more classiness from storm fans. booing and yelling 'bullsh*t' when lachie coote is lying prone on the ground obviously on struggle street. lovely. really lovely.
even richer considering he was injured due to a dangerous tackle from a storm fan.
Maybe, just maybe they were booing and chanting bullsh*t over the penalty...
Jeez there's some smart ones on tonight.
more classiness from storm fans. booing and yelling 'bullsh*t' when lachie coote is lying prone on the ground obviously on struggle street. lovely. really lovely.
even richer considering he was injured due to a dangerous tackle from a storm fan.
I think Inglis was just disappointed that someone messed up his SoGlo hair. What a pussy for even thinking that was worth getting into fistycuffs over.
typical dragons fan. altho she is different. she is a scrag and knows nothing about footy. atleast the others know a little bit.Kiki...get over it...your anti storm sentiment is boring.
MsStorm and Butters - for chrissake, i know they were yelling bullsh*t for the penalty. my point is, they shouldn't be jeering and booing when a player is lying MOTIONLESS on the ground after a clearly dangerous tackle.
and this is my problem with the crowds down there (well the ones who are doing the booing, which im sure is actually a minority, it sounds loud on TV tho)....they are not medically trained and don't know how serious an injury is. same thing the way they booed Preston the week before.
sure he turned out to be okay in the end, but they didn't know that.
it isn't an 'anti storm sentiment' to point out the blindingly f**king obvious. i would say the exact same thing if i heard a Sydney crowd jeering at an injured player.
i think it's poor form, bad sportsmanship and extremely tacky. i don't give a sh*t if you don't agree with me.
hahah fisticuffs? if thats what you call fisticuffs then your the f**king pussy.
Please stop the morale crusade...yawn.
Dude judging by ur youtube link, i dont even wanna know what u call fisticuffs.
I for one would rather hear a girls opinion about footy then tie them to a horse & rip their limbs off. hey, thats just me.
thats all you can come up with? okay champ.
if objecting to crowds booing injured players = a moral crusade, then sure i'm on one.
no sydney team supporters go to the games...It is just getting a bit stale hearing the same rant week after week...please get back to me when a Sydney crowd boos next time in a should make headlines.
fisticuffs is fighting...punching on...not jersey grabbing and pushing and shoving. btw my youtube page has nothing to do with this...but thanks for getting the views up!