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In the spirit of... well... ummm....


Well it's not really in any sort of spirit. I'm bored and there's only a little over 32 hours left in the year so I thought I'd ask everyone what they thought were:

*These are not sport thoughts, but if something sport-wise was one of the below categories for you feel free to enter it.
**Also take note some may be quite obvious to most people but if you can make them how they relate to you not how they relate to the world - we don't want a uniform thread.

<table bordercolor=#000000 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=1> <tbody> <tr> <td><u>Highlightof 2001</u></td> <td>This one is so hard to pick because so many bad things have happened.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Lowlight of 2001</u></td> <td>For me (on a personal level), it was my friendship group self-destructing in front of my eyes. I know it doesn't matter to any of you but that's probably the worst thing that's happened this year in relation to me. The fires that are still raging rank second as my aunties life is still in danger. The WTC attacks don't really rank for me because they haven't directly or indirectly affected me.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Person of the Year</u></td> <td>This one's a toughy, but I'll go with Mark Bingham, the bloke who led the fightback on Flight 93 which ditched in Pensylvania. He and his fellow passengerssaved what was almost certainly another disaster.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Bad Person of the Year</u></td> <td>The obvious one is OBL, but for mine it was definetly John Hopoate. I have no tolerance for someone who sticks fingers up bums uninvited (or invited for that matter)</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Movie of 2001</u></td> <td> Hmmm... i saw LOTR the other night but overall I'm going with... uhhh... I don't know that one... ummm... Castaway.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Movie of 2001</u></td> <td>Although I haven't seen it, Vanilla Sky I've been told by many people is supremely confusing and pointless. One that I have seenis The Others. It has to rank up there. It was good movie but it's ending made it near pointless.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Song of 2001</u></td> <td>I was preparing to say Smooth Criminal but I don't think it is plus you'd all shoot me down saying a Tool song was the best. I will go with Drive by Incubus.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Song of 2001</u></td> <td>Afroman -Because I Got High. It had comical value for about 2 seconds.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Hopes for 2002</u></td> <td>Tougher punishment for parole violators.. oh... and world peace.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>New Years Resolution</u></td> <td>To just have fun at let it all go.</td></tr></tbody></table>


sorry r990204, fill me in on what you mean, I don't quite follow (seriously)...
<table bordercolor=#000000 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=1> <tbody> <tr> <td><u>Highlightof 2001</u></td> <td>Newcastle winning the best game of the year.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Lowlight of 2001</u></td> <td>On reflection, I've had a pretty great year personally. The WTC thing was pretty bad.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Person of the Year</u></td> <td>In football, Michael Hagan, a great coaching effort and the unsung hero of Newcastle's victory. In the broader world, George W Bush, cometh the hour, cometh the man.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Bad Person of the Year</u></td> <td> 'Bad person' has always seemed an odd concept to me. In my work I have met people who were the very essence of pure evil, but they always thought they were acting for a morally correct reason, weird as the rest of the world viewed it. </td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Movie of 2001</u></td> <td> I loved Vanilla Sky. Castaway was good. </td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Movie of 2001</u></td> <td>American Pie 2, lots of others. It's been a terrible year for movies.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Song of 2001</u></td> <td>Not into songs, but 'The Newcastle Song' seemed pretty good around September.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Song of 2001</u></td> <td>don't know.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Hopes for 2002</u></td> <td>I have very high hopes for 2002. I will finish my uni degree - publish my book, and I have other personal goals I won't go into.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>New Years Resolution</u></td> <td>Waste less time on the net.</td></tr></tbody></table>



<table bordercolor=#000000 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=1> <tbody> <tr> <td><u>Highlightof 2001</u></td> <td> Football: The NZWarriors season in general, and being in the crowd to witness them beat the Broncos and Eels in particular. Personal: Getting off my arse and deciding to get fit at the end of October, since then I've dropped 8kg and I feel in the best shape of my life.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Lowlight of 2001</u></td> <td> Football: The Hopoate incident, just what League DIDN'T need, more bad press. In general: September 11 and the events that followed stand out obviously, and I found a lot of peoples reactions to those events equally depressig</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Person of the Year</u></td> <td>Difficult, but I'd probably agree with Time magazine in nominating NYC mayor Rudy Guliani. Another politician I was impressed with in the Sept 11 aftermath was Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf. If he had not backed the US as quickly as he did in the face of a lot of opposition in his own country, the reaction of the Islamicworld to the US war effort in Afghanistan may have been a lot less favourable and I hate to think what may have happened.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Bad Person of the Year</u></td> <td>Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Mohammed Omar and Ariel Sharon. War criminals all three.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Movie of 2001</u></td> <td> Nothings really blown me away as much as the best of last year's flicks did, hopefully LOTR will live up to my expectations. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? was a good laugh, I'm always a sucker for the Cohen Brothers stuff.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Movie of 2001</u></td> <td>Charlie's Angels; although the girls I saw it with loved it (predictably enough)</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Song of 2001</u></td> <td> I'll keep this local; King Kapisi's "Screems From Da Old Plantation" "Come into my life, I got coconuts to show you...!"</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Song of 2001</u></td> <td>Too many crap commercial radio offerings to pick one out... </td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Hopes for 2002</u></td> <td>That the new Afghan government manages to do the impossible and hold Afghanistan together peacefully. That India and Pakistan don't nuke each other. That the Israelis and Palestinians stop murderng each other. That the Warriors win the premiership and Stacey Jones wins the Dally M.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>New Years Resolution</u></td> <td>To keep hitting the gym hard and stick to my diet, to save some cash and leave NZ by the middle of 2002.</td></tr></tbody></table>


<table bordercolor=#000000 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=1> <tbody> <tr> <td><u>Highlightof 2001</u></td> <td> Personal: Heaps. Graduating. Watching the kids grow and develop. Finishing my album. General: Watching the Eels have a pearler of a season. Celebrating the life of the great George Harrison. The downfall of the Taliban, and that evil sham of a human being Yassir Arafat. The world MUST be a better place without them!</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Lowlight of 2001</u></td> <td> Football: Seeing the GF and September 11 unfold both left me with differing feelings of despair. However, the Eels did make me proud of the comeback. I got no such feeling from the unbelievable horrors of Sept 11. The results of the US and Australian elections were almost as bad as the real dissapointment for me: seeing Australians willingly abandon the cherished ideals of a "fair go" to the shipwreck victims on the Tampa, especially after the brilliant and moving ABC documentry on the life of Afghan women. On a lesser note, Wayne Bennet's continued arrogance and immaturity yet again gave RL a bad name. </td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Person of the Year</u></td> <td>A late nomination by a group of people: all the volunteers who gave up their christmas lunch with their families to help save my local community from disaster. Not only the volunter firefighters, but the local neighbours and friends who just dropped everything and chipped in, and the lovely old Salvo ladies who still man the Community crenther in 12 hour shifts handing out clothes and personal efects to tthose whoneed it.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Bad Person of the Year</u></td> <td>If you can belieive George Bush, then Osama Bin Laden. But my vote goes for John Howard, for conducting the worst election campaign in history. Fancy bagging the reffos like a big bully. Don't worry, Beazley slipped badly in my estimations as well!</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Movie of 2001</u></td> <td> Jeez, how important are flicks in the scheme of things? The best one I saw was Men of Honour. But only because I missed Cat Ballou because of the bloody bushfires!!!</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Movie of 2001</u></td> <td>Well, I already hate Harry Potter because of the massive hype, but my kids loved it. </td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Song of 2001</u></td> <td> Mary Mary by Mantissa</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Song of 2001</u></td> <td>Having to listen to MIX FM at work every day is like a musical hell. I hereby nominate EVERY SOME ONE THEIR PLAYLIST except the Aerosmith track Don't Wanna Close My Eyes (With they's play Sweet Emotion instead!)</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Hopes for 2002</u></td> <td>News Ltd goes bankrupt before the 2002 kick off. John Howard discovers human rights. Osama Bin Ladin is caught before George Bush levels the entire world looking for him. And of course, PARRAMATTA DEFEATING CANTERBURY 50-0 IN THE GRAND FINAL!!!!!</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>New Years Resolution</u></td> <td>Get up the coast and start up that new business that I have been promising to do for ages. And to lead a calmer life.</td></tr></tbody></table>


Dog, ifyou think i'm out of line just tell me but, you come across as a person who is really depressed.

Are you also sure you 15/16? Just reading from what you say (or type), you sound like your 55 and going through a mid-life crisis.

<span>On a final note, you contribute much more than I do to this forum so I hope you don’t take this smart arse comment too seriously.<span></span></span>


<table bordercolor=#000000 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=1> <tbody> <tr> <td><u>Highlightof 2001</u></td> <td>The Warriors sticking it up their doubters.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Lowlight of 2001</u></td> <td>Seeing the USA and their puppet George Bush lower themselves to blatant properganda to try and gather enough public support to justify their attacks on Afganistan.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Person of the Year</u></td> <td>Helen Clarke. Got to hand it to her, if I was that ugly I'd live under a paper bag but she wears that face like some sort of horrible fashion statement.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Bad Person of the Year</u></td> <td>Osama Bin Laden will take the cake mainly because hes put all our self security at risk.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Movie of 2001</u></td> <td> First of all your all bloody sick for choosing Casterway. My favourite would be Remember the titans.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Movie of 2001</u></td> <td>Casterway, Wilson was the only one that could act.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Best Song of 2001</u></td> <td>Chop Suey by System of a down</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Worst Song of 2001</u></td> <td>Anything in the top 100 pop charts.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>Hopes for 2002</u></td> <td>A Broncos premiership.</td></tr> <tr> <td><u>New Years Resolution</u></td> <td>Who knows I never make or stick to new years resolutions.</td></tr></tbody></table>


Too true r990204
I am pretty depressed most of the time. I can keep my head level but sometime sI blow a gasket which is usually quite apparent.
No hard feelings mate, I just was too dumb to follow your statement



Depression at our age Tim? These are the best times of our lives, leave the depression until we hit 40 and enjoy these early years because we'll be bitching when we were old about how we'd love to relive these times.
Your teenage years are the best of your life. I'll let you into a secret, that's just a joke us oldies like to tell.
I remember my teen years as being years of boredom and embarressment combined with all the social awkwardness, pimples and hormonal upheavals possible.
My twenties were when I had money, energy and no responsibilities.
My thirties were when I gained respect for my experience in life.
In my forties I'm starting to achieve goals I have been chasing for years. Very satisfying.
Life actually gets better and better. The only thing good about your teenage years is that you get to do a lot of things for the first time, but you will do everything better the second and third time around.


I don't know what you did in your teens Roopy but I'm loving this time. Having no responsibilities is great. No long working hours just turn up for 6 hours a day at school and about an hour of that is having a break and thats only for about 30 weeks of the year. Its all very easy and pretty cruisy, its great thats why I'm soaking it up while I've got it this easy.


Assistant Moderator
Perfectly put, Roopy.

Bronco: "leave the depression until we hit 40 "
Careful mate, it comes up quicker than you think...lol.
I had so many restrictions on me as I went through the various 'stages'. Each stage representing a different life. But as Roopy says, it just gets better and better.
Nowadays, I generally do whatever I like.



Depresion has no respect for age, it can strike anyone at any time, because each phase of your life is different, with both its good sides and bad. That said I'm withRoopy in general although I;'m only in my mid 20s. I love the fact that I have pleny of money, few responsibilities, and know a bit more about life than I did as a teenager; the only plusses of being younger in my mind were not having to a: get up for work, b:watch my weight, and c: worry about hangovers!


How did this go from a getting to know you type thread to the facts of life? Well I'm not depressed and have nothing to be depressed about. This is a great time, I have absolutly no responsibilities, about my only responsibility is keeping track of my keys and thats hard enough for me to do.
I'm still living at home and really don't have to do anything. I have my TV, Computer, Stereo and pay tv and plenty of money saved away in the bank so everythings sweet. Unless your a Westie being in your teens is great.
mr bronco - i really think you shoold get rid of all those muterial things - you mite think they make you huppy but they don't bring huppiness. -

- all you need is a hand held evaporator - i start you off with the xp-50 - not very powerful but it doesda job. - the only depression you have then is when you depress the trigger.

no the xp-50 mr bronco -
the xp-40 is what i will give to 12 year olds - you cun do better than that -
the xp-50 is the first issue in boot camp and will evaporate a bug from 2000 meters

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