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Video ref


[ :blahb: ] Big gripe of mine, I'll start straight off by saying Id be happy seeing it gone, but with the amount of cameras and replays we have at games I know it'll never happen, weve gone too far to go back.

Why is the VR now adjudicating on things like strips and obscure knock ons etc? I thought we did away with this with the Barrett incident and Cyril the OBV employee who wasnt a Saints fan. I didnt know were going back down this path.

Where is the line drawn?

When a ref calls a forward pass right on halfway and we're packing a scrum, and the reply shows its OK....then what?

How long till team blue is pinged for a strip on replay by the VR while 15 mins later team green gets away with it. Next week maybe, or rd 4. Wont be long thats for sure.
They cant even get straightforward tries correct.

[Old fart mode] was great in the old days when a forawrd pass
or knock on was missed, everyone had a bitch for TWO or
THREE seconds and then we GOT ON WITH IT! [/Old fart mode]

Gus is right with one thing, the VR is an atmosphere killer - your team making 80 metres downfield over five or six great tackles to get it over the line in the corner, the pressure builds and builds from tackle one till the winger plants it and the fans explode- then the ref making squares in the air is like a pin meeting a balloon.

Will Harrigan be doing his usual PR BS on Mon nites on 2SM? [/ :blahb: ]
I'd be happy if the VR was done away with all together.
As fans, we like to have a traditional whinge over a beer after the game but there was always that voice in the back of your head that acknowledges the ref didn't have the benefit of multiple replays. You begrudgingly accept that's part of the game. It's when they f**k up in spite of the technology that makes it amateurish and unacceptable.
t-ba said:
Groundings and Offsides for tries. That should be it.

That's fine but what happens when there's something blatantly illegal in the lead up like a knock on on or a trip and the VR can't rule on it? That's not a very appealing prospect IMO.
Just get rid of it.


I want to see the f**ken VR go alltogether. I want DRAMA in my league. If that means someone f**ks up then so be it. The days when you would wait with anticipation on a referees try or no try rulling in an instant were amazing for crowds. That has gone, trys are like calling a board meeting now. Everyone looks at it in fear.

I want it gone alltogether or a max of 3 challenges per game on any incident available to the capt or the coach. Thats all. I dont mind human error, why is it so bad that a referee can make a mistake from time to time.

The way i look at refrees and umpires is that it is their view, their opnion and its NEVER WRONG because that is what their job is. To make a call, if you disagree thats fine but its not a factual thing it all depends on the umpires perspective so he is never really wrong.

Taking the game so seriously to the point at which you change the game in its essence is wrong imo. The rules are there to keep the game the way it is, not to make the game change to suit the rules. The current NFL style scrum replays are giving me the sh*ts.


And you people wanting it gone altogether will be the first ones b!tching when your team gets a decision against you. The way it was last year was fine, i don't know why they have gone back to the video ref having as much say as he used to. Foul play (that may have been missed by the ref), Offisides in the try scoring movement, and grounding the ball during the try scoring is all that he should be allowed to pipe up on. That is all.


I like the way that the Tennis use their Hawk Eye challenges. They get chances during their set to challenge a call, if they're wrong they lose one of their chances.

A referee should be allowed to ref his game without having to go up to the video all the bloody time when he's not confident about his own call.

This way, the coach has a say when he is unhappy with a decision and the game can continue to flow without other interuptions.


First Grade
I want it gone altogether as we're not getting the calls right as it is and I think it's contributing to the poor quality of refereeing as they don't back their own judgement and second guess everything.

I quite like MH's idea of scrapping it and just brining in the challenge system (which I was initially against). I'd say something like each coach gets 3 challenges a match and if the decision is upheld then they lose a challenge.


Im with you Sal, theyre turning our game into some sick hybrid of Union and gridiron, lets just put the challenge system in for tries only. Get on with the game.
beave said:
And you people wanting it gone altogether will be the first ones b!tching when your team gets a decision against you. The way it was last year was fine, i don't know why they have gone back to the video ref having as much say as he used to. Foul play (that may have been missed by the ref), Offisides in the try scoring movement, and grounding the ball during the try scoring is all that he should be allowed to pipe up on. That is all.

As I said earlier, before VR, when a ref farks up you begrudgingly accept he didn't have the benefit of multiple replays. It's when he has all the camera angles and still gets it wrong is what pisses people off and makes the game look bad. The NFL introduced the VR and then got rid of it all together because the refs still got it wrong. We should do the same imo.

Perth Red

Post Whore
If it was up to me I'd have the VR only able to rule on the grounding of the ball in the act of scoring a try. Anything else let the three clowns running the game make decisions and lets live with the fact Refs make mistakes just as players do.
Perth Red said:
If it was up to me I'd have the VR only able to rule on the grounding of the ball in the act of scoring a try. Anything else let the three clowns running the game make decisions and lets live with the fact Refs make mistakes just as players do.

Or better still bring back the in goal touchie;-)


First Grade
I don't have a problem with the VR for tries, but it's just crazy to look at every knock-on/lost ball. It's going to turn into gridiron if they're going to check every one. I don't mind the video ref for foul play but that's about it.


Babyface O'reilly said:
As I said earlier, before VR, when a ref farks up you begrudgingly accept he didn't have the benefit of multiple replays. It's when he has all the camera angles and still gets it wrong is what pisses people off and makes the game look bad. The NFL introduced the VR and then got rid of it all together because the refs still got it wrong. We should do the same imo.

That's exactly what sh*ts me. They look and look and look and still get it wrong. The idea of using the VR for 3 challenges per game is one of the smartest things iv read on this forum.


You only gotta look at the Balin try just now and one in the Penrith raiders game.....someone withing the 10...they get more wrong than right
for me, the biggest problem with the VR having a say in strips v knock ons is that the TV broadcaster basically dictates the replays. If something is replayed 7 times while a scrum is being packed, then the video ref may or may not see something and tip the ref. However, if the broadcasters are showing an earlier highlight, be it tackle, try, offload or whatever, it's not going to get called. Just another form of inconsistency. Keep it for tries, but that's it. Bad calls happen in all sports. deal with it if you cop a dud knock on call.


Theyre apparently allowed to check two replays......didnt help us when Carl Webb stripped the ball off Beau Ryan in front of his posts....no one checked that one, was a clear strip at WTs 16-10 with 25 mins to go, Henry almost scores from resulting scrum when tagive puts him into touch justin front of the corner post - couldve changed the whole outcome of the game.
Once again, the inconsistency is the issue!


I'd rather feel ripped off at a wrong decision than the game stop for 5min while they replay the try over and over and over.

Also stopping the game at scrums etc is a joke


Babyface O'reilly said:
As I said earlier, before VR, when a ref farks up you begrudgingly accept he didn't have the benefit of multiple replays. It's when he has all the camera angles and still gets it wrong is what pisses people off and makes the game look bad. The NFL introduced the VR and then got rid of it all together because the refs still got it wrong. We should do the same imo.
And then the NFL re-introduced it after everyone realised that their rose tinted memories of how accurate human refs used to be without the assistance were just plain wrong. If we eliminate the VR I guarantee it'll be back within two years. Refereeing performances that were accepted (grudgingly) in the 1980s when only two matches were televised, video replay technology was limited (at best), and the game was slower just aren't acceptable in the modern age. Expectations are now too high and media scrutiny of decisions too intense. I have no doubt that the majority of current VR decisions could be made correctly be the referee on the field but there will still be a substantial number of decisions each week that are exposed as incorrect and match turning. It'll be an absolute farce of bad publicity week after week.

That's not to say that the present system is working. It isn't. But the problem isn't that the VR has too much involvement but rather that his involvement is too restricted and more importantly he is involved in the wrong way. The video ref should not be a crutch that the referee can hand off the decision to in some circumstances but not others. That just leads to the inconsistency everyone is complaining about and a referee who second guesses himself. And it leads to a lottery where the video ref is left to make a 50/50 call on inconclusive or disputable evidence. Remove the power to hand decisions to the video ref from the referee and let him get on with calling the game as he sees it. Every decision is made by the ref in real time, including tries/no tries, and he has no option to wimp out of making a call by passing it off to someone else or otherwise second guessing himself. If he gets the decision wrong then so be it - he's only human. Let's get on with the game.

Instead hand the power to call the video to those who would spend their time complaining about the decisions - the competing teams. Give each team two or three Challenges per match and penalise them one of their ten interchanges if they make a bad challenge. Let them use their challenges not just for tries/no tries but at any stage of the game. If they really feel they've got a raw deal from the referee and the call is that crucial to them then don't deny them the opportunity for video review just because the call wasn't part of a try scoring play or a lost ball leading to a scrum. Eliminate the inconsistency of when the video can be called and leave it to the clubs to decide what calls they are confident enough to risk an interchange to try and get overturned. If the VR has *any* doubt then the call as made by the referee on the field stands which means we'd go a long we to eliminating the video lottery too.
