According to my ready reckoner, contracts that expire end of this season are for: Lazarus, Ayshford, Dunley, Tagive, Collis, Morris, Payne, Halatau, Trimarchi, Galea, Gallant & Hanbury.
All the rest 2010 and beyond.
Of the above I'd only offer to renew unconditionally- Galea & Gallant.
Conditionally- Tagive & Lazarus (fitness), Trimarchi & Morris (depends on how much),
Dunno- rumours are pretty strong Collis is gone next year either to Souths / Bulldogs. Ayshford and Dunley havent had any great opportunity under Teflon Tim.
I dont think the others have done anything to warrant even trying to keep them- Payne, Halatau & Hanbury.
I'm not counting Skandalis in the calculations.