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Howzat! Kerry Packer's War


I thoroughly loved it.

Even my cricket hating yank missus seemed to enjoy it.

It was all well before my time (born in 1980) but I still remember the old ads and so forth from around 85ish. If they do a super league one I hope it is just as good.


Staff member
I quite liked it. God I hope there's a re-make of 'Come On Aussie Come On' in next weeks episode.

As for the lack of lookalikes... It was never going to happen. You can't get blokes who look exactly like all of them, it's not possible.

Besides, the captured the most important part of Doug Walters, the second his dart goes out he's got another lit one in his mouth.


Staff member
As much as I didn't like this, hope it does really well in the ratings again this weekend.

Really looking forward to the Super League sequel, if that indeed does happen.

Mr Spock!

Didn't Jeff Thomson sign later with Kerry Packer?

He played in the 77/78 ACB series against India and on the 78 ACB tour to the West Indies. The show said that he signed with Packer from the beginning.

Horrie Is God

First Grade
Didn't Jeff Thomson sign later with Kerry Packer?

He played in the 77/78 ACB series against India and on the 78 ACB tour to the West Indies. The show said that he signed with Packer from the beginning.

He signed straight away,but he got out of it due to having some clause in his Queensland contract that meant he had to play for them..

Packer blew up at his manager,then Thommo wanted back in to WSC after a year..

The Cricket Board took him to court & won,so Thommo sat basically a whole season out..

Then the Board let him play some WSC at the death as part of the peace treaty..He basically played bugger all WSC..


Starts in less than 20 mins....

Really looking forward to part 2 tonight. Hopefully, we will see quite a bit of action from the games, most notably the match at VFL Park where the clock kept getting moved forward so the electricians wouldn't turn the lights off (and the West Indies hit a six at the end to win), the match where Hookesy had his jaw broken at Sydney Showground, and the first World Series match at the SCG (which was the watershed moment where Kerry had 'won' the battle over the ACB and ABC).


He signed straight away,but he got out of it due to having some clause in his Queensland contract that meant he had to play for them..

Packer blew up at his manager,then Thommo wanted back in to WSC after a year..

The Cricket Board took him to court & won,so Thommo sat basically a whole season out..

Then the Board let him play some WSC at the death as part of the peace treaty..He basically played bugger all WSC..

Although he played in Queensland, his big money contract was with the radio station 4IP rather than the actual Queensland cricket team. Here's the actual incident:


So, he signed for a fairly modest $10000 in the beginning before signing a huge $663000 over 10 yrs, 18 months later. $66300/season was more than double what the players affiliated with World Series got (which was about $20-30000/season) and multiple times more than the $200-$400/test match the players who were with the ACB got. Nevertheless, $66300/year was a hell of a lot of money back in the late 70s/early 80s. Even most Australians don't earn that much today
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Hey, are any of you guys watching this?

Been very good so far. My only gripe is Ch9....the CONSTANT ads...far out. It really disrupts the flow. Maybe its the same people are in charge of Ch9's delayed RL coverage are responsible for this. Looks like after the huge ratings success from last week, they're really trying to milk all the $$$ they can. There was no where near as many ads last Sunday


I love what they did with the actuallity.

I know they were mixing real footage with the acting stuff, but the bloke who played Lillee looked fast. I wouldn't want to face him.

Hookes came across as a soft c**k. Good show. Bring on the Super League version. I'll play Ribot.


Staff member
I missed the last hour of it due to a friend visiting. Will watch the repeat of it next weekend

What suprised me a bit about the series is how damm grumpy and verbally abusive Kerry got at anyone. His PA copped a lot. Classic payback though was when Kerry came into the aussie teams lunch break to console Chappelli after Australia were getting pummeled, as soon as Kerry put his had on his shoulder and started to talk Chappelli said "f**k OFF" :lol:

Kerry mowing the lawn at the cricket and driving Hookes to the hospital were classics as well :D


I missed the last hour of it due to a friend visiting. Will watch the repeat of it next weekend

What suprised me a bit about the series is how damm grumpy and verbally abusive Kerry got at anyone. His PA copped a lot. Classic payback though was when Kerry came into the aussie teams lunch break to console Chappelli after Australia were getting pummeled, as soon as Kerry put his had on his shoulder and started to talk Chappelli said "f**k OFF" :lol:

Kerry mowing the lawn at the cricket and driving Hookes to the hospital were classics as well :D

My mum has a friend (who lives in Bondi) who used to be close to the Packer family, as her friend was involved in the Sydney social circles decades ago.

Yes, it is well known in popular culture that Kerry got what Kerry wanted. He had a firey temper and Howzat! captured that very well. However, not much is ever mentioned about the countless $ he gave away to charity, the cheques he wrote out to pay off people's home loans (which my mum's friend witnessed in person), and the numerous gifts/tips he gave. So, the scene last night where Kerry gave his female secretary that diamond necklace (or whatever it was) was a reference to what I just said. Also, the scene where he left the game and drove Hookesy to hospital in his own car as well...not many people would do the "Good Samaritan" act today

Finally, the scene where Chappelli told Kerry to F-off. It is well known that Chappelli was one of only a handful of people during Kerry's career who actually stood up to him at times and actually rattled Kerry emotionally. This is verified in the interivew on Australian Story back in 2003:


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans serif]GREG CHAPPELL: It wasn't only the traditional administrators. You know, once World Series Cricket started, Ian clashed with Kerry. I don't think Kerry had had many people speak to him like Ian spoke to him a couple of times. Kerry's come into the dressing room and said, Son, I believe we've got a problem. He said, No, Kerry, you've got a problem. "You want us to be professional. "What about getting your blokes organised and get your organisation professional? "He said, "I don't want your money. "I want you to get your bloody house in order and get it sorted out..."..and get out of the dressing room. "And Kerry, sort of...With that Ian turned his back and went about his business. Kerry was left standing there. The look on his face was amazing. As I say, I don't think many had spoken to him like that before.[/FONT]

Chappelli, like Bob Hawke, had the typical trade-unionist personality. He was (and still is in his commentary today) biased and definitely played favourites (e.g. Cosier being excluded from the side).
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I love what they did with the actuallity.

I know they were mixing real footage with the acting stuff, but the bloke who played Lillee looked fast. I wouldn't want to face him.

Hookes came across as a soft c**k. Good show. Bring on the Super League version. I'll play Ribot.

Can they find someone ugly enough to play Gus?


I love what they did with the actuallity.

I know they were mixing real footage with the acting stuff, but the bloke who played Lillee looked fast. I wouldn't want to face him.

Yeah, towards the end (especially the SCG match), they just simply played archival footage from the World Series. However, in the beginning matches at VFL Park and Sydney Showground, I agree with what you said: I liked how they mixed the real footage with the acting (verisimilitude, I think that's what it's called). Especially the scene where Hooksey got his jaw smashed by Andy Roberts.

And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that actor who played Lillee comes from a cricketing background. He genuinely looked fast in some of those scenes.

The only scene I was disappointed they didn't include was that famous game at VFL Park where the West Indies hit a six off the last ball to win. That was the famous night where the electricians or ground threatened to turn off the lights, and then Kerry decided to rewind the clock at the ground by an hour or so. The game didn't finish until close to midnight. Tony Greig talked about this in the "Cricket in the '80s" ABC documentary.

Btw, which ground was the scene at VFL Park shot at? Because, I believe VFL/Waverley Park got demolished at the end of 1999 when the Telstra Dome/Etihad Stadium started hosting matches in 2000 (both AFL and the famous Superchallenge cricket series between Australia and South Africa).

Hookes came across as a soft c**k. Good show. Bring on the Super League version. I'll play Ribot.

Hookesy was the youngest of all the World Series players in the Australian team, so being in his early 20s at the time, he would've been an easier target.

I agree with the SL version. Go to my thread "Spiro Zavos" in TFC forum. Fancy him mentioning about how they should do the SL version on how rugby union changed to a professional sport. No one here in Australia associates the SL war with union. People far remember the effect it had on RL.

The SL version of RL would definitely have to be more than 2 episodes, as it spanned over a longer timeframe than World Series Cricket. Before the actual war during 1995-97, the first mention of a Super League was back in 1986 with the Bradley Report. Also, there were numerous rumblings behind the scenes in 1993/94 of a breakaway competition. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to it. Lachy Hulme to still retain the role of Packer. I'd love to see the reanactment of the Hadley/Ribot stoush on The Footy Show.


There's more ads than actual show this week, it's driving me f**king nuts!!


Given that Ch9 knew they were going to get bumper ratings after the 2.1m they got the previous Sunday, Ch9 milked it for all it was worth. But, the constant ad breaks went way over the top. At one stage, I think they took ads after only 5-7 mins.

770k in Melbourne and 557k in Sydney watched. I think the SL version would get massive ratings in Sydney and Brisbane.

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