number 12 came rushing over to me to sign an autograph and I completely ignored him as I didn't recognise him without his trademark head dressing of brown and white strapping.
Think his name was Hinchcliff?

I'm going home.

Cowboys back on home turf and the bias ref and crowd will cheat you out of a victory round 2.
Here we go again.


yeah I'm struggling to keep up..a very odd odd odd thread and I want my 10 minutes back as I had to read it very slowly.



Arr Crispy, I didnt realise you had an account here. Good to see you return. We needed you here while moth was on vacation.

How has the off season been for you?


Always have had a back up account. My other account has gone a little unpredictable so I switched over and PM's madunit to help me sort the issues out


Congrats lads on winning the chocolates yesterday. Nice to meet you Brett, and thanks very much for asking if my pic could be posted on here. I do weddings, birthdays, Bahmitzva's (???), and lamington drives if anyone would be requiring Gandalphs, oops, i mean Santas services. Best of luck for the rest of the year.