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Non Footy Chat Thread II

phantom eel

First Grade
You've made clear your view of religion and religious types.
Yes, but your post was a generalised off-the-mark assumption of a view (i.e. strawman).

No I said they will agree to disagree and cherry pick what suits them. The majority aren't going to walk out in a huff because they disagree with something.
So how can you claim widespread support for any moral viewpoint espoused by church leaders, when you admit that their followers pick and choose....? Non-circular strawman-free response please.

Oh I answered it. But what you do in private is your business.
No you didn't... you said that you find homosexuality as revolting as incest, but you didn't clarify whether or not you find incest revolting (and hence whether you find homosexuality revoting.

From your own statement you either:
a) find homosexuality revolting, or
b) don't find incest revolting.

Which one Pou? Own it, say it loud and proud...

phantom eel

First Grade
Old barty's gone quiet. I reckon he's hit the reportfag button. Loves a victory, that merkin.
Sorry, I went out to buy a DAB radio so I can get better reception on Muslim FM.

No reporting necessary, your evasive tangential repsonses are sufficient proof you are handing yourself your own arse on this one.


Lol. You mean the question whether I am gay?

Sorry for keeping you hanging Av. I'm not.

And the relevance of your question was...?
The way you avoided the question, I thought you were. It's irrelevant either way, especially in this environment.


First Grade
Gee lots of generlisations going on in this thread.

It seems that there are people posting here that don't really understand Christianity, I think that is the fault of many Christians who consistently mis-represent Jesus and the writings in the Bible that Christians follow.

As a Christian I have found this article very helpful.

Hey Christians, Watch out for the Plebiscite
Posted by Tom | Aug 10, 2017 | Christianess, Current Affairs, Politics, Social Justice | 25


The plebiscite is coming. It’s not the one we were told we’d be having (then told we were not having) but it is still a chance for us to make our opinion on whether same-sex marriage should be legalised known. Now that it has been decided that it’s happening, lobby groups and people with opinions all over the country are gearing up for a fight. For those of us who are Christians, how we engage with this is important; we can either help the cause of Jesus or hinder it. So here are four ideas for Christians about how we can do this plebiscite well.

Don’t say horrible things about other humans
No matter where you stand, there’s a very good chance that all of us are going to be tempted to say mean things about other people – whether they identify as LGBTQI, as a conservative Christian, a progressive Christian, a politician, a combination of these, or something else entirely. Facebook is already full of people debating the value, or lack thereof, of this plebiscite. All the people you interact with, and speak about, whether in broad generalisations or in very specific terms, are made in the image of God, they are loved by him, and Jesus died for them. Treat them for who they are. They are God’s and he will take your treatment of them personally.

Particularly watch how you speak about people from the LGBTQI community, especially if, like me, you’re a Christian who is not from this community yourself and therefore may not know what you’re talking about and probably cannot speak on their behalf. You may say something deeply hurtful out of ignorance more than malice, but whatever your motives or intentions, you are still responsible for your words. Be careful. How should you be careful? I’ll show you a most excellent way…

Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry
In case you’re wondering, that’s a quote from James 1:19. What if our first response to someone who disagrees with us either online or IRL was “Tell me more”, “I don’t know enough about this, help me understand”, or “Thank you, I hadn’t thought of things that way.” Chances are whatever you want to say has already been said, so you probably don’t need to say it again, they’ve heard it before. But what if you were known as someone who listened, someone who was thoughtful, and someone who was not easily baited. That’s probably better than being known as someone who thinks they’re right, and tells everyone else why they’re right, and how everyone can be right like them.

If you’re going to vote, don’t be proud of how you are going to vote
You may be tempted to be proud of how progressive and accepting you are because you are choosing to vote for same-sex marriage. You may be tempted to be pleased with yourself for standing firm in the face of negative public opinion because you will choose to vote against same-sex marriage. But there is no place for pride in the life of a Christian. Your value is not found in your moral values or your political or social opinion. You are no better or worse a person in the eyes of God because you vote “Yes” or “No”. Boast only in Christ, approach everything else with the humility of someone who knows your righteousness is not found in your actions but in his.

If it won’t help the Gospel, stop
My biggest concern with any discussion about this plebiscite is that we get distracted by things that are less important than the gospel. Sure there are important things at stake, but if the things we yell about stop people from hearing of the love of Christ, we’ve lost the most important battle.

For some of you, this may be the most controversial thing I say all post, but unless something crazy happens, soon same-sex marriage is going to be legalised. The question is, how do you want followers of Jesus remembered when all is said and done? Do you want us to be remembered as the ones who tried to deny the legal right of marriage to a group of people who we claim to love, many of whom do not claim to be Christians and adhere to Christian beliefs and values? Do you want us to be remembered as the people who hurled abuse at each other online and said horrible things about minorities? Do you want us to be remembered as the people who fought a losing battle and in the process further eroded our reputation as people of love? Or do you want us to be remembered as the people who spoke with love, who acted with love, who listened with love, and who won and lost with love?

Same-sex marriage does not threaten the Lordship of Jesus, but how you act as a follower will reflect his Lordship to the world. We are Christ’s ambassadors, so if our words and actions could stop people from hearing the good news of what Jesus has done for them at the cross, it’s time to stop, there are more important things at stake than the legal definition of marriage.


phantom eel

First Grade
The way you avoided the question, I thought you were.
That's a strange comment to make. Are you saying that you think homosexuals are avoidant, Avenger?

It's irrelevant either way, especially in this environment.
If the answer is irrelevant, why did you bother to ask the question - and have several whinges when you thought I'd avoied it (rather than glossed over it)?

Strange behvaiiour indeed. But of course moraaly justified as always, yes?


That's a strange comment to make. Are you saying that you think homosexuals are avoidant, Avenger?

If the answer is irrelevant, why did you bother to ask the question - and have several whinges when you thought I'd avoied it (rather than glossed over it)?

Strange behvaiiour indeed. But of course moraaly justified as always, yes?

Don't make out something that it isn't. I thought you may have a been a stereotyped passive aggressive gay man that hasn't come out yet. I've met plenty. Just like you think I may be a morally justified Christian man, no?

phantom eel

First Grade
Gee lots of generlisations going on in this thread.

It seems that there are people posting here that don't really understand Christianity, I think that is the fault of many Christians who consistently mis-represent Jesus and the writings in the Bible that Christians follow.

As a Christian I have found this article very helpful.
I've loved seeing Christian friends of mine sharing that article Haynzy. I trust you're one of the good ones, who will be voting for equality.

It's a pity others are claiming their Christianity (and even the words of Jesus) to justify their personal desire to vote no against equality.


I've loved seeing Christian friends of mine sharing that article Haynzy. I trust you're one of the good ones, who will be voting for equality.

It's a pity others are claiming their Christianity (and even the words of Jesus) to justify their personal desire to vote no against equality.
The article actually says that it's ok to vote, no.

phantom eel

First Grade
Don't make out something that it isn't. I thought you may have a been a stereotyped passive aggressive gay man that hasn't come out yet. I've met plenty.
I don't have to make it out as anything - your commentary is doing a fine job of showing your posts
for what they are.

Just like you think I may be a morally justified Christian man, no?
It seems you believe you are morally justified, but as per the link Haynzy posted, your Christianity has nothing to do with your apparent bigotry.

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