Newy is housos by the sea. That gobby blonde piece has been smashed in the teeth.Wow what a bunch merkins
Hook strikes me more as a Tooheys Red fella
naa we can, panthers are concernedIm starting to think we may not make the finals this year
f**k I completely forgot this game was on! What Croker derperisms have I missed so far?
He's not going to be ripping sides apart, but he's consistent, reliable and actually has a ticker. He's a diamond in a red and white sea of dog shitI feel like you get a false impression of his value because he's literally the only bloke who tries hard?
Like he's basically a snaggle-toothed Lee Hopkins.
Cos he’s Fijian and fast and I have no ideaWhy have we put 5 games into Valemi instead of HSS or Timoko?
Total?he's made 3 inspired runs for 10m
hats what football about I love itThat's adorable! His mum's in tears bless her
More like chewing on a few bones.Also wtf was with that chicks teeth ? Looks like she chews on golf balls
She looks like she needs a feed poor thingThe mum is like score 5 so the manager can ask for $500k pa like Charlie Staines...