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Your single greatest and worse moment as a supporter.


Best: The 91 GF. This was after years of building as a team and you just had the feeling the whole year that we were going to win that year. One dude on my street was wearing a raiders jersey earlier in the day but it had magically turned into a penrith one after the game.

Worst: Penrith joining Superleague for sure. I couldn't believe we joined the scumbags.


Thierry Henry said:
Best- a tie between qualifying for the grand-final in 2002 in a fairly madcap game v the Sharks (in terms of a europhic sense of achievement), and the 2003 first round finals game where we beat the Dogs 48-22 (in terms of disbelief/excitement at how well we played in a big game)

Worst- A 50 point thrashing by the Tigers in 2004 where we didn't even try. None of the memories 1995-2000 stack up to this as the Warriors had never known success at that point. After the success of 2001-03 we expected and deserved more.

I posted differently, but I can't disagree with that. That game against the Tigers was torture when we saw blokes like Dene Halatau make line breaks from 60 metres out and cruise around Brent Webb with no one going back in cover defence. Pathetic!

I know we got towelled by Easts 44-0 in 2002, but at least I thought we tried we just didn't execute or tackle.

Roy Rover

As a Raiders fan I'd say:

Best: 89 Grand Final

Worst: The last ten years (particularly when Mal was our coach - what are Queensland thinking!?!)


Staff member
Best: some of the wins in the 90s were great. Getting in the winning dressing room once in 94 was great. There were also some pretty good upsets this year.

Worst: The Merge

Edit: Also the Central Coats Bears not being admitted was very bad.


panthersballboy said:
Best: The 91 GF. This was after years of building as a team and you just had the feeling the whole year that we were going to win that year.

I like the 2003 GF for the exact opposite reason. Its good to support you team through the hard times and then seeing them prove all the critics wrong. In 91 like you said we were one of the expected favourites so for me wasnt as exciting but none the less it was a great final and memory


First Grade
ben said:
Well as a Knights supporter i don't have any bad memories since the Knights always reign supreme. :p

Guess something in the water at Newcastle must have erased your memory, allow me to remind you..

Best: 93 Grand Final win, the only GF where we havent been faves
Worst: QLD losing 9-8 in golden point in 2004 game 1


The 2001 GF.......it still seems so surreal. The whole night seemed to go by in an instant. I pretty much remember every step I took while leaving the ground.

After the game I was waiting next to the big people mover for my dad who was sitting elsewhere. While I was sitting there, some turd must've thrown paint over the edge of the people mover up above. It landed all over my jersey, sunnies and hat. I was just sitting there watching everyone leave the ground, hoping I'd see someone with paint. Probably best I didn't end up finding them.

As if that wasn't bad enough..............it was my 19th birthday.


Red and Blue Knight said:
Worst: 2000 Preliminary Final loss to the Roosters, absolutely gutting.

Best: 97 & 01 Grand Final wins

Looks about right there, thought i dont remember to much of the 97 one and i was at the 01 and i remember that like it was yesterday!

Also, seeing Joey go down in 2002 was also a worst for me :( we would have been able to beat the chooks and warriors that year :(

After the game I was waiting next to the big people mover for my dad who was sitting elsewhere. While I was sitting there, some turd must've thrown paint over the edge of the people mover up above. It landed all over my jersey, sunnies and hat. I was just sitting there watching everyone leave the ground, hoping I'd see someone with paint. Probably best I didn't end up finding them.
Yeah i know how ya feel. After the game i got tackled by a man of a parra fan... hit me from behind.... lucky there was a huge amount of newi/parra fans that surrounded us shortly after...


Worst: 1999 Semi against the Stains- No lower point in my life as a supporter right there. (We would have smashed Melbourne) :(

Best: Amco Cup :lol: Nah kidding: 78 Grand final v's Manly was good (It was a draw) also smashing the Broncos in the semi's always brings back good memories. Also that 52 -12 win against the Dogs in a semi.

Enough to keep this long suffering Sharks fan intersted at least.
Best moment - seing Meninga belt the sh*t out of Terry Lamb in the 94 GF and seeing the raiders go on to carve the doggies up and win the Premiership for the 3rd time.

Worst Moment - Jason Bulgarelli dropping the ball in the 2003 semi final against the Warriors costing us the game and a spot in the prelim final.


Best: Grand Final Win against Warriors, closely followed by New Zealand beat Aussie as few weeks ago and then Me seeing Vainkolo playing for the first time and then....June 30 I LOVE transfer season!

Worst: losing those 2 grand finals in consective years and watching Fittler leave! and leaving Finch for the playmaking role.....


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
LeagueFanNumeroUno said:
What was the 2002 Bulldogs team? As good as 2004?


Best - Can't split -- 04 Prelim, 04 Premiership, 98 Semi

Worst - Also can't split -- Cap scandal, any Rorters loss.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
MrSharky said:
Countless Premierships



I'm glad there's one decent Sharks bloke out there who doesn't take it all so personally or seriously.... :thumb


Good thread.

Best: Was probably the times we had on the hill this season.
Worst: Well, 2001 was pretty fkd.

Big Pete

Best: Beating Parramatta 54-14 this year. I know about all the premiership wins but I only saw the 2000 one and actually didn't get to see the match until I already knew the result. Beating Parramatta is always good as we have that big rivalry but that was our best game of the season and was great to see.

Worst: Probably the losing streak was hard to take.

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