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Your NSW Game 2 Lineups?

Johns Magic

i think i'd agree. as you say, he's in superb form but we saw Idris get towelled up last night, i think JT would be a much better job than Idris but its a risky move for a rookie
I think when we lose game 2, he should maybe get a run in game 3 along with guys like Dugan.

The unfortunate thing for NSW is that their best prospect by far just happens to play the same position as the best player in the side...and the even more unfortunate thing is that the selectors are too stupid to pick either of them in their actual position and instead choose someone who clearly isn't up to it at that level.

Johns Magic

Id pick Joel but GI put 3 tries on him just last week.

I watched that game and you could hardly say Thompson was the reason GI scored his first two. One was off a kick and the other was just taking the last pass after Billy broke the line.

The third try, I'm not sure if it was Thompson that GI pushed off but really Manu's offload put GI half through the gap anyway, it's not like whoever was marking him got stood up.

Big Pete

As good as Thompson has been, ideally you'd want him in the second row. I wouldn't get him involved with this shmozzle of a camp, I'd probably hold him back until next year or the year after that.

Awesome prospect though, I really rate him.


Post Whore
Id pick Joel but GI put 3 tries on him just last week.

One at best you could put down to Joel Thompson but otherwise he kept Inglis pretty well contained. as noted, GI scored on try of a kick, another off a break in the middle and the third was dicey but i think the guy inside JT missed his man and JT had to jam in, lose lose, had he not come in i think it was Manu would have gone through, and if he jams in well, inglis did what he did. But as said, i think its a bit too early for JT, i'd give him a run in game 3 if the series is dead. If its alive i wouldnt risk him obviously.
If he were to play though as Pete suggested, i wouldnt play him at centre anyways, despite the fact he can obvious play there, id play him in the back row. He'd be much safer there. He's a star

The unfortunate thing for NSW is that their best prospect by far just happens to play the same position as the best player in the side...and the even more unfortunate thing is that the selectors are too stupid to pick either of them in their actual position and instead choose someone who clearly isn't up to it at that level.

True. Hayne gets first crack in game two imo. And if he fails to impress, give Dugan a crack in game III. Weather Hayne likes it or not, sooner or later (im tipping sooner) Dugan will be fullback for NSW, so he's just going to have to deal with that. Maybe im biased but Dugan is the sh*t and he is a huge part of NSW's future.


Gidley and Waterhouse scrape through to keep as much of the team from game 1 together as possible. In fairness to Waterhouse, its not that he's not a quality player, just that we are rich in backrowers and i'd like to see someone like Anthony Laffranchi get picked. Gidley should be gone by game 3, pick another prop in his place, and let Lewis move from lock to utility if thats what we need during the game.

I actually thought Waterhouse was one of NSW best last night and he was good last year too. We are hurting bad enough without dropping our quality players.

Luke Lewis should be in the starting side and should be captain.

Never thought I would say this but I think Greg Bird needs to come back (along with the obvious choice in Gallen).


Here's the side I expect them to pick, because we all know there will be no big changes. Pretty much Pete's side from a few posts back but with the forwards reshuffled.

1. Jarryd Hayne
2. Timana Tahu
3. Jamie Lyon
4. Josh Morris
5. Brett Morris
6. Kurt Gidley (c)
7. Mitch Pearce
8. Josh Perry
9. Michael Ennis
10. Michael Weyman
11. Paul Gallen
12. Anthony Watmough
13. Luke Lewis

14. Trent Waterhouse
15. Tom Learoyd Lahrs
16. Ben Creagh
17. Brett White

Quite simply NSW are f**ked. The selectors will not sack Gidley mid-series. How would that look, sacking the captain? The backline will be shuffled around but this time instead of a fullback being pushed aside to accomodate Gidley, it will be a half missing out on selection. They dug themselves into a massive hole by making Gidley captain last year, and then doing it again this year.

I see one way out of this mess that doesn't involve cutting the captain in one move. Make Lewis the captain. Pick Carney in the 14 instead of either Waterhouse or Creagh. 3 second rowers on the bench is idiotic anyway, and these two are the least capable of playing prop as well. Let Gidley play the first 20 minutes, then sub him for Carney. Bring Gidley on for the last 20 at hooker. If he fails to perform, cut him from game 3 or don't pick him next year.


First Grade
1. Hayne
2. Morris
3. Morris
4. Lyon
5. Uate
6. Sutton
7. Kimmorley
8. Snowden
9. Ennis
10. Weyman
11. Gallen
12. Hindmarsh
13. Watmough

14. Gidley (preferably Farah but what are the chances?)
15. Learoyd-Lahrs
16. Perry
17. Douglas
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1. Hayne
2. Dugan
3. Tahu
4. Lyon
5. Morris
6. Gidley
7. Pearce
8. Weyman
9. Farah
10. Tolman/Snowden
11. Anthony Watmough
12. Luke Lewis
13. Paul Gallen/Nathan Hindmarsh/Greg Bird

14. Todd Carney
15. Willie Mason/Hindmarsh/
16. Tom Learoyd Lahrs
17. Ben Cross/Keith Galloway

Galloway and Tolman obviously need to be fit.

Get watmough out of the middle and put him on the edge, thats where he is most destructive, not in the middle making all the tackles and hit ups.

Get rid of soft c**k waterhouse and creagh

Learoyd Lahrs could even get a start, him and weyman looked the only forwards that wanted to go forward last night.

Gidley and Hayne looked lethal in last 10 minues at 6 and 1. Its just an option. If not Trent Barret has proved himself plenty of times and Brett Finch is one of the most in form halves in the comp aswell. Not Kimmorley who I think has had one good game this year. And who proved last night behind a pack whose getting dominated is a nothing player!

Sutton is another option aswell!!


Tom Learoyd Lahrs should definately get a start. I admit I don't watch many Raider's games (I mean who does in their right mind:)) but Tom Learoyd Lahrs is a gun gun player by the looks of it. I know its not his first Origin but his work was Civo like. I can say without doubt he'll be in Origin for years to come. Great work lad.

I think adam hit the nail on the head there. Its a much more balanced side and honestly I would love to see maybe Kimmorley and Pearce in the halves. Kimmorley brings alot to the team and his defence is top notch. Pearce probably is the best halfback NSW have and Kidley isn't a natural there anyways.

Coming from a Newcastle point of view, it was very very very frustrating to see Kidley play like that... I know (as does everyone else) Hayne has to be the fullback but where to put Kidley? Watching him week in week out he is good enough to play rep footy but definately not over Hayne at fullback. Bench is best option, or drop Ennis to the bench and play Kidley at hooker (I think his best positoin).


1. Hayne
2. Dugan/Uate (I think both belong in Origin)
3. Lyon (form centre)
4. Tahu (Went okay)
5. Brett Morris (pity he didn't see much ball but quality winger)

6. Mitch Pearce
7. Kimmorley

8. Tom Learoyd Lahrs
9. Kidley
10. Weyman (jeez he was poor and looked so sluggish out there but really noone else...)
11. Watmough (quiet but he is the destroyer)
12. Luke Lewis (my favourite non Newcastle player. He is a real talent and should be capatin of NSW imho)
13. Gallen (Quality,quanity and is grubby as they come)

14. Ennis
15. Mason
16. Waterhouse
17. Snowden

18. Perry
19. White
20. Barrett


1. Hayne
2. Morris
3. Jennings
4. Lyon
5. Tahu
6. Sutton
7. Carney
8. Weyman
9. Farah
10. Cross
11. Bird
12. Gallen
13. O'Donnell

14. Lewis
15. Learoyd-Lahrs
16. Watmough
17. White

Bird Gallen Odonnell, now thats an agressive back row. why the hell didnt the selectors pick that


Tom Learoyd Lahrs should definately get a start. I admit I don't watch many Raider's games (I mean who does in their right mind:)) but Tom Learoyd Lahrs is a gun gun player by the looks of it. I know its not his first Origin but his work was Civo like. I can say without doubt he'll be in Origin for years to come. Great work lad.

I think adam hit the nail on the head there. Its a much more balanced side and honestly I would love to see maybe Kimmorley and Pearce in the halves. Kimmorley brings alot to the team and his defence is top notch. Pearce probably is the best halfback NSW have and Kidley isn't a natural there anyways.

Coming from a Newcastle point of view, it was very very very frustrating to see Kidley play like that... I know (as does everyone else) Hayne has to be the fullback but where to put Kidley? Watching him week in week out he is good enough to play rep footy but definately not over Hayne at fullback. Bench is best option, or drop Ennis to the bench and play Kidley at hooker (I think his best positoin).


1. Hayne
2. Dugan/Uate (I think both belong in Origin)
3. Lyon (form centre)
4. Tahu (Went okay)
5. Brett Morris (pity he didn't see much ball but quality winger)

6. Mitch Pearce
7. Kimmorley

8. Tom Learoyd Lahrs
9. Kidley
10. Weyman (jeez he was poor and looked so sluggish out there but really noone else...)
11. Watmough (quiet but he is the destroyer)
12. Luke Lewis (my favourite non Newcastle player. He is a real talent and should be capatin of NSW imho)
13. Gallen (Quality,quanity and is grubby as they come)

14. Ennis
15. Mason
16. Waterhouse
17. Snowden

18. Perry
19. White
20. Barrett

mate is there anyone at home or has someone fell asleep at the wheel.

take off your red and blue glasses and pull your head in.

Learoyd Lahs in the front row you are kidding.
Gidley at starting hooker.your joking did anyone have a problem with ennis last night seriously



To Yosh, i cbf quoting, but you said Gidley is good enough for rep level.

This is wrong. There is no magical line that you need to be above to be regarded as 'good enough'. To be good enough for rep level, you need to be better than the competition. Gidley is not the best in any position for NSW. Thus he is not good enough for rep level.


Staff member
JT has made some bad reads or not good lateral movement but hes improved on that aspect since the game against Tahu. But Idris is much worse in the defence department.


Staff member
This is wrong. There is no magical line that you need to be above to be regarded as 'good enough'. To be good enough for rep level, you need to be better than the competition. Gidley is not the best in any position for NSW. Thus he is not good enough for rep level.

TBH I don't even think Gidley is in the top 3 fullbacks for NSW.
Hayne, Dugan and Coote are all ahead of him in my book.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
JT is playing out of position as well. His defence is really coming along nicely but he does make a WACKY read and rushes out of the line like a maniac every so often.

He has been the Raiders best player this year. Along with Dugan and Shillo.

Spot On

Rothfield now says he has inside word that they will pick Gidley at #7 for game II.

FMD! :lol:

I'm trying not to bite. This must be a gee up? Surely! They are going to admit he's not the best fullback going around and then make him the playmaker for NSW, responsible for guiding the team around, kicking in general play and setting up a bagful of four pointers through his silky ball playing skills. Wow!


The frustrating thing from a Blues perspective is; as good as the QLD team are, NSW could beat them if they would only pick the right players & coach.

In the middle of a series, you can't drop the captain or the coach. So we're stuck with both. As captain, Gidley still has to be in the team somewhere as a utility. Bellamy over-coaches the side to the point they're terrified of straying from the "paint by numbers" game plan. Once the series is over, he's history...win, lose or draw.

The team for game 2, taking into account all the mitigating factors should be...

Hayne, B.Morris, Lyon, Idris, Tahu, Barrett, Gidley, Lewis, Watmough, Creagh, B.Cross, Farrah, Weyman. Res. White, King, Waterhouse, Learoyd-Lahrs.

It's always a toss up between, keeping as much of the squad together not only for this series but for the series to come. Sometimes it's necessary to play players out of position. Tahu and Gidley need to be retained for similar reasons, thus they have to play out of position.

Reasons.....Cooper's injured and past it, anyway. Perry was poor and there are bigger, meaner, props in front of him. Kimmorley needs to make room for Gidley who (for this series at least) has to be in the starting side. Ennis tries hard but we need more creativity and that's Farrah.
Cross & King are big boppers and Barrett is our most experienced five-eighth. Personally, I think Campo is better but for game 2 in Qld, Barrett's the man.

The squad for game 1 next year, should be....

Hayne, B.Morris, J.Morris, Jennings, Gordon, Campese, (Half-back TBA) Bird, Watmough, Creagh, B.Cross, Farrah, Weyman.
Res. White, King, Waterhouse, Learoyd-Lahrs.
Others... Lewis, Idris, Sutton, Tahu, Gallen, Snowden, Douglas, B.Scott, Champion, Lawrence, Heighnington.
Half-back.....Pearce, Carney, Mortimer, Walsh,

If the NSW selectors get it right, the Blues can win games 2 & 3. Unfortunately, my gut feeling is they will get it wrong and if so Qld will most likely win the series again.
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