And at least once a week you'll get the old "we need to go back to proper scrums". FMD - did these characters actually watch the game when scrums were contested? Do they not remember how many matches were decided by dodgy scrum penalties?
Yep, one old timer was on there yesterday mentioning that. Started off critisising Hughes because of all the negativity he has directed at Tony Archer. Why you would argue that in the first instance is beyond me because Archer is wrecking the game with the way refs are reffing under him, but old mate said why don't you have a go at it and stop bagging Archer.
Hughes responded by saying he is a broadcaster and it is his job to broadcast his views. That stopped old mate in his tracks and Pappy jumped in and asked if he had anything else he'd want to talk about and old mate replied with,
"Yeah, scrums. Back in the 50's..."
Pappy cut him off and yelled out,
"Yeah, yeah back in the good old days. The good ol' days. Scrums won't go back to the good ol' days. The game has changed and it's too dangerous to play scrums like that OK..."
The next caller was some roughie named Lisa from Lismore. I thought she was geeing up but she was dead set serious. Talking about greyhounds and harness racing. It was so weird. Trying to make dog jokes among other dribble coming out of her mouth. She made Kath and Kim sound cultured and well cultivated. You could here Pappy trying hard not to be heard giggling when she was on.
Was an interesting drive home listening yesterday. Must have been a full moon.