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OT- NZ Election


Staff member

I voted for National solely because of their policies and this time will be no different. Frankly, I don't care whose the leader (within reason of course).

I'm not so worried about Labour, but I'm terrified of the prospect of the greens having any influence on how this country is run.

The best thing about Labour's rise is the Greens' fall.


Forgive me I've only been in NZ 11 years so I may not know the obvious. Why are people so scared of the greens having any power?

Alan Johnson

Some insane bribes being thrown around now.

National's first home buyer's grant is lunacy and Labour is proposing a raft of handouts which in my view are equally daft. For example the Winter power bill subsidy/stipend. This is insanity to me. It is nothing more than a band-aid over the weeping sore that is the socio-economic failure evident in large swathes of this country. The administrative costs alone will surely be enormous. Privatise power companies -> lose the dividends paid by these companies -> subsidise the customers who can't afford to heat their homes. Mental.

I'm starting to come around to the idea of a universal basic income. Here's your money, figure the rest out for yourself.


So much this. It saddens me how people vote for the person, over the policy. Labours policies haven't really changed.
Talking nonsense and evading questions with conviction is appalling

This whole vote for my vision thing is ridiculous, they all have a similar vision. Some just have plans. Labour have never worried me but this lot simply have no substance but the media are sycophantic beyond belief


Looks like Jacinda ' s bubble is about to burst... Nats 10% ahead...

Go Winston. :smiley:

On point 1 - was glad to see that poll - NZ can't be stupid enough to look a little beyond "trust me, I'm an apparently likeable person" - if they actually were clear on their intentions then we could consider them, but how the f**k can you vote for people that say they'll assemble a committee of their mates, give them terms of reference, and then tax the f**k out of us... transparency!!

Winston? LOL - he's like a cockroach, be nice not to need him, hopefully some bridges with National can be mended, he has some good ideas, and some lunatic ones - but at the end of the day he's a sharp politician


Staff member
On point 1 - was glad to see that poll - NZ can't be stupid enough to look a little beyond "trust me, I'm an apparently likeable person"

We wouldn't be the first


On point 1 - was glad to see that poll - NZ can't be stupid enough to look a little beyond "trust me, I'm an apparently likeable person" - if they actually were clear on their intentions then we could consider them, but how the f**k can you vote for people that say they'll assemble a committee of their mates, give them terms of reference, and then tax the f**k out of us... transparency!!
You give the public far too much credit. Looks like to me people were stupid enough to fall for a "theres a $11b hole in the Labour budget" which was debunked by every economists worth a mention.
That poll is the result of some pretty shameless scaremongering via National. They sure know how to play the game though and Labour definitely campaigned badly.
FYI National had the same tax working groups when they came into power.
Also remember Bill English said they wouldn't raise GST?


So much this. It saddens me how people vote for the person, over the policy. Labours policies haven't really changed.

I thought everyone voted based on which party guaranteed "an extra $182.60 in your pocket" or whatever amount. Sold me.


A major problem in NZ is that there is no shared long-term vision of what we want this country to be or become. And thus policies and what not are all short-term (election cycle). I look at the nordic countries and most of them have their shit so much more sorted than us.

So many people here cannot afford to buy a house. The cost of energy, esp for heating, is horrendous (partly to do with crap houses, partly really high per unit domestic electricity costs); our waterways and land and biodiversity are under huge pressure due to highly productive but uncessarily damaging farming practices. Far far too much violence in our society. Inequality between haves and have nots is becoming worse and worse and will create a heap more socio-economic issues. A bottle of NZ milk or fillet of NZ fish or leg of NZ lamb costs more in NZ than lots of places overseas.

Many great things about NZ, but many aspects are just nowhere near up to standard.

Might have to move back there one day to sort some shit out.

Meanwhile politics and society here in Thailand, whole different level of farked up-ness.


Staff member
I'll vote for you DMC.

My thoughts, put simply, are that the country is well off.
Stable government, low unemployment, low balance of payments, high level of exports.
Like it or not our economic wellbeing is tied to the success of our farming sector.
We are now in a position where can spend more on education and education.
But I am not a fan of spending millions on trivial things - that can drive you broke.
If you want to rock the boat and put some fringe coalition into power that's your right.
But don't do it because you think the country's in a mess.


Labour's policies were never really the problem

Today's developments suggest perhaps they are - 9 years in opposition and they still can't develop a policy - 50% backflip and the argument that this is what they meant all along FFS they are incompetent beyond belief - Helen Clark and Michael Cullen were a long time ago

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
I've seen all I need to see in how Labour/the lipsticked one would lead the country in how they were determined to decide their tax policies after the election - having had all the time in the world to prepare a strategy - then hurriedly pushing them out publicly a week and a half out, knowing that not doing so would be the death knell (and this week's polls showing that to be the case).

I'd rather take the experienced campaigner, thanks.


I've seen all I need to see in how Labour/the lipsticked one would lead the country in how they were determined to decide their tax policies after the election - having had all the time in the world to prepare a strategy - then hurriedly pushing them out publicly a week and a half out, knowing that not doing so would be the death knell (and this week's polls showing that to be the case).

I'd rather take the experienced campaigner, thanks.
National haven't rushed new policy announcements out when under pressure in the Polls this election?

It's pretty embarrassing IMO they are campaign with scaremongering and winning people over.

Heres something novel - how about campaigning on how to make things better for the next generation...

It's ironic that the party that seems to go on and on about bludgers are selfish enough to not what to pay more tax.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
Yeah to be fair I don't like the smear campaign. As in any domain, the quality of your own actions should speak loudest. But with a voter base that is largely uneducated in a political sense, and the amount of traction that negativity gets with media and public, I guess it's an unavoidable reality. The Young Nats FB page is particularly vile.