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Are the poms good at anything?

Well, are they?
I dont think so they suck man.
If they are then I'd love to see you come up with a list more than 2 lol.

So are they good at anything but what erm soccer what no one cares about?


gav,i take it you've just put a big crossthrough the storm as your 2nd favourite side.

the poms did claim victory in the falklands,no mean feat;).

i like the poms,they are one of the few countries who can have a laugh at themselves,imagine puting up a post ''are the croatians good at anything'',psor'' would have been hunted down and be swimming with the fish by now!!!




due to the w;)elfare of my family i'll refrain from answering that question willow,like you would know anyhow,anyone not from anglo saxon heritage are hunted down and run out of the state of qld,come to think of it qld has many similarities with nazi germany;).



Assistant Moderator
My brother's in-laws are Croatian and are as mad as cut snakes.
Because they are the only Croatians I know, I have no choice but to make wild generalisations about all people from this region. It is, afterall un-Australian to think otherwise.

poms suck ozzies rule,
No one cares about Soccer what are you talking about mate?
Soccer (Football to us poms) is the most popular sport in the world.

Anyway, cause we are good, we are good at loads of sports its just Australia are better than us at most of them.

Here is a list we are good at, not in any type of order but what we are good at:

Sailing, - very good
Athletics, - very good
Badminton, - good
Soccer, - good
Boxing, - very good
Horse Racing, - very good
Field Hockey, - good
Rugby Union, - good
Ice Hockey, - quite good (alot better than Oz, lol)
Bowls, - very good
Swimming, - good
Rugby League, - good (just far behind Australia that's all, and maybe NZ)
Snooker, - outstanding
Golf, - good
Cricket, - good
Pool, - good
Croquet, - good
Darts, - outstanding
Water Polo, - Good
Formula One, - good
Rally, - good
Cross-Country & Marathon Running, - good
Showjumping, - very good
American Football, - quite good (but no one hears much about it)
10 and 9 pin Bowling, - good
Shooting, - very good
Mountain Biking, - good
Netball, - good (just not compared to OZ or NZ, lol)

There are many more sports which England or Great Britain are good at, both in men's and women's but there just a few.

What do you all think then? Are we crap at sports? I think we are good at most sports we play but because we play and concentrate on so many we aren't as strong as what we should be maybe, ok, Australia might be good at a whole host of sports which they don't take seriously but Australia are known for their sport and sports fanatics, not justr watching iot but also taking part.

Sport, is actually Britain's main culture I think, I mean we invented most, and sport is a big part of British culture. Also, how an Earth can the United Kingdom be crap at sports when they finished 10th in the overall Summer Olympics? Also, the UK did averag in the Winter Olympics, or, should I say, better than normal, and also did Australia, with a bit of luck on the way, lol.

Oh, and England nearly always finish second in the Commonwealth Games so how can we be crap at sport?



well said rj,the english supporters are one of the few countries who can laugh at themselves,the barmy armywrote
a song about them being the worst,they revelled in there teams mediocrity

us aussies love a underdog,maybe thats why we have a soft spot for the poms;).



Pepe, the British and Irish sense of humour is the envy of the World. Not only can we take therise out of other less fortunate nations (Which is easy) we also know how to laugh at ourselves.

Do the French laugh at themselves? Non! The b'stards have us to do that for them.

Getting our backsides kicked is a national pastime, bigger than the often mentioned fishing.

Rather that than wanting to be the best at everything all the time.:(