Holy f**k these merkins are blind.
Foot was out before contact?
And to add to that no report for Lowe but Simona is.
And let's just check a definite try.
I have a lot of sympathy for Lowe in that situation, trying to dive and force out a player trying to score, bounced off the shoulder, but he did hit him in the head when he could have gone lower. But no report. Simona couldn't do a thing, on report.
It is quite laughable, they are blatantly reporting things just because the opponent is injured. Why don't they just allow teams to replace for free, injured players, without letting them back, if they are just going to put injury causing tackles on report no matter how bad they are?
I also thought it was painfully obvious he was hit before his foot went out, by quite a few frames. I don't think it was a penalty try, but the call was again very poor.
Good game though, Tigers look impressive.