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myrrh ken

First Grade
Exactly , you are relying on Tabloid headlines , that already have some distortion and then you distort again. Typical Vic Mackey rubbish throw away lines .

For starters.......
First , you distort GI's relationship facts. Sally was not his wife at time of Alleged headlines.
Second, did the allegations go to court and was GI found guilty or plead guilty?
Third , Sam's headline says it all , " investigation" and "ALLEGED" . No player found guilty , whose picture and who sent and was it unwanted not proved.Of course if you have the photos and have knowledge of Sams , different story.Well do you punk?
Fourth , AVO upheld , however no facts on what happened . you use throwaway line , that Sam assaulted his father in law. Where are the facts on this?
Fifth , on GI , your throwaway line , implies he assualted his wife and then was caught speeding over the limit straight after. just a typical Vic Mackay throwaway distortion or careless use of headlines.

you are a dope of the highest order.

yeah it went to Court and Inglis accepted that he did it - no conviction recorded - had to go on a diversion program.




You are another DISTORTER masquerading with "high values".

1) Stick to the facts on the relationship at the time , if you want to be a one-liner attack dog.

I do not condone beating up a woman.

2) Your own provided "evidence" , stated GI accepted he pushed his wife onto a bed with an open hand. Fine I accept that .............since when does that mean he "beat" her? As you distort as well.

3) Accepting to attend a "behavioural change program" does not mean he did any more than his agreed "pushed her onto a bed with an open hand". Perhaps , he agrees he is concerned about his temper in a relationship and wants to better control that so he never loses control.

Everyone knows he was found guilty of being over the limit the day after drinking.He paid the price for that indiscretion.My issue was the "boofhead Kev" distorted , so that some folks might think on the same day , he beat his wife and then was caught over the limit.A Distortion of facts over 10 year period. give me a break , are you an idiot as well
Are you a woman beater apologist or something?

Are you telling me a push to the face could leave bruises on two eyes?

At what point is a push to the face not abuse? Clearly you seem to hold distinction here on what is and what isn't "abuse".

"Sally Robinson was left with black eyes, the legacy of an alleged attack by the Queensland and Kangaroos star.

Inglis was last night stood down indefinitely by Storm chief executive Brian Waldron as the stellar club prepares for another finals campaign.

"The Melbourne Storm is vehemently opposed to any situation that in any way endangers the health, safety and wellbeing of any woman," Mr Waldron said.

"The club has taken a strong stance in the past towards behaviour of this type and will continue to do so."

So again - tell me - he "pushed her", which is what is legal team claimed happen. So you tell me - why does she have 2 black eyes in the below photo? Why was he charged immediately by police?

I supposed you're also going to tell me Dylan Walker didn't beat his missus...

Wily Ole Dog

Are you a woman beater apologist or something?

Are you telling me a push to the face could leave bruises on two eyes?

At what point is a push to the face not abuse? Clearly you seem to hold distinction here on what is and what isn't "abuse".

"Sally Robinson was left with black eyes, the legacy of an alleged attack by the Queensland and Kangaroos star.

Inglis was last night stood down indefinitely by Storm chief executive Brian Waldron as the stellar club prepares for another finals campaign.

"The Melbourne Storm is vehemently opposed to any situation that in any way endangers the health, safety and wellbeing of any woman," Mr Waldron said.

"The club has taken a strong stance in the past towards behaviour of this type and will continue to do so."

So again - tell me - he "pushed her", which is what is legal team claimed happen. So you tell me - why does she have 2 black eyes in the below photo? Why was he charged immediately by police?

I supposed you're also going to tell me Dylan Walker didn't beat his missus...

zuzu, is that the only article you could go back and find?

jack coburn

Whenever I see my wife about to hurt herself the first thing I do is smash her in the face. No need to yell at her to stop. No need to grab her arms or hands. A well placed fist to the nose is the best method.
Yes this is the true and tried fashion of brave men. After seeing how it worked for Inglis I tried it and amazingly once I flattened her she didn't hurt herself anymore.

Wily Ole Dog

Whenever I see my wife about to hurt herself the first thing I do is smash her in the face. No need to yell at her to stop. No need to grab her arms or hands. A well placed fist to the nose is the best method.

Good to see you were there and know what happened

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