genius strength
I don't mind the Titans signing Foran for next year. They badly need experience in the halves to ever make some real progress.The Titans: Have a completely useless 1, 6, 7, 9
Blocker: ThE tItAnS jUsT nEeD tO gO tO mArKeT aNd BuY a StRiKe CeNtRe
Momo has to be in the grand final for worst ever buys for the Roosters.
Drops an easy bomb, goes for a dumb 1 on 1 steal on tackle 4 when titans are camped in their own 20 and then bombs a try.
What a dud
The Gold Coast will never win a sporting title. The place is a total bust when it comes to sport. Only a few care and players go for the awesome lifestyleTitans well on track to follow in the footsteps of the Seagulls and the Chargers...