It's classic us, tbh. You could sniff it just before half time.I'll take the 15 forward passes considering our season.
Jesus Knights how can you let a team that can't complete a set beat you???
Honestly, it doesn't even matter - the Knights didn't deserve to win. It would have been totally unjust if we had. I would have felt worst if we had won with that second half, tbh.The pass wasn’t as bad as everyone is making out. The live camera angle doesn’t help.
Husband & wife??I think Perenara's parents may have been related.
It will be one of Knights, Warriors, Raiders or Titans.I wonder which poor team will get perenara next week.
It really was a dreadful event. I think everyone alive should make a pact to never make mention of it again, and have all recordings burned immediately.I haven't read this thread as i think the game itself sucked enough of my life away, i can't bring myself to read 14 pages about it too. I just came to say that was the worst game of rugby league i can remember watching. Neither team deserved to win and a fairer outcome would have been to donate the 2 competition points to charity.
Commiserations to Knights fans for losing to a blatant forward pass too.
Commiserations to Knights fans for losing to a blatant forward pass too.
They've done it again. This is diabolical. Fortunately this result has no bearing on the comp but my sympathy goes out to the Knights to be beaten by such an error.
That 2nd half gave my ebola aids.
Only referees cost teams games, not players taking horrendously stupid options
Disagree. The slightly less shit team won.Better team won tbh.
What? Levi was all over the guy. It is not like Perenara didn't give them the warning. He did and they were too thick to listen. Levi should be given an extra ten for the slow walk.
That’s a send off. Disgraceful shoulder charge.
'The team that has conceded half the penalties has had a man in the bin.' Vossy knows what's what.
Henry Perenara is a plonker.
Lol give it away Cooper, you're as cooked as JT
See that’s why we need captains challenges
Blatant forward pass