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  1. strong_latte

    Next TV rights deal

    Journalistic standards at News Corp lol
  2. strong_latte

    For those who have a Foxtel subscription...

    Oh Buzz, worried you'll have to sell your ass to someone else for a living? Gotta love these Rupert d##k gurglers coming on here trying to be clever. That old c#nt will be dead soon anyway you stupid f#cktard, so good luck when he's dead and Fox has no League. Hope you enjoy spending...
  3. strong_latte

    For those who have a Foxtel subscription...

    Oh this is beautiful. First ESPN and now BeIN SPORTS. Now all we need is BT sports. To paraphrase Clive Palmer, Goodbye Rupert, goodbye. Goodbye Rupert, Rupert goodbye. Bye bye Rupert
  4. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    Mate that is one ripping article!! Absolutely tears News Corp a new arsehole! It's becoming clearer by the day just why the Murdoch human centipede has become ever more rabid in its attacks. Just crazy stuff.
  5. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    ^ Great read! Cheers mate. Agree with him 100% - this ain't like bashing the pollies. Murdoch is going to war with all of us
  6. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    :x Best post ever - I'm stealing your "human centipede of morons" line :D
  7. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    Yeah, but with their revenue streams and clout they'd be able to organize that pretty easily in the time left.
  8. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    Couldn't have said it better myself. He's so f**king scared about upsetting lord Rupert that he doesn't realize the game has changed. There's a $50bn dollar sports empire called ESPN that doesn't mind if Tinkler's lord and master is upset - they'll see that as an opportunity. Then we'll all...
  9. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    These News Ltd c**k suckers have declared war on our game and they think they can peddle their lies on our forums and have us meekly accept their lies and propaganda. Crawl back into your News Corpse hole Tinkler, and while you're at it, tell your master Rupert to go f**k himself
  10. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    Newsflash! The deal isn't done! Only the FTA part is done and guess what? It's better than AFL's! Do you believe everything those slimy c#nts at the Tele tell you?
  11. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    f**k off dickhead. Business ain't a charity! Fox and Tesltra "invest" in rugby league because it rates better than anything else. We all know now that Fox was stalling for ACCC approval of its C10 involvement so they could field a non competitive bid and freeze out competition. The...
  12. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    Do you work for Murdoch or something or are you just thick? EVERYTHING THEY WRITE ON THIS IS MASSIVELY COMPROMISED. Do you have the slightest notion of what a conflict of interest is? Telstra and Fox knew about all of this. You're letting Murdoch play you for a fool, or you're just...
  13. strong_latte

    Next TV rights deal

    Pfft more Murdoch propaganda. I honestly don't know why people bother posting their bullshit. Why would anyone believe anything those bastards wrote on this?
  14. strong_latte

    NRL rebellion: Rugby league clubs want CEO Dave Smith gone or threaten to leave comp

    Bullshit it was secret. Gould and Pappas have come out on Twitter and said all that Tele propaganda are blatant lies.
  15. strong_latte

    Next TV rights deal

    I reckon we're all pretty pissed at them mate, but it'd be bad strategy for the NRL to do that. They've got to play the long game. But time is on their side too
  16. strong_latte

    Is it time for a full scale boycott of News Ltd papers?

    More people than you'd think, but the demographics is more 40 and over I think. I would support a boycott, but sadly the people you'd need to reach wouldn't use forums like this I don't think. All the same, Murdoch has shown utter contempt for our game this past week and I do hope rugby league...
  17. strong_latte

    Newscorp And Rugby League

    Well put insert.pause. You're 100% that they're trying to control the narrative and generate a sense of chaos in the game. The NRL were expecting this though and are well prepared. Makes me hate News ltd though - hope some foreign competitor comes in and takes the rights and Murdoch gets left...
  18. strong_latte

    Newscorp And Rugby League

    Wow, did he really do that? What a f**kwhit. The club's aren't that dumb - it'd be the sporting equivalent of dumping a PM mid term. Just suicide.
  19. strong_latte

    Next TV rights deal

    I agree, doctor. in fact I reckon this represents a heck of an opportunity for fairfax. It would mean going a little more tabloid but their format now makes them look that way anyway