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Start a politcal revolution


This may seem a lost cause, but after reading the politics thread, I can't help but think what a load of bulls**t we're being fed by Beazley and Howard. In a two-party preferred vote Beazley would be mine straight away, but in retrospect, I believe this country realy needs a change.

So, I propose to those who have had it to buggery with the tossers in Parliament House to Vote Democrats. I know having a female of the species running the country may seem a little scary, (no offence to women) but in the long run our country might just be better off.

Please don't ask me any questions as to why I think this, because I either won't reply due to time constraints or I won't have a reason.




"Please don't ask me any questions as to why I think this, because I won't have a reason."

Ahhhh the stereotypical words of a Democrap supporter.

Sadly I think they are almost certainies to win a HOR seat in SAand possibly Tasmania.
Whoever you vote for, you will end up with a polititian, or to add another glib old cliche, don't vote, it just encourages the bastards.


Assistant Moderator
"I know having a female of the species running the country may seem a little scary, (no offence to women) "

Why is that scary? Really Dog, you would have been better sticking to the 'I won't say anything" line.
When I read things like that I can't help but feel that I've stepped into some sort of Time Machine and ended up in the 1950s. Ahhh yes, those were the days... Women in the kitchen while the blokes were down at the pub and the well-off frequenting the smoking lounges of their 'Gentlemen Clubs'.... nowadays we call them OLD FARTS.

IMO, it's the blokes who are scary. It's not as if they got an umblemished record in running things.
Unfortunately, for a woman to make it the world of politics, she generally has to act like afella. However, in the end you are indeed voting for a politician and as far as I'm concerned, politicians are a different species altogether.
Theremay be exceptions of course but buggered if I know who.

I suggest we vote for my party: 'The Guy Fawkes Party'... we get our policies from the one and only, Guy Fawkes, the only man to ever go into parliament with honest intentions.



If the Democrats ever lead this country, I just hope the Grand Parent rule allows me to get a passport to live in a different country. Imagine if there was a threat of war? firstly the democrats wouldn't know what to do and you'd probably find those voters sensible enough not to vote for them would welcome the change brought in by a bloody despotic regieme.



" Imagine if there was a threat of war?"

Don't you remember what Natasha wants Dean ?

She wants us to allign ourselves more closely with NZ in terms of millitary... A nation without one.


They are running a 17yo down here who hasn't even finished high school... This party would be a disaster for the nation.


Let me guess -the democrats are an Aussie term for a neo-nazi party, just like you call your tories 'Liberals'.

Langauge, aint it cunningly confusing.



Assistant Moderator
A number of times I've been careful to refer to the Liberals as the 'Conservative Liberals' for the benefit of UK forummers.
The Liberal Party/ National Party coalition is just like the Tories.
The Liberal party was founded by Robert Menzies about 50 years ago and if ever there was an inaccurate name, the Liberals have it.
The Labor Party is easy. Supposedly left wing but I'll debate that.
The Democrats are the 3rd party and have no affiliation with the US Democrats. They're hardly neo nazi... more like neo pre-natal. Leader Natashia is the youngest party leader in history.
The Greens are self explanatory. There has been some suggestion that the Greens and the Democrats might form a coalition or merger.
One Nation are one of our more right wing organisations. Pauline Hanson's party. If she survives current court proceedings and wins any votes, the party might just hang around for another few years but they look pretty much dead in the water.
The Guy Fawkes Party are a new a refreshing party on the political scene and are certain to win loads of seats!!! I'm campaigning for them.



melt iger, aussie has been run by a bunch of sheilas for years. gough whitlam was a blouse and we have had a run of blouses since....

the hon helen is doing her job but the one bright light in nz politiks is the demise of the hon jenny for a bloke.....

elections-same circus,different clowns.......


Willow, you didn't mention the Country Party, do they still exist?

We'd have a Guy Fawkes party in the UK, but I don't think they'd be able to ignite much interest.

The Liberal party is as coservative as it is possible to be.
The Labor party is run by university graduates who have never 'worked' a day in their lives.
The National party is the only party that excludes well over half the nation (city dwellers)
The One Nation party tries its hardest to divide the nation.
The Democratic Party controls one house of parliment with less than 10% of the popular vote.
A few years ago we had a party called the Democratic Labor Party which tried its hardest to destroy the democratic process.
The first rule of Australian politics is to start lieing when you choose a name and keep lieing till you retire - then you write a tell all, pull no punches expose of those lieing bloody politicians


Assistant Moderator
Gav: The Country Party (made famous by the 'Doug Anthony All Stars') changed their name to the National Party a number of years back.
I understand that the committee of ten which decided on the name also had an alternative name, the Redneck Party, but this was defeated by 6 votes to 4.

I may cop a bit of flack for this, but i clearly remember someone saying once "the most underused commodity in society is the brains of the elderly" (or words to a similar effect). For a while, i believed it, i still do in some ways, but in terms of politics, i really think that younger people should be running countries.
In order for this to work, every country needs to adopt a policy where they only have PMs/Presidents that are, lets say, under 40. Just hang with this for a second..... I think most of us agree that some sort of political revolution is necessary, worldwide. Im not saying turn everything upside down, but lets face it, there are better ways of running world politics then the system that exists today.....
Soooooo, lets think about it. Talking in general terms, young people are more likely to think differently and/or act differently. If this energy can be chanelled in a way that results in effective and meaningful policy changes, then surely this can't be a bad thing. I know its pie in the sky stuff...but we all labour on about how predictable federal elections are. Wouldn't it be great to have a system where politicians are more then puppets, and actually have minds of their own???
Yeah, it will never happen....but oh well, no harm in wishing....
Good idea, let the young run the world while they still know everything.
40 is a terrible age, you really start to understand how little you understand when you are 40.
Why 40?i reckon we make the cut off age 30.
ithink we should make take a leaf out ofda famous book, 'Logans Run' and have crystal implants placed on the back of our hands at birth. The older we get, the darker the colour ofda crystal. At the age of 30, they turn dark red at which point it's time tocash in our chips and get into the disintergration chamber.
Think about the advantages. No more pension hassles, more beds in hospitals, no mid age crisis, the list just goes on and on.

Hell if i know but if there's a downside to this i'd like to know.

LOL Roopy....its a pity that some of us (ie:Chatroom participants) know of your true age ;) But do you wish to confirm or deny speculation that you have passed over the top of the hill?? hehe j/k...
Johnny Rico...haven't seen you around before, so a warm welcome to ya. I like the idea! The downside seems very limited, although i probably won't be heavily in favour of it when i am 29yrs old and 364 days
Roopy, i don't know if that was a sarcastic response (im assuming it was lol). What i mean, is that a 30yr old person has very a very different outlook on life to say...a 60yr old. They are also (en masse) more likely to be accepting of change and even have the guts to bring about meaningful change. Im not suggesting that they would have as much 'experience' as the 60yr olds, but lets face it, the older members of society have ruled the roost for thousands of years, why don't we give younger people a run??
I had the very same opinion when I was twenty.
As to me being over the hill - I read somewhere that over the hill is ten years older than I am now i.e. when you are 20, 30 is over the hill. Since I am soon to turn 43, I would say a person would be over the hill at 53 or so.
Karl Marx developed his theories at a young age, while Keynes, on whose theories a lot of capitalist economics are based, developed his theories after a lifetime of experience. When I was young I very much believed in Marx, but as I get older I find I'm very much a convert to 'greed is good.'
An old saying; 'Show me a young conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart, show me an old radical and i'll show you someone with no brain.'


Assistant Moderator
LOL. I thought I knew everything when I was 13. It got worst and by the time I was 19, I was the dumbest of all know it alls... thought I had all the answers.
Now I know the oldies were saying whenthey said maturity teaches humility.

Personally, I reckon the young folk should have more say in the running of the country. I've met plenty of dumb arse people in their 40s and 50s in positions of power.
Conversely, I think that people should be given a go when theyhit their golden years. There is a generation gap but the main issue is that people are too easily judged by their age.

I was immensly proud of my 8 year old son recently when he proclaimed that he had all the knowledge he needed and was ready to take on the world. I said that I didn't work out that until I was 13 and he was 5 years ahead of his ol' man.


'Firkin L'

Quite simply, I believe that we'd be better off with younger people running the country because they would give a stuff about the new generation coming through and they wouldn't just do what's best for their own age demographic. Howard and Beazley both look too much at the problems with old folk and don't pay enough attention to the problems of our youth and twenty-somethings. To define this, I would say that the governmental parties look squarely at babies, old people and throw everyone else in the deep end.
I hate to sound mean to old people but whenever something happens in the government that has a detrimental effect on old people, the old people don't like it, protest, and have it fixed to their liking. The same things happens to anyone from 5-55years of age, we get together mass protests and the government spits on us.

No offence to old people,

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