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Fans get their game back


this is the only part that worries me. profits should be going toward acquiring assets, pitching-in for stadium upgrades or just being put in the bank for a rainy day. one of the major problems i see with the game atm is it has no money in the bank and owns no assets meaning it has very little equity or leverage.
the self-serving clubs already get their generous grants; they are more than capable of raising revenue themselves.

The 16 clubs get an equal share of the revenue?

Does this replace the Grant? If so, is there no grant if the clubs lose money?

Do the two new clubs get a share of the profits?

If these 16 clubs are in charge of the international game and rights, will that part of the game simply take a back seat to the NRL?

There are quite a few things that dont seem to have been thought through (hopefully they have been), but i dont think that this independent commission is any massive change. i doubt it will improve things much more than they have already been improved and are continually improving. the loss of News ltd as a partner does have potential to greatly damage the game (not that i think it will make much difference).

the bright news is that things are looking good and improving each year, so no matter what happens the future looks bright for the game.


In defence of the Sydney clubs in their argument about siphoning money to the Storm, it has been made clear that the NRL has no fighting fund, or any cash at all, if one or more of the existing clubs goes broke. I can see why clubs would be arking up about the Storm being given preferential treatment over, say, the Knights or Roosters. If it comes down to a choice between one or the other, as it may do, the Sydney clubs are within their rights to want to survive.


GODZILLA.......Come save us

What does this mean for David Gallop?

Senior officials have told Gallop he will remain as chief executive and will be offered a contract for between three and five years.Instead of reporting to two NRL boards, as he does under the current administration, he will report to the commissioners and be responsible for the day-to-day running of the game.

Written above is a prime example of 2 sayings that are so very relevant in this case

1.....You can not educate idiots

2.....You can not put brains in statues

God help the great game of rugby league and what used to be the Sydney premiership with those decision.

What happens to the ARL, NSWRL, QRL and CRL?

The new independent body will be called the Australian Rugby League Commission, but the competition will still be called the Telstra NRL premiership. The NSWRL and Queensland Rugby League will come under the umbrella of the commission but will still oversee their state competitions and run the State of Origin series.

All revenue will go to the commission, which in turn will provide grants to the respective leagues. The CRL will continue to run bush football, while the independent commission will oversee all international football.


What are the key areas for the new commission?

A new television deal and the expansion of the game will be top priorities. The current deal with Channel Nine and Fox Sports expires at the end of 2012 and many believe the last contract was undersold. The AFL has already started negotiations with all free-to-air networks and rugby league will be left behind unless talks get underway soon for the next deal.

Channel Seven boss David Leckie has confirmed his network will be challenging Channel Nine for the rights but is waiting for News Ltd's exit before he enters into serious discussions. Two new clubs - possibly from the Central Coast and a second team in Brisbane - will be added to the premiership by 2013. This will provide an extra game and extra television programming.

The rights could be divided among two free-to-air networks and Fox Sports to maximise revenue, like Ten and Seven sharing AFL broadcasts. State of Origin and representative football will be sold separately. The new deal could be worth as much as $1 billion.

Why do i have a sneaking suspicion that the jewel of the crown in rugby league, The State of Origin series will end up on PAY FOR VIEW TV with a replay later in the night on either free to air or pay tv.

My mind drifts back to 1995 when we had a 20 team competition run by the ARL with Arko as the head. Why oh why did some idiots think they needed to take it upon themselves to try to fix something that was not BROKEN.
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First Grade
The clubs having control could have a bad effect on expansion. is this correct or am i taking it wrong?

e.g. we get more revenue. there is money to expand. commision says lets expand. clubs say bugger off we want more money for ourselves.


First Grade
Infact, isn't it like NSWRL back in the day? Correct me if Im wrong but didn't the clubs vote to have Newtown out? What will stop them from having Newcastle and Melbourne out?

Perth Red

Post Whore
Lunatics running the asylum springs to mind!

We have had 10 years of indifference due to massive comprimises made to stop the war, we are about to make equally massive compromises to get News and the ARL out of the running of the top flight of the game. All I can see is more division, same clowns running the show and alot more looking out for number 1 rather than the future of the game as whole. The only plus side is that we may get some more $'s from independence in the new media deals. Other than that I see another 10 years of treading water for RL.


The clubs having control could have a bad effect on expansion. is this correct or am i taking it wrong?

e.g. we get more revenue. there is money to expand. commision says lets expand. clubs say bugger off we want more money for ourselves.

Spot on dude


Lunatics running the asylum springs to mind!

We have had 10 years of indifference due to massive comprimises made to stop the war, we are about to make equally massive compromises to get News and the ARL out of the running of the top flight of the game. All I can see is more division, same clowns running the show and alot more looking out for number 1 rather than the future of the game as whole. The only plus side is that we may get some more $'s from independence in the new media deals. Other than that I see another 10 years of treading water for RL.

It is the only thing that does spring to mind


Infact, isn't it like NSWRL back in the day? Correct me if Im wrong but didn't the clubs vote to have Newtown out? What will stop them from having Newcastle and Melbourne out?

Then the Eels, The Dragons, The Sharks, The Sea Eagles.....Why not just call the new comp Dodge City rugby league. DCRL as every team will be dodging a bullit every 5 minutes, with gang mentality rulling the day.:lol:


First Grade
Ye thats the worrying part. I wanna know how much influence will the board have and how much power will the commission have.


Good news: 2 new clubs by 2013 (most likely CC and Perth IMO)

Bad news: David Gallop STILL CEO :(

I Agree with both of those...the 2 teams in 2013 should be Gosford and Perth, Then 2 years after that 2 teams from QLD, then another 2 years down the track a team from Adelaide and Wellington NZ to be added.


One of the better snippets in there is that of the eight-person board, at least three will be independent business types, if not four (with Bouris) or more. This is infinitely better than divvying up board seats as X to this faction, Y to that faction, Z to the other. That means, theoretically, that the board can rise above petty internal club and administrator squabbling.

Perth Red

Post Whore
There was mention of grants to the NSWRL, QRL and CRL, what about the affiliated states? Currently these come from the ARL.

The clubs wouldn't wear that," one insider told us. "Why should the commission be handing out $6 million a year to Melbourne when clubs like Cronulla are struggling to stay afloat?

If they can't see the long term bebfits of having a succesful team in Melbourne god help the new NRL is all i can say!


There are a lot of people here who are pesemistic about this.... just remember, its the first step and a huge step in the right direction. Yes, Ribbot will be involved with the Storm, Love will be comissioner for 2 years and Gallop will be running the NRL for 3.

But think; Ribbot won't be so dangerous if he is down in Melbourne, Love is only there for 2 years and will have a whole board to compete with, and Gallop won't have to worry about TV rights and so on anymore. I think he will be ok as an administrator, the problem has been he has had one nut in Loves hand and the other in Murdoch's.

Similar things were being said about Hitler in the early 1930's but less than 10 years later, didn't a few people get the shocks of their lives.

Ribot back in 1995 spearheaded and helped stuff up the greatest game of all....Should he be rewarded for that?...Thats the same as the Bulldogs inviting Sonny Bill Williams back to be their Captain of the team.


Grumpy Old Man

Then the Eels, The Dragons, The Sharks, The Sea Eagles.....Why not just call the new comp Dodge City rugby league. DCRL as every team will be dodging a bullit every 5 minutes, with gang mentality rulling the day.:lol:
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it will be just the opposite.
Nine games per week (two new clubs included) will mean we sell the product as a package, meaning less teams, less revenue. So it will be to each clubs advantage to still be as competitive as possible on the field but to be supportive of each other and the product off the field.
Hopefully then we could just get backing to arguing about which team is the best, safe in the knowledge that our teams futures are secure.

big country

every single name mentioned in that article i would trust as far as I could throw - beware RL, I can smell something cooking


First Grade
The clubs having control could have a bad effect on expansion. is this correct or am i taking it wrong?

e.g. we get more revenue. there is money to expand. commision says lets expand. clubs say bugger off we want more money for ourselves.

Expansion means greater brand exposure for the game, which inturns means that the game has a greater ability to demand $$$ for media rights and sponsorship dollars! would clubs rather a split 500 million between 16 or 650 million between 18???
2 valid points have been raised re: Clubs having power:

1) What does this mean for aspects apart from the NRL? (eg. Internationals - will players be released etc. or will it die?)

2) What does this mean for expansion? Teams will need to be initially supported so Clubs might be wary of this.

Hopefully, the situation is that the Commission basically makes the important decisions regarding rugby league in Australia. What the Clubs will actually get is input into the way the NRL operates as well as equal cuts of whatever money the Commission decides will go to the NRL - as opposed to international, affiliated states, grassroots areas, expansions etc, all of which will come out of the pie before Clubs get their share.