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  1. M

    Sharks captain Paul Gallen fined $10,000 for racist remarks at Micky Paea

    Mickey Paea, Mundine, Hodges and all other Colored people should grow some balls and stop being so ashamed of themselves and heritage, The Mediterranean Descendants have moved on and are proud!, the Mediterranean Descendants copped it for years but got over it, however, the blacks still can't get over this piss weak race issue, Mundine...
  2. M

    Caption Time :)

    look Who's Laughing Now, You Bunch Of Useless f**k'n Clueless SHARK'S FORUM merkins!!!!!
  3. M

    Meet the Skanks

    Here you go boys, for those of you who love your little horse head Skank. Enjoy! print it out, take it to the bathroom, whatever... I dont care, just clean up when your finished.
  4. M

    Meet the Skanks

    You should be rename yourself to Solioa the butterfly, you are such a gentleman, quick go to hooters and show your liitle SKANK how much you are defending her, this could be a great love story developing here. quickly run because there are other pusssies here that me beat you to it
  5. M

    Meet the Skanks

    Sorry I upset you Pusssy, you didn't get any again this weekend, the picture of the boxer must mean you like to take it in the ring
  6. M

    Meet the Skanks,26746,25217169-5003409,00.html Meet the girl who sold out Brett Seymour for $3000 EXCLUSIVE by Josh Massoud | March 20, 2009 11:00pm...
  7. M

    Newman has been sniffing around.

    Just like you when you try to talk to a woman
  8. M

    2009 Forum Awards nominations

    Your another fool, calling me an Imbo, Do I care, no, Do you care, yes, I post to annoy and Its working because you and some of your bum chums keep replying. The Gavin Miller lover has lost the fight, Shirley(Surley) lost the fight And now your trying your luck.
  9. M

    2009 Forum Awards nominations

    OH NO! the people with the made up names on the Sharks forum are going to think I'm a moron. Get a life and some real friends LOSER!
  10. M

    2009 Forum Awards nominations

    MATE, you need to lower your blood pressure, this is just a FORUM, take it easy, I am just playing with your emotions. Don't dish it if you can't take it, however, if you do want to dish it to me then you need to come up with something better than your made up little swear word.
  11. M

    2009 Forum Awards nominations

    Seems to me that you do care MATE, you also seem worked up and upset MATE. I bet that you did go to the website and failed the test MATE and now you are upset because you are even dumber than a genius. Cheers MATE, I will have a great day:D
  12. M

    2009 Forum Awards nominations

    Your one of the puppets I'm talking about, too stupid to think for yourself and too geniused to think of anything original to write, Here you go mate go tho this website: and keep yourself busy for the next month.
  13. M

    2009 Forum Awards nominations

    You are not wrong there ( for once) I cannot wait for the start of the season, I am especially looking forward to reading more of your stupid posts throughout the season (all of you), Most of you have absolutely no idea about rugby league yet you continue to post dribble and yet are always...
  14. M

    Caption Time :)

    That caption was referring to you, so yes it is odd, it's odd that you could not guess that it was about you, 19 odd thousand posts and over half of those posts were about kimmorley. you are a just as brainless as Shirley
  15. M

    Caption Time :)

    Oh Shirley, there you go again, you are seem to obsessed with dicks and bondage, I told you to go seek some help before you reach puberty, in which by that your obsession will get a lot worse. And btw, my caption was original, funny and completely true, but yours was simply a lame and...
  16. M

    Caption Time :)

    Have you read the crap, those bunch of losers try to dish out on the sharks forum, god it's good to be gone! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  17. M

    Bird Released?

    Another truer than true, Loser Give it a pull
  18. M

    Filiga to the rescue.

    Blaa blaa, what! that Jiberish? Who was doing ..WHAT!! Sorry, you lost me.
  19. M

    Filiga to the rescue.

    Are you kidding me, there is no such thing as a happy story on this forum, If any of them got of their sorry little backsides and went to the games they would see that Karlos has a ton of potential but if anything he seems to lack a little self belief. Go the Karlos, YOU CAN DO IT!
  20. M

    Filiga to the rescue.

    Wow, How did you guess, thats amazing,see I new you were trying to rub your crystal Balls.