The right of reply
Concerning my ejection form this forum last week I would like to state my case as I was not allowed to last week publicly
(1) the story I posted was deleted for the reason that my story was somehow untrue .i gave my source as sky news obviously the moderator failed to check this before acting . as it was directly supported by the tele 5/3/007 pages 2 ANTI TERROR UNIT,,,,”
(2) to this end the judgement and impartiality of Diablo must be questioned. the said moderator deleted the post without any notification. then proceeded to delete other posts.Asking why? While saying nothing .if this is moderators “BEST PRACTICE” then say so and we can all leave this place to the thumpers
(3) there was clamed to be a plethora of notification .this is untrue .i received
messages. email notification basically only saying “you got a private messages” most
of these Messages were in reply to me asking first if I was visible then asking who
was deleting my posts. 4 or 5 Hours later Diablo finally mailed that he was the
coward deleting posts without notification
(4)as I was finding every thing I said being deleted by the alleged coward I proceeded to
post sarcastic comments at the end of posts with the intention of pissing off the said
coward .but as there is a time component in the site that interrupts this a flooding it
boot my arse as a consequence
(5) at the time I was truly ropable. I had returned from watching parra choke .and in fine
Spirts, Was looking forward to a little word play. had the alleged coward reported his
dubious deeds I would have acknowledged it and moved on but as he neither did this
nor indicated that he was deleting posts .i keep asking to the point where I called the
alleged coward a “gutless c” .i don’t retract this .and say to the shrieking princesses.
buy a box of tissues .
in the words of john singleton “people who don’t use words like f & c shouldn’t
be playing rugby league”(here here) and as this is still and RL I’ll live with that
(6) the agenda now is Diablo should come forward and give reason why he act so ineptly.
Was he goaded into doing this by a third party ?did he act alone in so should surrender
his moderating privileges as this is clearly beyond his capabilities
Just quietly
Jilliby kitty
just a reminder of your failure willow and devil boys cowardous