So we just don't worry about the Shot clock anymore ?
Nrl saving those dollars the badgers cN ride in the same car.Is it the badgers reffing this game. What happened to that waste of space human Klein
Is it the badgers reffing this game. What happened to that waste of space human Klein
Way forward
LINKRugby League Rule Book said:Direction of Pass 1.
The direction of a pass is relative to the player making it and not to the actual path relative to the ground. A player running towards his opponents’ goal line may throw the ball towards a colleague who is behind him but because of the thrower’s own momentum the ball travels forward relative to the ground. This is not a forward pass as the thrower has not passed the ball forward in relation to himself. This is particularly noticeable when a running player makes a high, lobbed pass.
Any dogs fans watching this game? Do you watch out of obligation? Your team is easily the most boring to watch from a neutrals POV
Ah, Bulldogs fans.make that sl ut a main ref or f**k her off, shes a useless touchie.