you may be right about Morris and after all he was a halfback understudy to Andrew Johns at Newcastel and maybe (if given the opportunity) he may be better suited to 5/8 (outside Witt) next season
and just a question, simply a question.....have you been a Hopkins bagger recently??? cause i seem to think you may have been thats all - anyway, if you have been good on you for giving him due credit for his performance and if not good on you for giving him a wrap anyway
i would love to see Lee retained for next year to fill that utility role off the bench unless we can come up with some better option?????
i mean something like
14. Hopkins
15. Widders
16. Robinson
17. Cannings
18. Stringer
19. Tsoulos
assuming that the starting pack will be something like
13. Wagon
12. Morrsion
11. Hindmarsh
10. Vella
9. Riddell
8. Cayless (c)