Your retort is indicative of your I.Q.which would make a flea in comparison,a Rhodes Scholar,and of your overall social skills would be on par to Ape in a cage throwing fecal matter.
You are nothing but a filthy peasant who gets his/her cheap thrills in trying to logically out do other heavyweights on this site.
Consider yourself well and truly owned.
Nice meltdown there...
First, it wasn't a retort, it was a statement. I was joking in my earlier post, hence the wink emoticon. However, I understand it may be difficult to understand humour on the "heavy days" of your cycle.
Second, attacking my intellect, while failing to put a space after your punctuation, is so gloriously ironic I actually laughed, like out loud. It's the big long button at the bottom of your keyboard champ. You know, the one you press after you type words..?
Anyway, f**k you, have a great day, and go Panthers.