And can someone proof read my letter to the editor below for me please?
Gee, Sunday Telegraph, your paper on June 21st read more like a Women’s Day or New Idea magazine.
Front page is dedicated to Home & Away star’s boyfriend gone A.W.O.L.
Then an underbelly father released from prison.
Soccer star’s conduct questioned.
Effie harassment claims.
Politician’s future hangs by an elusive mysterious e-mail. Sensational, what drama!
Sprinkler ban lifted! My life’s been devastated by the sprinkler ban but now there’s light. Yipee, remove those training wheels and severe the umbilical cord from the monarch, we’re free after all these years the sprinkler ban has freed us!
Kerr’s topless fashion shoot – sales in gangster hats go up.
Brendon Hills story claims that there’s now a clause in a wedding contracts?
Shooting victim sees hair dresser?
Models with new look? That’s new.
Pumpkin case?
Cape Fear wannabe still on parole.
Slashed prices on prada? Jesus Christ help me!
Killer was her own son – now she sees apparitions.
Gracie Otto and something about musling sheep tales.
Arthritic Garfunkel & Simon rock salt story.
Man rents out carport – sensational journalism.
I reckon the new cheese vegemite is more sensational than any of these stories so far.
Parents to spy on their kids.
Gay actor not resigned to Grey’s Anatomy.
Madonna now designer shopping for human being purchases.
Big arses on seats – the sales pitch to sell wide load airline tickets.
The picture of Isabel Lucas on page 140 looks like she’s been dipped in varnish and is posing for a funeral home parlour commercial.
That fake spray-on tan stuff is phonier than fake L.A. boobs.
You even had the nerve to caption Lucas’ photo with the words “natural beauty.”
Natural beauty? She looks like she overdosed on Tang, or Berocca!
Let me guess, she resides in Orange County in L.A. too right?
And I guess the so-called swine flu isn’t deadly enough to report on eh?
Boy, didn’t that swine flu die in the arse real quick – what a fizzer!
Time to bring back The Grim Reaper to scare the sh*t out of the modern age I say..
He’ll generate headlines somehow.
Or, how 'bout this one below?
Does anyone find it funny that after all these years Fabio was pushed into obscurity after that theme-ride-duck-in-the-face-nose-mashed episode? No more “I can’t believe it’s not butter” commercials no more book cover covers. He just…blinked out of existence into humiliation and all because of a duck and a roller coaster?