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Rumours (signings, sackings & other NRL stuff)

Phil Gould

Something from left field.
We all know and remember how fondly Sheens liked to play back rowers in the centres, wingers in the back row etc, so what about Brooks 1 out from 5/8.

Sheens has stated that he is the fastest in the team, he can defend and his lateral movement in beating his opposite is good.

Would be better than the 2 that finished the season, would allow Hastings & AD to settle into their positions.

Only saying this because it scares me that we haven't been able to move him on (yet). Oh, and he can be paid rookie centre money.
I’d like to see Brooks at center for all the reasons you gave and also to get the ball into his hands less often. With less pressure and less complicated decisions he may actually go alright, like a Jarod Croker. His defense is the one thing that has improved over the years and he’s better than To’a in every other department as well, it’s just the money he’s on but that can’t be changed yet. C’mon Newcastle, put him on your books!

axl rose

There is some hope for you WT fans. As a Panthers tragic who has had the displeasure of watching wooden spoons, overpaid has beens (hi Sparkles), terrible board decisions (Corey Payne 32 year old CEO, no experience but he did play footy) and awful coaches (hi Matty Elliot, love your new book by the way), I can relate to what you are going through.

Our chairman started the path to where we are now when he approached Gus to become GM football. The Gus playbook started the revolution. It went something like this:

1. Get rid of the coach. Find a coach who develop young players. You have done this but replaced him with Tim and he has been given a fixed tenure. The clock is ticking before a completely inexperienced coach with no track record in coaching takes over. Hmmm.

2. Get rid of the over paid players and get the cap under control. Out went Grant, Coote, Civonoceva. It wasn’t their fault their contracts were two high but our chairman admitted we had 60% of our salary cap tied up with five players. This step hurt. Grant and Coote were good players and didn’t deserve to be moved but it needed to be done. You still haven’t done this fully yet. Brooks is a huge hole in your cap, but I think you have plenty of cap money available. Job done.

3. Get rid of those who aren’t buying into the new programme under the new Coach. Out went Lewis, Jennings and Civoneva probably falls under this heading as well and being overpaid sealed the deal. Have you done this yet? Hard to tell, the new coach hasn’t started yet.

4. Build a Centre of Excellence. You have done this and your board deserves praise for this. Good job.

5. Fill your roster with quality professional journeyman to hold the fort until the juniors mature. I heard Gus talk about this step on a podcast where he said he purposely hired journeyman like Ciraldo and Clint Newton (I am sure they were thrilled to be referred to thus) who were noted in their professionalism and attitude. He said “I told them they were in for spell down the mines and it will be hard work”. They would teach the youngsters how to behave, train and what it takes to be an NRL player. Where they dazzling? No. Where they leaders that showed the way? Yes.

The way you finished the season speaks volumes to your need to get hard headed journeyman in your club to change the attitudes and behavior of your young players. The Panthers were also flogged in round 25. Witness the attitude of that team of mainly NSW cup players, versus the WT players. I am not bragging, I am merely pointing out you have a massive attitude problem in your team. You need to take this step.

6. Get experienced halves to guide the team around. We were rejected by Thurston and Carney and in the end only got Soward and Peter Wallace. Cleary learned his trade under these two. Mahoney was added later and was Cleary’s final on-field mentor. Brooks is no rookie, can he play a leadership role? Ben Hunt would be perfect for you in that role as a mentor. He is a better player than Wallace or Soward and still has plenty of years left in him. Douehi could learn a lot from him if the Dragons are stupid enough to let Hunt go. You have secured Api, so that is a great first step.

7. Sprinkle a few stars in to keep the pot boiling. Gus managed to secure Trent Merrin and James Tamou to help improve the team. Api was part of the team twice, but wasn’t a star when we signed him, so I wouldn’t include him in this. Gus always tried to get players with the right attitude, show pony’s need not apply. You have got two in Papali and Api, you are on your way.

8. Get your development pathways working so your players come from within. We had this so wrong for so long it’s embarrassing. In 2011 before Gus started we had a spine of Burns, Walsh, Kingston and Coote. Only one Panther junior. What the club was doing signing these players with its massive junior nursery is anybody’s guess. We couldn’t develop players for sh*t. I hated those years and found my connection with the team weakening because it was full of third rate signings from other clubs. Gus rebuilt the pathways from the ground up and this is his greatest legacy for our team. I am not sure you have done this right yet. If there is one thing I know from years of superstar juniors amounting to nothing at the Panthers, turning a junior into a first grader is a difficult process that requires planning and investment, it won’t happen by winning Jersey Flegg for a few years. Talent is not enough.

In 2022, we finished 1,2,3,4,3 in all the grades down to Harold Matthew’s. This is what Tim should have focused on, not being the bloody coach. Flanagan could easily fill that role for you so Tim could focus on building your pathways. I hope this decision doesn’t derail that work.

9. Get your fitness and training team to include sports scientists and qualified coaches, not ex-players with a magic sponge. We were riddled with injuries and quite poor in this area until we changed our approach to this. You have a COE and Beni is hiring new managers to lead this area, you may have this one covered, time will tell.

Just so we are clear, I am not saying Gus had all the answers, he made some terrible decisions but his ledger was balanced nicely with the good outweighing the bad. You should be optimistic that you club has made a number of positive changes and have two great players starting next year. The only downside is the coaching. Hiring a complete rookie is a massive, unnecessary risk no matter how good a player Benji was.

Apologies for the length of the post.
Good read, some of those names are a real timewarp.
1. We did try then just gave up, couldn't get young development coach we wanted so must be no other available? Hello old man Sheens.
2. Yeah thanks for Grant.. what a weapon. Hey I played origin once is good enough for long term tigers deal.
3. Does Pascoe count
4. Maybe lock them out though when we concede over 70. Back to the medicine balls in the park.
5. Re sign Tamou and call Aiden Tolman?
6. Seems to have worked for Cows with Townsend but other than Hunt who is available?
8. Yes good point we did a good crop though then they all left, that guy playing fullback for East's goes OK. I guess we just gave up after that for a short term fix.
9. Now that is a great point. I remember old man Bennett had his mates Lazzo, Walters, Belcher on his staff at Broncos, he finally realised they were useless so cut them and brought in professionals and they won the comp the next year.,

Ned Kelly

If we sign anything less than two quality forwards and a quality back in November we are screwed and the spoon could easily head our way again next year. I'm still dreaming we do get enough good signings to make the top 14.

WA Tiger

Good read, some of those names are a real timewarp.
1. We did try then just gave up, couldn't get young development coach we wanted so must be no other available? Hello old man Sheens.
2. Yeah thanks for Grant.. what a weapon. Hey I played origin once is good enough for long term tigers deal.
3. Does Pascoe count
4. Maybe lock them out though when we concede over 70. Back to the medicine balls in the park.
5. Re sign Tamou and call Aiden Tolman?
6. Seems to have worked for Cows with Townsend but other than Hunt who is available?
8. Yes good point we did a good crop though then they all left, that guy playing fullback for East's goes OK. I guess we just gave up after that for a short term fix.
9. Now that is a great point. I remember old man Bennett had his mates Lazzo, Walters, Belcher on his staff at Broncos, he finally realised they were useless so cut them and brought in professionals and they won the comp the next year.,
Imagine the difference Hunt would make..A captain and and a half in one…we can’t rely on Hastings to stay on the field to hold things together. But no Timmy knows best. I think Timmy’s in for a shock. Iether way he wins tho.. He’s too old to lose any sleep.. Did he get his “revenge” or payout or whatever when he last left the WT?

There’s not one strong link in this whole chain of decisions or persons in charge at WT that we can rely on or fall back on for any hope. Not one. To expect anything positive is dreaming

Tim doesn’t give a Fk or he would have shown some leadership throughout the whole year regardless. But no that’s too hard for him. He thinks he’s going to just turn up next year after a good long holiday and put his 2005 cape on and bingo…
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My post was written as a fellow fan, to try and give you guys some hope. I read your comments and then realised I am a complete and utter bastard. As John Cleese said in the movie Clockwise:

“It's not the despair. I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand".​


WA Tiger

My post was written as a fellow fan, to try and give you guys some hope. I read your comments and then realised I am a complete and utter bastard. As John Cleese said in the movie Clockwise:

“It's not the despair. I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand".​

we thought the bad run was coming to an end.. it was within touching distance ..Then it went out to another 7 years..When u see it from a distance it looks pretty bad..when u are part of it, it’s a bit different. Hope…yea

Vic Mackey

We won’t get the spoon next year. We had the year from hell, sacked a coach, worst injury run I’ve ever seen, lost 3 games which we lead with less then a minute to go and still only had it wrapped up in last round. Next year we get 2 genuine stars coming in and unless we get injuries from players in the World Cup will have no one with off season surgery. Last year we had about half a dozen.

Teams like knights, dragons, titans and even manly are where we were this time last year. At least 2 or 3 of them will hit rock bottom next year. All have coaching dramas, all sucked this year but none have made signings which will improve them.

I don’t rate our roster but star power and a bit of stability will go a long way. We won’t make the 8 but we’ll get out of the bottom 4. A guy like Api will games against shit sides on his own. I’ll put us down for 7-9 wins.


My post was written as a fellow fan, to try and give you guys some hope. I read your comments and then realised I am a complete and utter bastard. As John Cleese said in the movie Clockwise:

“It's not the despair. I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand".​

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

I appreciated your comments, significantly more than the trolling from other fans. It was nice to see that fans can clearly see what our problems are what the path forward should be. It's just a shame that we'll never get a board that can commit to a long term vision like the one you laid out.


Keep hearing rumours about Roosters potentially moving on Tedesco to accomodate all the players coming off contract (Suali'i, Chrichton, Keary, Walker etc). I know this is more than likely media bullshit but f**king hell.....would change everything


Look Teddy is very consistent still and usually among the best players on the field.

We might get him past his prime, but he will still be a top five fullback in the league and a vast improvement.

I would support Teddy at fullback. Laurie at 6, Hastings at 7 and Api at 9.

Shift Doeuhii into the centres where he is rather good and we are positionally weak.


2024 team

1. Tedesco
2. Junior Tupou or new signing
3. Talau Or Toa or new signing or one of our juniors?
4. Doeuhii
5. Maumolo?
6. Laurie
7. Hastings
13. Joe O
12. Bateman
11. Papalli
10. Stefano
9. Api
8. Pole

14. Rui
15. Matamua
16. New signed prop
17. Bloke

Freebairn could be among the depth guys with what are currently juniors


First Grade
2024 team

1. Tedesco
2. Junior Tupou or new signing
3. Talau Or Toa or new signing or one of our juniors?
4. Doeuhii
5. Maumolo?
6. Laurie
7. Hastings
13. Joe O
12. Bateman
11. Papalli
10. Stefano
9. Api
8. Pole

14. Rui
15. Matamua
16. New signed prop
17. Bloke

Freebairn could be among the depth guys with what are currently juniors
You lost with your JT wing selection, he should be shown the door, imo?

While he will probably never do that again, he should have known the rules and shouldn’t have done it in the first place.
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