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WWE SuperThread II *Spoilers*


Apparently the current plan is for Cena to break Flair's record and become a 17 time world champion at mania defeating AJ Styles.

I wonder if this means he will win the rumble or if they will stick with Reigns?

It kind of has to go to Reigns I guess as Cena would look weak choosing to take on AJ.
Cena vs AJ is a f**king travesty

1 and 2 at WM isn't f**king phenomenal..... AJ deserves better than to job to a part timer

Reigns vs Lesner is another shit match, I'd prefer Braun or Kane holding the title, Kane could be retired by the dog merkin or Braun kicking out of the f5 to win/ defend the title

For SD I'd rather AJ vs Roode vs Nak losing to a Kinshasa/ glorious ddt combo,AJ gets staggered, Roode nut kick on Nak and bam with AJ having his return shot at No way out

I don't understand the love in about Daniel Bryan

Let me explain

I became a casual fan from hard core like I am again just after the Benoit incident, the incident itself had no bearing on my fandom I'd just been burnt out from watching wcw to 99, picking it up at the start of the invasion and eventually going away from it

I watched wrestlemania every year to the end of an era match, missed the Punk match and the end of the streak and the laughable Wyatt match, my knowledge of Bryan was a comedy act with a hot gf (AJ LEE) and something about Kane, although I missed it all, I also missed the summer of punk etc

I came back to post wm31,Taker was after Lesnar due to Heyman bringing up the end of the streak all the f**king time

The title scene was Rollins being a chickenshit heel and Lesnar destroying a caddy

What was this time period like and why does the ghost of Bryan and Punk hang over the WWE like a bad smell? Were they on the level of Austin and The Rock? Punk seemed to have a shit ton of charisma but Bryan looks like an accountant

Was it just the underdog caper or was there more at play? My knowledge of it was WWE folded and gave the crowd what they wanted to shut them up but no reason as to why the crowd wanted this

Was it just a middle finger to the WWE and their over reliance on big men? Was he an amazing everyman outside of wrestling matches? Could he play the crowd like the rock? How? I don't understand him whatsoever

His tv character to this point has just seemed like a decent guy from my perception, like someone you'd have a carton with
I’ll probably get howled down for this, but my view is that punk could hold his own against anyone on the mic. Austin and Rock might shade him but only just

Bryan...yeh in my view wasn’t in that class on the mic. Amazing wrestler :wrestlers:♀️ but not on the same level as the aforementioned

Bryan was really what AJ, Owens, Nakumura, zayn etc are trying to do today. Smaller guy proving their worth. Unfortunately Vince has never been a fan of the smaller guy getting it done...guys like Guerrero Benoit Mysterio and even RVD got there but I wouldn’t say any of them had an Austin/Rock style run
I’ll probably get howled down for this, but my view is that punk could hold his own against anyone on the mic. Austin and Rock might shade him but only just

Bryan...yeh in my view wasn’t in that class on the mic. Amazing wrestler :wrestlers:♀️ but not on the same level as the aforementioned

Bryan was really what AJ, Owens, Nakumura, zayn etc are trying to do today. Smaller guy proving their worth. Unfortunately Vince has never been a fan of the smaller guy getting it done...guys like Guerrero Benoit Mysterio and even RVD got there but I wouldn’t say any of them had an Austin/Rock style run
From what I seen of Punk be it live or not he's on Rock/Austin/Heyman level on the mic and better than both of them in the ring, coming from a wrasslin background in my early fandom I sure appreciate blokes like Punk and AJ in the ring

They make Stone cold and the Rock look like rank amateurs

I found them to be brilliant behind a mic but like Hogan,Nash and Warrior in the ring which to be honest is lacklustre at best, but they all had the talent to tell a story given their limited skill set between the ropes

Southern style has more traditional wrestling where WWE or northern style is more cartoonish with the five moves of death etc

I never ever ever ever want to see a face Sami Zayn as long as I live, he's the best heel on either show by some margin, his shit eating grin and smarmy personality are f**king delightful
Shut your god danged whore mouth..... you're probably f**king right...

JJ is the new RR, they'll do everything they possible can to get him over, and the more fans resist it, the more they'll persist.


I don't understand the love in about Daniel Bryan

Let me explain

I became a casual fan from hard core like I am again just after the Benoit incident, the incident itself had no bearing on my fandom I'd just been burnt out from watching wcw to 99, picking it up at the start of the invasion and eventually going away from it

I watched wrestlemania every year to the end of an era match, missed the Punk match and the end of the streak and the laughable Wyatt match, my knowledge of Bryan was a comedy act with a hot gf (AJ LEE) and something about Kane, although I missed it all, I also missed the summer of punk etc

I came back to post wm31,Taker was after Lesnar due to Heyman bringing up the end of the streak all the f**king time

The title scene was Rollins being a chickenshit heel and Lesnar destroying a caddy

What was this time period like and why does the ghost of Bryan and Punk hang over the WWE like a bad smell? Were they on the level of Austin and The Rock? Punk seemed to have a shit ton of charisma but Bryan looks like an accountant

Was it just the underdog caper or was there more at play? My knowledge of it was WWE folded and gave the crowd what they wanted to shut them up but no reason as to why the crowd wanted this

Was it just a middle finger to the WWE and their over reliance on big men? Was he an amazing everyman outside of wrestling matches? Could he play the crowd like the rock? How? I don't understand him whatsoever

His tv character to this point has just seemed like a decent guy from my perception, like someone you'd have a carton with

Basically, at WM 28 Bryan went in as champ and got buried. Lost the title in the opener in 17 seconds. The fans spent the whole of the following Raw chanting his name or doing the Yes chants. In about 18 months he was more over than anyone I've seen before. He got some shitty booking in his title feud with Randy but the fans wouldn't let creative bury him. After he was left out of the rumble in 2014 the WWE had to cave, the event got nuclear heat from the fans.

Bryan was a very good in ring worker, as good as any smaller technical guy (Angle, Michaels, AJ), and his promo work was good too, his Yes Yes Yes catch phrase is still as popular as anything.


From what I seen of Punk be it live or not he's on Rock/Austin/Heyman level on the mic and better than both of them in the ring, coming from a wrasslin background in my early fandom I sure appreciate blokes like Punk and AJ in the ring

They make Stone cold and the Rock look like rank amateurs

I found them to be brilliant behind a mic but like Hogan,Nash and Warrior in the ring which to be honest is lacklustre at best, but they all had the talent to tell a story given their limited skill set between the ropes

Punk isn't at the Stone Cold/Rock level on the mic. He is elite but not that good.

Steve Austin lacklustre in the ring? You have half a point with Rock but to lump him with Hogan/Nash/Warrior is a bit harsh.

But Austin? He was a phenomenal in ring worker especially pre Summerslam 1997 and post surgery in 2001, he carried the likes of Savio Vega to great matches. In between, the style was changed to suit him so he wouldn't aggravate the injury but he still managed to produce 4 star plus main event matches.

Taking in to account character, mic skills, ring skills, longevity, the ability to play heel/face and drawing power, Austin is in every conversation for the best of all time (at least in North America) with the likes of Lou Thesz, Bruno Summartino and Ric Flair amongst others and CM Punk doesn't really come close to be honest.
Bryan was Benoit-level in the ring, they just never let him cut loose. By the time they showed some confidence in him, his body was too beat up. But go back and watch the old ROH stuff and the stuff he did with promotions like NOAH in Japan and you'll see why he is widely regarded as the best post-2000 worker. Yeah I know to be the man you gotta have more than workrate, but they never allowed him to cut a promo and as was said above...despite this he was red hot.

Punk's of that Jake Roberts/Raven mold. He works best as a heel and can do the character stuff (straight edge zealot) or the worked shoot stuff better than anyone else. And in the ring he was phenomenal. Now again, much like Bryan, he came through in 07/08 where the mentality was that post-Attitude big man rest hodl style so they didnt let him cut loose. By the time the WWE had come to their senses and realised the changing in eprception of what fans want in a product, it was too late and Punk was beat up both mentally and physcially.

See the common thread? Whilst they let AJ get away with a bit being tucked away on Smackdown best believe they'll water him down if he ever switches to Monday nights. Look whats happened to the likes of Balor, Anderson, Gallows, the Crusierweights...lets face it...this Raw is Everything mentality has taken the magic away. It really has.


What do you guys make of the Bludgeon Brothers tag team?

Seems like a waste of Luke Harper's talents and their gimmick and music is so so bad.

Would love to see him on Raw with something with more substance.


Post Whore
What do you guys make of the Bludgeon Brothers tag team?

Seems like a waste of Luke Harper's talents and their gimmick and music is so so bad.

Would love to see him on Raw with something with more substance.

Typical WWE - two big guys, which Vince loves, but with no future = tag team.

Harper is a great worker, and Rowan is ok - but they shouldn't be a tag team.
What do you guys make of the Bludgeon Brothers tag team?

Seems like a waste of Luke Harper's talents and their gimmick and music is so so bad.

Would love to see him on Raw with something with more substance.

They're a good team, but once they face the Usos they'll either lose and float in irrelevance or win the titles and have a solid run until they drop them and float into irrelevance. Outside of the New Day & Usos it is slim pickings on Smackdown for Tag Teams. I am sure Rusev & English will be buried soon for getting a fan reaction when they aren't supposed to.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
I don't get the 'Rusev Day' gimmick.
Every day is Rusev Day? whats the point of it? ALTHOUGH, i am GLAD he is FINALLY getting over.
Reckon we will see sanITY pop up, most likely on Smackdown. They need another tag team, and I can't see how you can have Braun and Dain on the same roster

I hope post Mania, they do another draft, and I hope it's similar to 2004 I think it was with Bishoff and Heyman picking 6 balls randomly. It refreshed the roster, but made more sense than having a SD Vs Raw superstar for a pick. That line of thinking never made sense in my eyes. To win for your brand, so you have more competition for the belt(s) you want....
I wish they’d just f**k off the split rosters

It NEVER works. Just do what wcw did and make one show focus on wrestling (e.g. luchas) and have one that is more about the angles and big names
Paige’s neck injury flared up after a super stiff kick to the back of her neck from Sasha Banks on a house show. Paige couldn’t move for minutes in the ring, but eventually made it to the back on her feet with some assistance.

Expect her to stay on camera, more as a manager.