YES! they were huge and i hated them.
Hallatia you can choose how big or small u wanna go, but most docs reccomend at least 2 cup sizes smaller. but not too small coz it would freak you out.
it was a bit of adjustment after the op, i so badly wanted it but it was weird going from 'that chick with the big tits' to just being normal. like i was so used to going out and getting heaps of attention for having big boobs (not that i ever liked it, except maybe when i was about 16 and older boys would chase me around) and all of a sudden that just dissappeared. it was weird but im soooooo happy now.
also i have a really small frame, my ankles and wrists are bird like and it just couldnt support the big rack! im still having chiropractic care for all the damage the boobies did.
and ummmmm ive totally hijacked this thread with boob talk. sorry babies.