The common denominator is the players. About time the players copped it on the chin I think. Especially Sandow and Hayne, they have been sub standard and they are the ones the Eels rely on.I'd just like to take a moment to lol@eels
In particular Ricky Stupid, if he took a moment to stop felating his own life size ego, to look in the mirror, he would have a chance to realise just how incredibly shit he is, both as a person and as a coach.
I said it to a mate at the start of this year, that the eels would win one early, then the rot would set in, because kearneys cuzzys wouldn't respond well to Ricky's ridicule.
I'm actually feeling sorry for parra now. It's like watching some geniused seagull trying to eat a cheeseburger on a bus stop billboard.
Hilarious for a while, but soon you find yourself wanting to throw the poor bugger a chip