You just wanna start as strong as possible and worry about origin later?
Exactly. Like looking at my team the proper guns i have are: Cook, Tedesco, Cleary, Crichton, Dfifita.
All of these guys play origin but my gut feel is that even with origin they'll all be top scorers in their position. Plus these are the kind of guys that can go BOOM in one week and you'll be so devastated you didn't have them. They will also be in my final 17 barring injury.
Your eventually going to need to trade all of these guys in as well. What happens if over origin your team hits massive injuries? You won't be able to get them in and you'll get smashed on overall rankings.
Just my two cents on planning for byes.
I think its silly to look at people based on origin so early in the season. I want to hold my trades as much as possible until the byes and then look at trading in some round 13 guns and cash cows. My biggest thing this year will be wasting trades.