CH enjoyed Transformers, his opinions are invalid, just like him.
Yeah. There was hardly any fighting and wolverine cutting things up. Needed more mutant battles tbh.
I'm thinking big words might hurt his brain.
Likes: Dumb plots; endless fighting scenes
Dislikes: Dialogue; scenes that go for more than 10 seconds.
I watch movies to be entertained not to watch some shitty drama.
I guess you fools probably think the Star Wars prequels are shit. Heaps of awesome battle scenes in those.
The prequels are way better. The special effects in the originals are horrible. Reminds me of one of those old school Godzilla movies.
Frozen. Good movie. All I've seen about this made me think Anna was the main character but she wasn't really, Elsa was. But Anna is hotter. 8/10.
Identity. Good thriller with a twist. 7.5/10.
Phantoms. Ben Affleck was the bomb yo. Makes me miss late 90's thrillers. Bit of a lame ending/bad guy, but it had good atmosphere for the most part. 7/10
"Frozen" is definitely one of the most overrated movie of the last two years. Pretty average.
CH has been trolling this thread for ages, just ignore him.
I liked it, but it's nowhere near the quality of the best animated features.
The one Disney released just before it (Wreck-It Ralph) was much better. Nothing comes close to Frozen as a merchandising phenomenon though. As someone who works with children, all I have heard about in the past 6 months has been about that damn movie. If I hear 'Let it Go' one more time I think I'll kill myself.
I agree with this, Wreck-It Ralph was incredible and didn't get a lot of credit
Frozen certainly wasn't bad but it was pretty by-the-numbers, not as good as its made out to be