3. Kata. Good in every aspect.
2. RTS. Better D and got involved a hell of a lot. Still being used ineffectively, not his fault
1.Tevaga. A new cult hero. Tried his guts out, better option than Roache by looks
-1. Sky commentators. I know, tired old line. But f**k me they're sycophantic. Barnett called our performance 'extraordinary'. That made me biff the remote. Mrs not happy. Which makes me unhappy, and I was already unhappy.
Made Katas performance even better as it was clear he was struggling. First looked like he was getting his ankle taped ( I think that was Kata?), and then struggling with his hammys.
And would Hurrell limp off in lesser circumstances?
Nothing to do with Hurrell Blair. I merely was admiring Katas performance and it was further admirable that he wasn't at 100%.