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The Roosters visit Berkeley
Author: Sydney Roosters
Tuesday, 1 June 2004
The Sydney Roosters were greeted by hundreds of fans in Berkeley yesterday afternoon when they arrived to run their annual Crazy John's Coaching Clinic. Approx 350 children ranging in age from 6 to 14 took part in skills clinics at Berkeley Sports Club.
All participants received a complimentary showbag full of freebies from the Roosters and our sponsors. Krispy Kreme dohnuts handed out 600 free dohnuts to all participants and on-lookers.
Out of all of the skills stations the relay races with Chris Flannery, goal kicking with Michael Crocker and tackling practice with Adrian Morley and
Craig Wing proved to be the most popular.
The night was capped off by the biggest signing session on record with 40 players from the NRL and premier league squads signing over 400 autographs.
The next Crazy John's Coaching Clinic will be held at Kingswood Sports Club on 21 June 2004.
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