Blair and Luke are the two we will miss most if both were out. Looks like Blair will be back and Luke away for one game.
They talk about having a partnership between them as middle forwards and setting a goal of leading the defence for the season.
They also talk about the Broncos game and say that they (Luke and Blair) were to blame because they let themselves down and didn't bring it in the middle.
As soon as we lose one of those two our defence reverts to one on one Simon and Michael Luck type baby sitting scrambling paper over the cracks efforts (the Role Tohu is lumped with next to Hiku) whereas with Luke you see him pair with SJ on a high low two man operation that is welcoming big opposition forwards to run at them and get rocked on the try line.
Those little combinations are feeding into our strengths where once they were a weakness...I loved watching the Cows and their eighty or Ninety whatever percent completions wasting tackles trying to go through our middle.
Blair is just a maniac with a huge motor...his pressure on the kickers and rough house leg tackles are aggression rather than that is what is so very different to our past backrowers e,g, Thompson and the Hoff etc. Blair also is an excellent ball player so he is next level for us.,
The rest of the squad I don't have too much to offer really, Kearney has it pretty well sussed...I just hope Sao can do whatever it is he is meant to - to earn his way back...but again I trust Kearneys new standards and they must come first every time.