My 3-2-1 for Stinker of the Year are (in reverse order) :

Tariq Sims : He's been a great servant but this year he looked like his heart wasn't in it. You just expect better... Either Melbourne have bought a lemon or he has joined the Protected Species list and will never see the inside of a Sin Bin again.

Andrew McCullough : Grass grows faster than Macca moves across the ground. Lousy service from dummy-half, too. We never looked better than when he wasn't on the field.
And the winner is ... (drum roll) ...

Anthony Griffin : A useless, inflexible, Grade A dope who has stymied the progress of our best young players with his reliance on his troupe of Old Faithful's and his antediluvian "game plan". Surely there's a Group 21 side out there that could benefit from his "guidance". The table says we finished 2 wins away from the Top 8 but in reality we were light years away. We need him gone - and maybe the writing is on the wall, cos we've won 3 games in a row and he hasn't received a contract extension.