Penalties are basically even. Stop f**king whinging.
And yet only 1 team is being told they will get sin binned next penalty.
Penalties are basically even. Stop f**king whinging.
who is the sideline commentator ? so monotone
Like that means anything you fool.
who is the sideline commentator ? so monotone
Cowboys are the ones grubbing it up slowing down the Sharks momentum.
Please, stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.
Please, stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.
Neither side is getting any more favourable decisions than the other.
Please, stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.
They're dramatically slowing down the ruck, suck it up.
Definitely the GF preview here
So it's 8 all at half time I gather?
Typed in NRA instead of NRL to check the latest score....